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Messages - Cornish Cream

Pages: 1 ... 1169 1170 [1171]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone from the U.K.
« on: May 15, 2010, 06:11:59 pm »
meganjanne if want you can see a picture of Ham,Egg and Peas it's on

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone from the U.K.
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:59:51 pm »
oops !!  Senior moment!! Just realized Ham,Eggs and Peas is on the UK Thermomix website

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone from the U.K.
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:03:09 pm »
Thank you for your warm welcome everyone.I hope I will be able to add to the forum.It's hard to tell if the Thermomix is taking off over here in the U.K. as I'm not following the present Great British menu. I did see Sat Bains using it on a previous Great British Menu(2007) making Ham,Egg and Peas.I know the judges love it, although his fellow chefs thought the machine space age and they were real purists.All my friends know that I own one but they are put off buy the price.Other people who I tell have never heard of it.
rainbow - I was born and lived in Cornwall until my early twenties.Did a bit of globe trotting with the DH because of his job but have settled for many years in the Chiltern Hills.Quite near Great Missenden, where Roald Dahl lived, wrote his books and is buried.
willow fox- I hope your Mum has a great time with her machine when it arrives and that she becomes addicts like us.
I will post the Ham, Egg and Peas if anybody is interested?

Introduce Yourself / Hello Everyone from the U.K.
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:14:43 pm »
I've been following your wonderful forum for sometime now and I thought it about time I joined.I received my Thermomix 4 years ago as a surprise birthday present from my husband.I had spoken off and on about owning one and he put a stop to my nagging by arranging a demo on my birthday.What a wonderful surprise it was when the demo was finished to be told that the machine was mine.I love my Thermomix. I would be totally lost without it, it's my "Man Friday."

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