Author Topic: Dough crispy pizza TM21  (Read 6274 times)

Offline bimby

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Dough crispy pizza TM21
« on: September 11, 2008, 06:45:34 pm »
Dough crispy pizza TM31

350 ml of water
a cube of yeast (25 grams)
10 grams of sugar
300 grams of flour 00
300 grams of durum wheat (semola rimacinata)
10 grams of salt.

Boil water with sugar 40” to 37 ° vel 1.Add yeast 20”  Vel 5. Add flour and salt 20 sec., Vel 5, 3’ Vel.  ::.
Put in a bowl with lid to increase until it doubles in volume.
Divide the dough into discs and stretch it  thin in pans.
Put on it what you like ex. tomato sauce, mozzarella (delicious Italian cheese) and  put in hot oven at 200 degrees for 15 min.o until it is cooked.

NOTE The result: a pizza until crispy outside centre and that is not the "flat".
Despite mozzarella full of milk, pizza has not softened.

PS. Correct it, if there are some mistakes. :-[

Pizza margherita

3 kinds of cheese  and bacon

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« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 06:48:00 pm by bimby »