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Messages - Cuilidh

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Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 19, 2024, 09:57:22 am »
Have a great mini-holiday, Cookie.  I was thinking about your new motor home just the other week and wondered if you had received it yet or not - something exciting to look forward to.

I escaped today - we have headed up to Guildford for a few days' break.  I hadn't realised restricting it was to be tied to the bedroom.  Whilst DH was loading the car - I stood outside our shop for about 10 minutes, just enjoying seeing people on the street and breathing the fresh air.  Wonderful! 

Back to the bedroom later in the week (another three weeks non weight bearing), but it is so so good to see different walls, if only for a couple of days.

Chit Chat / Re: Gluten free sourdough bread recipes
« on: May 19, 2024, 09:52:11 am »
Thanks for the follow up Chookie and Cookie.

I am on a TM31, Chookie so cannot access Cookidoo, but thanks for the suggestion.

I know we have one of Yoke's books somewhere, Cookie, I will try to find it and see what I can find.

Chit Chat / Gluten free sourdough bread recipes
« on: May 17, 2024, 04:43:14 am »
My DH is wanting to make a loaf of sourdough bread for our friend who has been sending us soups to cheer me up whilst I am stuck in my bed.  She is gluten free.  DH's sourdough starter is 100% rye.  Can anyone help him with suggestions / ideas / recipes please?  Many thanks.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: May 16, 2024, 10:53:13 pm »
I made an apple cake today and then broke I trying to turn it over. I’m sure it will taste nice.
I am of the firm opinion that that is what happens as soon as you put it in your mouth anyway so it is just a seamless route, from plate to enjoyment without anything in between!!

Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: May 16, 2024, 10:58:57 am »
One of our lovely customers bought in some of her leek and pear soup for DH and myself.  Earlier in the week she bought in some 'golden' soup, full of lovely nutritious ingredients.  She is a truly lovely person.  Many customers have also been asking for me which is very heart warming.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 16, 2024, 10:56:02 am »
Well done to your DD, KAtie.

I got my stitches out today - 3 wounds and c. 15 or so stitches altogether.  Everything is looking good.  The surgeon is very pleased.  I now am back in my moon boot and have individual wound dressings on as well as a compression sock which I can take off on Sunday at which time I can also remove the wound dressings.  Still not weight bearing for another four weeks but the strict elevation directions have been lessened.  I am beginning to start feeling normal again, but there is still a long healing process to go - months, not weeks!  Maybe I will be back to 'real' normal in c. 12 months with luck and if I am good with my physio. :)

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: May 13, 2024, 10:52:23 pm »
Lucky Probus ladies!  I would love to hear how the vegan scones turned out.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 10, 2024, 12:10:09 am »
That was an awful reaction to your flu shot, Cookie.  Hope you are settling down again.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 09, 2024, 12:15:02 am »
I have just about finished all my medication now, just the drugs for DVT which I will be on for another couple of weeks.  I am very lucky, I have had hardly any pain so have lots of very strong painkillers that I have never used (maybe I could make some profit going down the road and selling them to unsavoury characters!).  No, wouldn't do that.

I am surviving the lazy bit and will have a hard time when my life gets back to normal and I actually have to get up in the morning and go to work!  At the moment even getting up and having a shower leaves me totally drained - not a fun sensation.  DH has been fantastic, not only looking after me and dreaming up tasty food (I have totally lost my appetite) but also running the business - I couldn't survive without him.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 06, 2024, 04:27:03 am »
I haven't tried netflix yet - I will probably turn to that in complete boredom soon! iview has been keeping me amused so far.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 06, 2024, 01:04:30 am »
Thanks for your suggestions, K Atie.  I have hired a few pieces of equipment, but purchased the knee scooter and a 'wedge' shaped pillow for elevation.  Now it is just a matter of getting through the boredom!  At this stage, the worst thing is that my essential tremors have got so much worse, I am hoping once all the drugs have worked their way through my system the tremors will tame down to being something more manageable once more.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 05, 2024, 11:02:39 am »
Mab, you have certainly been having a hard time recently. Thinking of you and hopefully between you, your TMX and your dietitian you will be able to come up with nutritious and tasty meal alternatives. 

I got out of hospital a few days ago and am coming off pain killers now as everything seems to be OK  It took a few days to shake off the anaesthetic but I am coming right now.  Still have at least 1 1/2 weeks in bed as I am not allowed to weight-bear on the damaged leg - I am not looking forward to the rest of the recuperation period.

Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: May 05, 2024, 10:53:08 am »
Margaret, how do you make a pastie without using pastry then.

Judy I just make the pasties as normal for everyone and take the pastry off mine then chop up the cooked meat and veg in the tmx and add some gravy or sauce.  A lot of mucking around but it works.
Could you use mashed potato for a shell?

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: April 30, 2024, 07:13:44 pm »
Cookie, I had a similar situation with Pepperplate, except they were looking to get me to subscribe.  Luckily I had a chance to get on it and get my recipes off so I didn't lose anything.

Off to hospital in a couple of hours.  I spoke to my anesthetist yesterday (funnily enough, like our surgeon, he is a customer of ours and he commented that he had noticed me limping last time he was in the shop!), anyway, he said the operation could be 2 hours, maybe longer, and offered me the consolation that he would send me to sleep then when I woke up I would be cold, hungry and sore!  Such an encouraging young man ... not  :-\  Actually, I have been stressing and anxious about the procedure the last couple of days, but he is a lovely guy with a good "bedside manner", and I actually relaxed as we chatted on the phone.  I am sure he will take very good care of me.

Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: April 30, 2024, 07:05:07 pm »
Heard on the weather forecast that there was a chance of rain in Perth, so glad to hear that it happened.  Probably not nearly enough, but it is so good to at least get some to help the plants, the people and water reserves.

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