Author Topic: TM6 experiments with new functions  (Read 44827 times)

Offline JulieO

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TM6 experiments with new functions
« on: December 20, 2019, 02:23:21 am »
Apologies in advance of my long winded post.  I promise to try and be shorter next time  ;D

I thought I’d start a thread where we can show and tell our experiences with some of the new programs on the TM6, whether good or not so much  :P

A few of the long-time posters on here would maybe remember (or not) where I’ve wished the TM could cook onions more fully.  No matter how long I would cook them, I could always detect a raw aftertaste which I really did not like at all.  I’m not talking about when you do caramelised onions with balsamic vinegar/sugar etc, I just mean the normal fried onions we use so much at the start of many recipes.  I ended up cooking onions in a frypan then adding to the bowl and carrying on with the recipe. I was so tempted to get a HMP years ago because of its higher temperature, but I never did.

Anyway, when I saw the high heat cooking on the new model I was immediately interested  but wanted to wait and not jump in.  To be fair, I haven’t seen any real reviews of the cooking of onions and the only things I had seen mentioned was that after doing so there is browning on the base of the pot.  It got me thinking about how if you put a Stainless Steel frypan on the stove top and put oil and onions into the cold frypan then start to cook them, the onions would stick, you need to pre-heat the pan first, then add oil and heat, then add the onions or whatever you are cooking to get a non-stick effect. 

So, this morning to try out the cooking mode, I did things a little different to what was instructed.  I prepared the onion wedges in a bowl and added the oil and tossed to coat.
I then set the machine for 5 mins/Varoma/speed spoon to pre-heat the bowl.  It got to Varoma in about 2 mins, I quickly sprayed the base of the pot and the blades with a little oil then added in the onions.  Used the High Heat onions on Cookidoo and let it do its thing.
Loved hearing the sizzling going on and I like the splatter guard.

The first photo is at the end of that program.  I had a taste and was pleasantly surprised that even though not really golden, they were cooked and no raw flavour. I would use these onions in a recipe for sure. 

I set them aside for the moment as I was finishing off my breakfast then I cooked them again on one of the other programs (I think it was golden shallots or similar).  I needed to add a bit more onion as it could detect not enough in there for that particular program.  Set it from cold (I didn’t clean the bowl after the last effort as it was nicely oiled and there was no browning or sticking to the bowl).

The second photo shows them at the end of that program though it does ask if you would like them to be chopped so you can use in whatever recipe you are making.  I didn’t today so I could take a photo as is.  These were just onions and oil, no sugar or anything else added.  I was so impressed.  There was some browning on the bottom of the bowl and I wondered if it was because the bowl had cooled down and I didn’t do another pre-heat.  I just added some water and used the pre-clean mode, the browning came off easily.  I let the bowl dry and then carried on.

The second thing I made was Berry Curd using frozen blueberries and strawberries and using the Thickening mode.  You basically add everything in, set it and it cooks and whizzes everything itself.   I’ve poured it into sterilized jars and have just put them in the fridge to chill, so will take a photo of that either later today or tomorrow when I can see what the consistency is like.  The taste was good,  I just wish I’d used more blueberries to get a deeper shade but I’ve noted that for next time. 

Finally, I made a meal for DH for tonight called Kung Pao Chicken on Cookidoo which used the High Temp mode.  I made up the marinade early this morning and had the chicken marinating for an hour or so while I was doing the other things.

I followed the recipe as per instructions and the third photo shows what I transferred to a bowl.  There’s no rice or whatever underneath, just the chicken (2 serves) and sauce.  I'll make some rice noodles later to serve with.   

So tasty, I could quite easily have eaten this myself and will do next time for sure. 

My note for next time is to add more spring onions and leave some to garnish at the end with the toasted peanuts, mainly just to give a more colourful appearance.
The recipe asked for 4-5 dried chillies! I used 1 (but didn’t remove the seeds) and it had the right amount of bite.

So,  my first day, 3 things made and I’m very happy with each thing, though I won’t know about the curd until it has had chance to chill.

I will add to this thread (and I hope others will too) as other functions are used and tested.  I will certainly try the Sous Vide and Slow Cooker modes at some stage.  I have a stand alone Sous Vide machine but it’s quite big, which can be handy at times, but I rather like the idea of being able to cook 2-4 serves. 
Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to ordering a blade cover to better use these 2 functions and they are now sold out, so will get one when next in stock.

I’m sure there will be a fail at some stage but so happy with today’s efforts.  ;D  (thanks for sticking to the end!) 
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 02:25:19 am by JulieO »

Offline Cuilidh

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2019, 03:29:27 am »
What an excellent review, JulieO.  I was very glad to read that you had resolved your 'onion' problem and are happy with everything.  I now know that the TM6 has more functions than I would ever need or use, but I am sure you have piqued the interest of many of our forum members.  I will look forward to following more of your TM6 adventures!
Marina from Melbourne and Guildford
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Offline cookie1

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2019, 04:47:13 am »
Thanks JulieO. I look forward to continuing to read your reviews. I think I will get a cover for my 5 as it seems like a good idea.
I did buy a hot mix pro but found I didn’t really like it much. I want to sell it but DH isn’t sure. It’s sitting in a cupboard, not being used. So if anyone would like a cheap one.😀😀😀
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Offline K Atie

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2019, 07:38:05 am »
Great review JulieO may need this sooner than later!!

Offline JulieO

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2019, 08:12:14 am »
Yes I remember you and Obbie (I think) bought a HMP and I was interested in your postings about it.

Hopefully the blade covers are not too far away Cookie.  They are going to email me when back in stock, so I'll give you a shout out!  ;D

Just another little thing I ended up doing.  Was looking through Cookidoo and saw a collection of Basic High Heat veg that I missed.  I ended up cooking a red capsicum cut into strips and added most of that to the chicken meal I made.  Just gave a bit of extra colour and was a perfect inclusion along with the rice noodles. 

I see they've got a Mirepoix recipe, basically cooking onion, carrot and celery together on High heat.  Will give that a go in the coming days. It's nice to just play around.  :)

Oh the berry curd is nice though would reduce sugar and a bit of the butter next time.  Really don't like the colour, doesn't look right but that was my fault.  Nice change flavour wise to the normal lemon.


Offline judydawn

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2019, 11:12:39 am »
Julie, that was a wonderful review, you should be a recipe developer/tester for Thermomix! It sounds as if you had fun and that’s what cooking should be rather than a chore. Yes I remember your dislike of the ‘raw’ onion taste. It sounds as if theTM6 is going to fit into your cooking style very well, thank you for sharing your experiments with the forum.
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline JulieO

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2019, 09:04:40 pm »
Thank you Judy, you are a sweetheart but I'm no Tenina. I don't know how she and other recipe developers do it.  I love cooking but I pretty much need recipes to do so, not very inventive me.   ;D

You did hit the nail on the head though and that is I had fun yesterday trialling new things, especially good because I had success. The one thing I've always been disappointed in seems to have now been addressed. It's put enthusiasm back into cooking more in the machine.

Anyway, I'll add things (that are different from the normal modes) as I do them and hope we get some more contributors.  :D

Offline Cornish Cream

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2019, 09:21:12 pm »
A great review of the TM6 Julie. I look forward to hearing about the other recipes you try.
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Offline JulieO

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2019, 09:52:06 pm »
Thank you Cornish.  :)

Offline judydawn

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2019, 11:48:24 am »
I don’t think there are too many early members who even have a TM5 Julie, let alone the TM6. Cookie have you ever worked out how many upgraded from the TM31?
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline JulieO

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2019, 08:30:24 pm »
You're probably right Judy. Oh well, it's here for anyone if they come across it.  I will add to it now and then.  :)

Offline mab19

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2019, 12:24:30 am »
I love reading your TM6 reviews Julie.  I went to a demo when my DD and her friend bought one and was quite impressed with what I saw but not very impressed with the demonstrator.  She only made two lunch dishes and hardly touched on anything else.  No mention of bread making, rice cooking or any of the basics. 
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Offline judydawn

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2019, 04:13:23 am »
Don‘t stop posting Julie, it’s a very interesting thread to have on here. I love reading what you’ve made. I know there are a few who have the 5, just not sure how many have the 6 but there are some. Those who do will certainly let us know when they came across your thread. It’s so good to have you back posting so please keep sharing with us. I’ve made it a ‘sticky’ subject so that it will stay up the top with other popular subjects and not get lost.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 04:18:38 am by judydawn »
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline cookie1

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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2019, 06:18:47 am »
I'm not sure how many people have the 6 either Judy. I think Obbie has one and I'm sure there are many of the guests have one too.
I enjoy reading what you have done JulieO. I love having the 31 and the 5 and often have them both busy at once. A while ago I was boiling eggs in the 31 and steaming potatoes in the 5. So handy for hot weather.
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Re: TM6 experiments with new functions
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2019, 06:46:33 am »
Julie, great review.  Loved the detail. Keep posting and playing with your 6.  Like Mab, the demonstration that I went to was a bit boring as she really only made 2 dishes and both could be made in the 31 and 5. I was really looking for the difference.  You have provided this. Thanks.