Festive Flavour recipes
Almond cheese ball
Bola de quesos
Take some cream cheese......(several dip recipes using cream cheese as a base)
Warm brie with basil lemon dressing
Beetroot, parmesan and cashew dip
Curry dip
Christmas pate
Christmas slaw
Basic waldorf salad
Christmas waldorf salad
Steamed beetroot salad
Chicken and potato salad with sundried tomato dressing
Lemon and hazelnut pangrattato
Apricot turkey stuffing
Steamed greens wtih feta and lemon
Cucumber soup
lettuce soup
Pork and chicken christmas terrine
Hol salmon quiche
Herb and garlic pull apart bread
soft buttery pretzels
Macadamia parmesan shortbread wafers
Easy walnut and blue cheese shortbread
Almond addiction
Chocolate hazelnut kisses
Dired fruit compote
Ricotta blissballs
Brandy cream sauce
Marzipan stars
Fruit pear mince tarts
Fruity pear mince baby croissant
Panforte ice cream
Little steamed christmas puds
Christmas bread and butter pudding
Chocolate hazelnut cake
Epiphany ring
Greek new years eve coin cake
Frangipane fruit slice
Whicked chocolate fudge
$250 chocolate chunk cookies
Gingerbread biscuits
Red and green christmas shortbread
Chocolate sorbet
Berry merry punchy sorbet
Strawberry coolers
Sangria punch
Cranberry vanilla sparklers
Santa's naughty nog
Eggnog liquer