Author Topic: Bimby Chocolate Cake  (Read 349681 times)

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Bimby Chocolate Cake
« on: May 29, 2009, 02:08:47 pm »
This is a conversion of my favorite chocolate cake. It's lighter than the "Too Easy Chocolate Cake" in Everyday Cookbook, and makes about double the quantity. And just as easy:

170g Butter (can use room temp, however I've been using it straight from the fridge and it's worked fine)
4 eggs
250g milk
300g self raising flour
370g raw sugar
40g cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla essence or extract

Pop it all into the  *: and stir for on speed 6 for 1 minute.
Pour into a pre-prepared tin and bake in the over at 160oC (fan forced oven) or 180oC  for normal oven for 1 hour (or accordingly to the size/shape cake tin you use).

This makes about double the quantity of the standard recipe - so use a larger round, square or slab tin.
Currently I have one in the oven in a slab tin (to cut out butterfly wings for DD's birthday cake) and I it will take about 45mins



Frozzie uses soft brown sugar for a more moist finish to the cake.
Others have used the pureed apple substitute for half of the fat and sugar content with great results.
You could also substitue part of the butter for olive or macadamia oil for a moist finish to the cake as well as posted by another member (sorry I haven't gone through and collected all the names  :-)) )
It freezes well.

Members' comments

MM - This recipe is awesome. Every birthday event in the family, we make this. It's so easy and tasty. Great post.. Thanks

LuisaFM -  I just wanted to say this recipe is amazing! I have just made cupcakes I will freeze and ice mid next week for my daughter to take to school for her birthday. I had to make 2 batches because my family kept eating the cakes  as they were- with no icing! They are lovely - moist and light. And with a 1 minute stirring time they were even quicker to make than the packet variety I have sometimes resorted to for convenience!!

jessiesgirl - Thanks for this AWESOME recipe. It was my sweetheart's birthday yesterday, I made this recipe with White Wings GF SR flour and then made a strange sort of ganache topping. It was divine. It's going into my essential recipe collection that's for sure.

Meagan - Made this cake this morning to take to playgroup. I made a cream cheese, honey and cocoa with a little icing sugar for icing and just had a little bit. Yummo.

CarolineW - very easy, thanks for posting ILB

VHJ - I made cup cakes with this recipe last night and this morning used a butter icing that someone posted somewhere on this forum. Thank you to whoever that was.

125 Butter at room temp
3/4 cup icing sugar
2tbs milk
2tbs cocoa
Put butterfly and all ingredients into bowl.
speed 4. blitz, scrape down and blitz again until smooth.

I can't thank you enough for this recipe. I make it in varying forms ALL THE TIME and it is always a winner. I've made slab, round, square, cupcake, replaced butter & sugar with equivalent apple sauce, mixed through chop chip for double choc,  mini M&M's for rainbow. Iced it with ordinary choc icing, choc ganache, frosting & even dusted it with icing sugar & served it with cream for dessert. For anyone who hasn't tried this recipe it is the easiest & tastiest choc cake ever.

Made this again today but substituted apple sauce for some of the butter & sugar. I had 200 gm of apple sauce so only put in 85 gm of butter & 255 gm sugar. The cake is lovely & moist & being devoured as I type. This is my favourite chocolate cake recipe - it never fails no matter what I do to it. Thanks again ILB

obbie - I just really need to say THANKYOU...this cake is so good. I made this cake yesterday to sell at the kindy cafe. I got amazing comments, it was so good, moist, yummy, I loved it. It will be another all time favourite.

Violin Cuddles - Made this yesterday and it's lovely. I left it in the oven a little too long (forgot to set the timer  Roll Eyes ) so it was a little dry, but definitely keeps better than the EDC version!

cathy79 - It was really nice. Thanks for a fantastic easy recipe.

maddy - made a cookie cake for my Dad's Birthday today. I sandwiched it with a thin layer of chocolate butter cream. I had enough batter left over to make 4 large cupcakes too. The kids assured me it was delish and everyone loved the Thank-you bimby, your recipe is  a keeper.

I used your recipe to make cupcakes for my Sons Birthday on the weekend.
I piped scooters on them (can't believe I didn't take a photo!), and they turned out great.
The recipe made 24 cupcakes (cases filled to 3/4 level), and I baked them for 25 minutes, at 170oC.
There wasn't 1 left to bring home.

I can't count how many times I've used your recipe!  Love it. The full mix was the perfect amount for the two sections of a giant donut cake.

This recipe makes a  fantastic vanilla version. Obviously omitting the cocoa and added in 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract. Used 2 round sponge tins, baked around 40 minutes and iced and sandwiched with whipped white chocolate ganache. 5 days later, still fresh enough to eat.

and once again I've made this, but I grated and melted 100g dark chocolate before adding the rest of the ingredients.....Just because.
Rogizoja - Great cake this. I sandwiched mine with fruit spread (UK cookbook) after making lemonade. The slightly bitter marmalady character  of the spread goes really well with the chocolate flavour. An added bonus is that the spread soaks into the cake slightly making it nice and gooey. Next one I make will have a bit of chilli powder in it!

RoxyS - It is definitely a winner. Doesn't even need icing and keeps well.

Frozzie - incredibly quick and actually tastes good and its light..very impressed..never thought that quick and good went together!!

Made this mix tonight but instead of cacao I put in three bananas, some mixed spice and a little vanilla....made a loaf cake and a bunch of cupcakes.....yum....will ice tomorrow. Used 250g brown sugar and the rest in raw.

Jules - Just wondering if you used the same amount of gluten free flour as "normal" flour in this recipe?  I know a lot of recipes the quantities need tweaking.

ILB - For DD's birthday cake I did exactly the same and substituted equal amounts of normal flour for GF flour but I think I used the Orgran brand instead.

Carrie - The mix tastes  beautiful, so I bet the cake will too. Thanks for the recipe!  I used it for a Bob the Builder birthday cake.
He loved it. I was quite proud of it too. Thanks again for the recipe, the cake was delicious.

versaceyoyo - I made bimby choc cake with peanut butter frosting.  It was very good!  Great recipe thanks ILB!  

cookie1 - DH wanted a nice chocolate cake for the boss lady where he is doing relief as she is going on LSL. I made this for him and made an icing using leftover mascarpone. They raved about it and he proudly said 'oh this was all made in the TMX, even the icing sugar' He is a very good advertisement.

Nay-nay - This is the BEST ever recipe for a slab cake! Will never order one again!! I covered it in mock cream.

simplyrhonda - Thank you so much for this cake recipe. It was so easy and so delicious.  My 3 year old said it was the best cake she's ever tasted. I was wondering if it could be altered to be a vanilla cake.

CC - Finally tried this cake today after a friend brought back from the U.S, as a present, the "cookie" cake tins that I saw that Maddy had used in previous post.Turned out great and what a delicious cake it is. Different from my chocolate fudge cake but very yummy. My DH had a huge slice and enjoyed every crumb. Wonderful recipe ILB, many thanks.
Made again - The cake mixture fitted beautifully in my new Bundt Cake Tin. It took 50 minutes to cook.

Caroline J - Made a half measure of this (only had 2 eggs) for DH's birthday cake and it turned out well (I think). Then I waited, and iced it with the icing recipe earlier in this thread.  Anyway, the icing slowly sunk into the cake, and when I served it, it was like a mud cake with no icing!!
What did I do wrong?  I am thinking icing too runny, or cake still too warm, perhaps?

CC - Caroline it sounds as though your cake was still warm when you spread the icing.You can always make a custard and make it into a dessert for the family. Just think of it this way, all great recipes are created by mistakes!!

MJ - Mine rose too much in the middle, but, then again, it was a 6 egg mix! Will stick with the regular size next time. I cut it into three, iced one piece and froze the other two.

I've just made this in a small baking dish and it turned out beautifully, didn't rise in the middle and crack like so many of my cakes do. My tweaks were as follows:;
I use only plain flour, so I added 2 tsp baking powder and 1 tsp bi-carb soda. Also, cut down raw sugar to 280g. Still plenty sweet enough. I had HUGE (67g) eggs, so only used 3. Also, I used the traditional method, creaming butter and sugar, adding eggs etc. just to make sure that it would work out for me!!

My Chocolate Cake was the best I've ever made!! This is now and  forever ILB's Award Winning Chocolate Bimby Cake! I was so thrilled with it that I tried a Vanilla version today, with the same stunning results. I still only used the 3 eggs (even though they were a bit smaller) and replaced the 40g cocoa with 40g custard powder. It's lovely, even better than my Hilight Cake. I'll make a batch of buttercream and ice it tonight. Family will be ecstatic!!
tassie bugalugs - I have made this cake 4 times now.  In the last batch I knocked 20g off the butter and added 30g of olive oil.  I found this helped keep the cake a little bit moister.

Jabba - This is a great recipe! I made only half the quantity because I didn't have enough ingredients.  Popped it into a ring pan for about 40 minutes and it was perfect. Thanks for sharing this one!  I think it'll become a regular around here.

al - Thanks so much for this easy and fabulous cake ... was under pressure today to make something for the school fair cake stall tomorrow and this saved me a lot of stress ... a great success!!

joynatalie - Many thanks my family did not really like the EDC choc cake. Made this again, this time I softened and mixed the butter first and it really improved the texture.

ladybird - it was great.

Lellyj - Thanks for this recipe.  Made it for a quick birthday cake solution.  Was delicious and easy.

Coops - I used some olive oil to replace some of the butter and some brown sugar to replace some of the raw sugar, I reduced the amount of sugar a bit too. Judging by the taste when I licked the spoon it should be great, thanks for an awesome quick recipe! Does it freeze well, if I cut it up in to individual portions?
VHJ - It freezes really well Coops. I cut, wrap & freeze this ready for lunchboxes.

Mum to Four - Bimby this is great - thank you.  I wasn't overly happy with the "original" version that came in the book but this now a favourite and just as easy!

bigTcup - Made this today - it's my new fave versatile.  I had 95g of butter already opened, so used that and replaced the rest with olive oil.  Didn't have any milk so used 100g rice/almond milk and 150g coconut milk.  Used 100g less sugar and did half half brown & raw.

Doubled this recipe to make a pirate birthday cake for master 3.  TM wasn't really happy with the doubled mixture - next time only 1.5x .I split the batch in 2 and made one batch vanilla & the other chocolate them marbled them together for the final product.

Coops - this has become a regular for the lunch boxes. I throw in a fresh beet and some water and juice it up before throwing the ingredients for the cake in as normal and it makes the most nicest, fudgiest choc cake ever, and the kids have no clue that there is  beetroot in it!

cgonsalv - Thanks for the recipe.  I had my first baking success using the Thermomix and this recipe, so it was very exciting.  
I tried the beetroot idea because I love really fudgy cakes.  It was good, but I may try the original recipe next time.  
I used a very big square cake tin, and it baked in about 35 minutes.  

MJ - This is still my favourite chocolate cake. I reduce the sugar and use Dairy Soft butter blend (mix of oil and butter), but other than that everything's the same. I've found that Woolies Home Brand Cocoa is the richest and darkest I've found. I also make muffins with this recipe and increase the oven to 175C, cooking them for about 20 minutes. It makes 20 large muffins.

johnro - Like you both, dede and MJ I too made the super quick, easy and decadent Bimby Choc cake today - did 2 actually, 1 batch was muffins and cooked the 2nd in a deep slice pan and cut into squares when iced - gave each batch to 2 different families.

Hally - saw this recipe on cp's list and thought I would give it a go. It's 3 1/2 inches high, wow it's incredible. Never had a cake rise so much.
Just love this cake both ways with either raw sugar or brown sugar and the butter icing JD gave me was superb, I used it on both cakes. Each time I let the cakes bake for just over 1 hour. It is nice warmed up served with vanilla ice-cream.
Made cup cakes from this recipe. I don't make any other kind of chocolate now. For cup cakes I fill to about 2/3 up, then cover the whole tray with foil and bake them like that. It ensures the cakes rise evenly, so you don't have a lump in the middle. You want a nice flat surface to decorate. Also to help make them all the same size.

Wonder - I make this cake most weeks for lunches but find no matter what I do it has a huge dome in the centre and doesn't rise that much around the sides. I've tried everything including lowering/increasing the temp, wrapping the tin in heat strips, a rose nail and I still get the dome,  I made some as cupcakes today and even the have big peaks in the centre. It's still tastes great but I really can't figure out what the problem is. My oven cooks very unevenly (i will never buy Smeg again). Does anyone else have the same problem. I also use an oven thermometer already so tried that.

KerrynN - I made this cake again this afternoon for my DH's birthday. He had to share it with all the Cubs and their dads in my Cub Pack but everyone enjoyed it. One of my Cubs is allergic to dairy so I made it dairy free using home made rice milk (just rice and water) and nuttelex. I frosted it with the icing at using nuttelex again. I made one and a half times the amount and mixed it for 2 minutes instead of 1 (not sure if this was a great idea though as the cake rose a lot more in the middle and split). It took about 1 hour 20 to bake.

phatassphairy - EPIC FAIL, not the recipe ....omg it is such a yummy recipe ..... DEFINATELY NOT FOR PATTY TINS !!! ... it rose too high and in turn spilled. I have a muffin pan covered in cake and nearly nothing in the patty papers. Going to wrap it up and feed to the neighbour hood ratty rats that hang out with my 3 little pigs ...... I am sure hungry teenage boys will help get the cake off the tins.  I think i will try again later in a slab tin .......

Joanne - I made this chocolate cake tonight, it was so good, thank you for your recipe.  I will be doing this again.  My kids loved it.  I even made it with the chocolate sauce from the EDC and served it with ice-cream.  Yummy.

Lady Ding - Thanks to this recipe. I use it almost every week now to make muffins for the family. We're a bit health conscious so I just use 130 grams of raw organic sugar and cacao powder instead of cocoa. I've also tried organic carob powder instead of cocoa and just use 100 grams sugar for it. My kids really love it!

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« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 12:17:57 pm by judydawn »
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 05:08:20 pm »
Oh really! All mucking about with you fab! :-* :-* :-* :-*


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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2009, 08:31:05 pm »
This recipe is awesome. Every birthday event in the family, we make this. It's so easy and tasty.

Great post.. Thanks


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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2009, 05:32:35 am »
Fantastic, many thanks for this.
I use the recipe in the everyday book, but with 3 teenagers, it's gone pretty quickly!
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2009, 06:35:36 am »
Great stuff - this must be the "Far Too Easy Chocolate Cake"   ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2009, 12:24:24 pm »
Great stuff - this must be the "Far Too Easy Chocolate Cake"   ;D ;D ;D

LOL!!! I didn't want to be too cheeky with the name - but that did keep entering my head Thermomixer  ;) :D :D :D

Oh really! All mucking about with you fab! :-* :-* :-* :-*

Bron - the easier the better  ;D  And 45 minutes for a slab was pretty much perfect.

My only problem is that my cakes rise in the middle - not usually a problem only this time I need them flat, and it seems such a same cutting them down  :-))  Oh well.  This one has to turn into some fairy wings...
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2009, 01:03:02 pm »
ILB i'm sure i've read that if you wrap a quite wet (but not dripping) towel around the tin before putting in the oven it should stop that.
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2009, 01:04:47 pm »
Are we going to get a photo of this cake ILB - would love to see it.
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2009, 01:13:37 pm »
Has anyone done butter cream icing in the TMX?  I'm looking for a recipe please.

Are we going to get a photo of this cake ILB - would love to see it.
Just about to cut into it JD - will take a before and after photo and post when I'm done (better refer to reducing that photo size again... could be here all night LOL!)

ILB i'm sure i've read that if you wrap a quite wet (but not dripping) towel around the tin before putting in the oven it should stop that.

Thanks Karen - guessing you wrap it around the top too??
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2009, 01:32:17 pm »
just around the sides of the tin apparently ILB

i made heaps of buttercream icing the past 2 days, i jsut did it without the butterfly and it was fine. chuck it all in and use speed 4-5, scrape down once or twice
Karen in Canberra :)
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2009, 01:38:47 pm »
ILB, My Womans Weekly Kids Birthday Cake book has this recipe - 125g butter at room temperature, beat until white as possible, gradually add 3/4 cup icing sugar whisking all the time, then add 2 tablespoons milk gradually, then gradually add another 3/4 cup icing sugar. Mixture should be smooth and easy to spread with a spatula.   Gradually is used a lot in the making of this icing! Sure you can work out how to do it in Jenie.   For chocolate icing, add 2 tablespoons sifted cocoa to the icing sugar.  Icing sugar should be sifted through a fine sieve for best results. They call it Vienna Cream.  I have not made it though so perhaps someone else has.
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2009, 01:40:57 pm »
ooops i forgot the milk in the pm i just sent! thanks JD :D
Karen in Canberra :)
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2009, 01:44:12 pm »
Thank you ladies! You are champs!   :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2009, 02:21:39 pm »
 :'( :'( :'( :'(
Put the butter in front of the heater to soften a little - but got distracted with DD's wet bed and when I came back half of it had melted...  :o :o :o :o!!!!
So now have it in the fridge trying to cool down. I usually have a huge stock of butter in the fridge ready to go but this was the last of it.... >:(
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Offline judydawn

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Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2009, 02:48:26 pm »
Hope you can get it all to come together - I am really feeling the stress you must be under now but you know you can do it ILB.  I take my hat off to you young ones making elaborate cakes for your children, so many people just go out and buy them instead or get Grandma to do it.  The kids get such a kick out of seeing their cake come together though and it is something they will remember for a very long time and love you for it.
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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