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Messages - judydawn

Pages: 1 ... 2670 2671 [2672] 2673 2674 2675
Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: March 05, 2009, 11:34:18 am »
What took you so long to get sick of porridge or polenta????? If I make up a batch of porridge (another thing DH doesn't like) it lasts me 3 mornings and then I can't look at it again for months. I'm not a great cereal lover at the best of times and only eat it because 'it is good for you'.  As a kid, I was spoilt by my Mum who gave me a cooked breakfast everyday - eggs several different ways, mock fish (the best breakfast albeit not the healthiest) so I still like to spoil myself at least once a week and have something I really like.

Condiments and Sauces / Re: PIZZA SAUCE
« on: March 05, 2009, 09:44:17 am »
Bought a bag of cheap tomatoes at the market today so that I could make a batch of this pizza sauce - I doubled the quantity, cooked it 10 minutes longer then blitzed it.  Will freeze the lot in little bags until I want them. Great idea.

Main Dishes / Re: Bolognaise Pinwheel
« on: March 05, 2009, 09:41:15 am »
Well Cookie1, I went to town today and bought the Careme puff pastry for the bolognaise pinwheel. Holy Moses!! almost $10 for 1 sheet and although I think it would be nice for a dessert, can't say it was worth the extra expense for this recipe.  I made the second pinwheel from pampas pastry and there was no great difference in the finished product at all. I'd made the filling yesterday so just had to assemble it for dinner tonight (lunch tomorrow, dinner tomorrow night etc etc!) - it makes a lot for 2 people. Think I'll freeze one.

The trip was worthwhile though as I managed to pick up several items which I have been unable to find in my area for recipes I want to try

Desserts / Re: Easy Apricot Slice
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:30:13 pm »
Karonjulie, I forgot to say I blitzed the apricots after the 15 minutes cooking - 4 seconds on speed 6 and I scraped down the bowl halfway through the creaming stage.

Desserts / Re: Easy Apricot Slice
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:25:42 am »
Made your apricot slice today Karonjulie, your first version which I tweaked a little then when I came on to tell you what I did tonight, you had already tweaked it yourself to pretty well what I did although I only added 3 teaspoons sugar, not 1/2 cup. It was really nice and I reheated a slice in the weber after I'd taken the roast out and I think it was even better reheated.  I have frozen 6 pieces for lunch visitors in a couple of weeks time.  Good on you for your posting.

Recipe Requests / Re: Tomato Paste Concentrate
« on: March 03, 2009, 08:16:40 am »
I have googled 'how to make tomato paste' and can't see that anyone would go to all that trouble and time to make so little of it.  I may be wrong but do what I did and see what you think.  If anyone submits a recipe for our thermomix though, I will give it a go myself.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:13:26 am »
Amanda, did he do something different in the Thermomix?  Anything you can share with us?

Recipe Requests / Re: Corn Cihips
« on: March 02, 2009, 09:35:34 pm »
Make sure you roll these as thinly as possible, the outside ones were nice and crunchy but some of the inside ones were a little too thick and weren't as nice.  Makes 4 traysful so prepare them all before cooking them as they need to stay in the oven until cold which is a little hard to do if you are doing it in 2 batches.  I cooked mine for 12 minutes at least, maybe more. 

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: March 02, 2009, 08:07:10 am »
Did a bit of research yesterday Amanda and found that you can submerge peeled cloves of garlic in a dry white or red wine or a white or red wine vinegar.  Will keep for about 4 months in the fridge. Storing in olive oil is a no no as we have previously discussed in this thread. You can of course buy whole garlic cloves at supermarkets preserved in something - wonder how they would be for your heartburn.  Mayo seems to be an ongoing problem but will try your suggestion next time.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: March 02, 2009, 07:45:47 am »
Visitors gone, everything went down well.  I made absolutely everything in the machine.  The steamed garlic rice from Bron was as good as she said it was. We had a dip, corn chips, chicken casserole, garlic rice, steamed green vegies, chocolate mousse and ginger cordial (followed by a bottle of wine!) Still think the mousse was more like a chocolate pot but was very nice. Oh, I had to buy the bread rolls as I haven't mastered that aspect yet. Now to work out my next menu for the next lot of visitors.

Tips and Tricks / Re: Garlic peeling tip
« on: March 01, 2009, 08:06:32 am »
Interesting what this site turns up isn't it?  You would never have though one little clove of garlic could cause so much discussion or, as it turns out, problems!!

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: March 01, 2009, 08:02:02 am »
Maybe it needed that violet crumble topping Karen to intensify the taste.  Someone else must have made this one by now, what did they think. Can you just drizzle chocolate over the top maybe?

Re the mayo - read a hint by baf65 dated 10th Nov under the heading Room Temperature Eggs in Hints which may be of interest to you and anyone else trying mayo.  I have yet to make it again since reading this hint but will do so next time.

I leave the apple out of the coleslaw and add a little sugar to compensate.

I made the corn chips posted by you Karen 20/2 to go with the dip I made earlier. Was quite happy with them.

Also did my chicken version of Master Moderators rabbit stew from the forum again for my visitors tomorrow.  Got the speed wrong this time and the pieces are a lot smaller so it will be served with rice tomorrow now, not mashed potato as I had planned.  Thought I'd try that steamed garlic rice bron posted 5/2 this time. 

Have also made the revised recipe for chocolate mousse, not the one from the everyday cook book which everyone says is more like a chocolate sauce. I hope it turns out OK.

Tomorrow's lunch is the first time I've fed visitors from my thermomix - hope they like it!!  I'll post their reaction later.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: March 01, 2009, 04:00:03 am »
Having a cooking day today for visitors coming to lunch tomorrow.  Just made the Capsicum & Sundried Tomato Dip, everyday book page 54.  Very nice, different!  Far too much though so was wondering if anyone has made this one and frozen a portion for later. If not, looks like daughter will get it when I see her on Tuesday. She has made this one before and loved it so I knew it was going to be OK - not brave enough to try something different like this recipe unless it has been recommended.

Tips and Tricks / Re: Garlic peeling tip
« on: March 01, 2009, 03:29:18 am »
This topic has set the cat amongst the pigeons!  Think I'll do the vinegar tip to be on the safe side - I'll still keep it in the fridge though and won't do too many either.  Thanks for your help on this subject.  I was going to google the question but hadn't found the time - might still do that and read up some more about it. 

Bread / Re: pullapart type loaf
« on: March 01, 2009, 12:03:07 am »
Mine definitely couldn't be called bread so don't know what I did wrong. Buggar!

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