Tasty you know best fer sure. I have to confess I do have A certain sympathy for GOOD ( not shouting just emphasisng MM) cleaners . There are a lot of rat bags out there and obviously you got a gem of one.
I get it and it is sooo disappointing. I have to say that buying a house is very stressful and Real Estate agents do not make it any easier.
They promise the world and often fail to deliver. Tears all around. I may have to confess my daughter and partner are both RE agents . Having said that my DH's partner is exceptionally ethical. My DD works in law so knows the ropes.
I know your stomach sunk at the sight. You were totally distressed . I was there with you. But also l would be totally p****d off at the owner and the RE agent who collected the commission. I would be more angry at the RE agent who recommended her friend knowing it was an impossible task and was possibly collecting a commission from her as well..
It was a really bad nasty experience. I am glad you posted it. A warning to all of us and especially any of us shopping for a new house like Frozzie.
It is not difficult to have these things written into the contract if it is an issue. Also good to,negotiate a lower price for cleaning up,the crapola.
And also an inspection before the cheque changes hands is essential. It is amazing how the buyer can control it the contract is well written.
Tasty I would not wish your experience on anyone. I am sure you have been sick in the stomach over the whole sorry mess.