The Weck jar fermenters look great. I'm still using a crock I got on sale 30 years ago at Myer. It was made in the UK and labeled as having a lead free glaze so I grabbed it. Glad I did, I never saw another one like it.
The one thing I can contribute to this discussion is that I've found sauerkraut tastes much nicer if it is fermented slowly. I've read that it is a slower vegetable to ferment properly and is healthier if left longer, but I don't know if that is true or not. I usually leave mine for 8-12 weeks, in cold weather. That said, I wouldn't turn my nose up at one done faster in warmer weather 😋
One veg I tried that I haven't read about anyone using is sliced choko. It is lovely! I used a combination of dill, cloves, garlic and I can't remember what else, just the usual dill pickle seasonings...mustard seeds too, I think. The flavour was very good and the texture was firm and crunchy, not crispy like a cucumber. Oh, a few green tea leaves for the tannin, which helps prevent fermented pickles from going mushy. 3% brine as unlike cabbage it doesn't release enough liquid to cover itself. Only did a small quantity as an experiment, but this year I'm going to do lots!
I've tried brine fermenting a few different fruits, but none were to my taste. I ferment grated carrot and green beans in a large jar, for the dogs who think it is great, but I don't like the flavour, myself.