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Messages - djinni373

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Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: September 28, 2022, 07:04:26 am »
My Thermi has arrived home from its service. Very happy with the quick turnaraound. DH was impressed that so little needed doing and that parts were readily available. So today I'm looking for a Rocky Road recipe (I've never made Rocky Road before as I don't like marshmallow). Going to make it as a test run for Christmas.
Also getting ready make Vegetarian sausage rolls and Canned tomato relish to go with them. I'll be taking them to a CWA cooking demo tomorrow evening. Ginger Fluff sponge...sounds fun.
Get well soon Cookie. RATS are no fun and not even that reliable it seems.
Cuilidh I laughed about your varying dietary needs post. You're amazing. I think I would have just opened a bottle of bubbles and called it a day... with takeaways.
Very interesting info about fermentation a few of days ago. Thank you.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: September 13, 2022, 06:04:01 am »
Those Tim Tam Balls sound deliciously dangerous Judy.
Cuilidh I have a recipe for Cashew "Cream Cheese" that is pretty similar if I remember correctly. It's from the vegan Rainbow Recipes book. Let me know if you would like the recipe and I'll try to remember how to message it to you.
No cooking for me for a little while. We'll be living out of the freezer and airfryer. Thermie has been returned to base for a minor fix and service. After 12 years of tireless hard yakka I think a little break is well deserved. At least I hope it's just a little break. Fingers crossed.

Cakes / Healthier Pumpkin Fruit Cake
« on: August 30, 2022, 06:29:29 am »
This is the best pumpkin fruit cake, easy to make, fairly healthy and tasty too. It has no fat so you can smear a bit of butter on it with a clear conscience :) I’ve tried other recipes over the years but I always come back to this one. It’s based on the Pumpkin Fruit Cake recipe in my vintage “NMAA Cooks” cookbook.

275g cooked, mashed pumpkin (steamed, boiled or baked then cooled)
500g mixed dried fruit (I used sultanas, craisins, sliced dates and sliced apricots)
125g raw sugar (I used rapadura)
1 T golden syrup (this is optional in my opinion)
1 C water
1 t bicarb soda
2 eggs
125g wholemeal plain flour
125g wholemeal SR flour

Put dried fruit, sugar, syrup and water into tmx bowl and bring to the boil. I boiled the kettle first then put ingredients into the bowl and cooked on sp 1/100 degrees/reverse until temp reached 100 degrees. Only took a few minutes. Pour this mix into a large bowl to cool.
Heat oven to 160 degrees C.
Grease a round 20cm tin.
Beat eggs in a small bowl.
Add eggs and pumpkin to cooled fruit mix and beat by hand until smooth.
Stir in the flour.
Bake for 90 minutes.

To steam pumpkin, put 500g of water into TM bowl & pumpkin pieces into the basket then steam 10mins/Varoma/sp 2 or until pumpkin is soft (time varies depending on type of pumpkin and size of pieces).

Bread / Re: Djinni's SC 5 seed bread.
« on: August 30, 2022, 05:38:25 am »
That looks so delicious Cookie. I still make this as it's so easy and so yum.

Cakes / Re: Scones- Great Aunt Ruby's Pumpkin Scones
« on: August 30, 2022, 05:35:37 am »
Thought I would bump this.
I have been making batches of these to try and stock the freezer but they go very quickly as everybody loves them.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: August 30, 2022, 05:33:05 am »
We have an informal arrangement with our lovely neighbours. Lots of fresh fruit and veg come over the fence and I send back some of the things I make. Late last week an enormous Qld Blue pumpkin arrived. So I have been making batches of (best ever pumpkin scones from ES's Great Aunty Ruby), 2 pumpkin fruit cakes (will post that recipe shortly) and I liked the risotto but DH wasn't fussed until today when I made all the leftovers into risotto "cakes" by simply rolling them in Kookaburra herb and garlic breadcrumbs and then shallow frying them. The neighbours are getting a second batch of scones but only half a pumpkin fruit cake as the male neighbour doesn't like fruit cake. Men  :-))

Chit Chat / Re: Anything goes for Uni
« on: August 30, 2022, 05:09:47 am »
Oh Chookie. That is a magnificent wall of books. We had to downsize to 5 bookshelves when we moved. I found that difficult so I can only imagine what it must be like for you. But I am sure you will manage.

Oh Mab, That would have been difficult. Glad DH is ok.

Over the weekend I bought a racing rubber duckie from our local Rotary Club for a charity duck race on. Should be a lot of fun.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: August 19, 2022, 04:12:22 am »
Yes Cookie. I was very surprised. The CWA has changed a lot since my mum, and everyone else's mum where I grew up, were members. This branch meets at night and there's a wide range of ages and interests. I've told them that I may go AWOL from time to time, and I'm not the best cook, but they were ok with that  ;D

Chit Chat / Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« on: August 19, 2022, 04:04:25 am »
Great thread thank you all. After reading this I'm still not sold on the 6. However DH may be interested as he still complains about the noisy 31 after all these years  :-))  As usual, if you want the good info, this is the place to come  :)

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: August 19, 2022, 03:23:27 am »
Thank you all. Hope you are all well too.

Most of the things I cook are from here, although I cook a lot less now that there's just the two of us and we have to watch our waistlines  :-)). I've been toying with the idea of upgrading to a 6, but I'm reluctant to give up my trusty 31 with its two bowls. I tend to cook in a big flurry so they're very handy.  Well I'll keep an open mind and see what happens. Oh thank you Judy :)  I'm off to check out that link about the 6.

Interestingly, there are heaps of Thermi owners here. I have just joined the local CWA and a lot of the lovely ladies there own 6s. I'm looking forward to a lot of thermi chat  :)

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: August 18, 2022, 08:50:34 am »
Hello again after a very long absence.  Today I was searching for broccoli and tangelo recipes and came here to look, as I often do when I want to find a great recipe. And also today I somehow remembered my login ;D

A lovely neighbour just gave me a big bag of tangelos and lemons, and 4 broccoli heads. So very soon I'll be cooking Chookies tangello marmalade and Jamie Olivers Sausage casserole which uses 350g of broccoli.

It's going to take quite a while to catch up but it's lovely to "see" you all again.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: April 01, 2018, 12:29:52 am »
That pumpkin dish is cool Chookie, and your rolls and pie look delicious.
DS(20) had been to the orthodontist the day before Good Friday and his mouth hurt so our fish dinner had to be soft, easy to eat and very filling. Salmon and onion puff pie (doubled even though there was only 4 of us  :-))) with a simple salad hit the spot.

Cookie you have been cooking up a storm. Love all your photos.

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: April 01, 2018, 12:15:00 am »
I'm still trying to clear the backlog from our trip away. It was great  8) 8) 8). Will post a few pics in the holiday thread as soon as I get some time to sort photos. DH was off again the day after we got back, on his way to visit his sick mum in Qld.
The Easter Bunny was running late this year so there was flurry of activity this morning to get some things organised for the adult "children".
I'm going to lunch at a friend's house today. They have built a big, new house beside the Hawkesbury River so I will get the grand tour :)
Happy Easter to you all xx

Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: March 19, 2018, 06:25:42 am »
Tonight's yoga night so we are having meatloaf with potatoes done in the slow cooker, and maybe some frozen veggies thrown in just before I leave :)

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: March 19, 2018, 01:22:09 am »
Goodness Judy and Cookie. Glad you are both ok. Cookie that would have been very scary.
Sounds fun obbie. You are brave taking 4 kids

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