Author Topic: Thermomix broken - does anyone have same problem with TM5 as myself?  (Read 11779 times)

Offline Ligia

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      As of 1’st of November 2017 I have acquired from HLK Trade SRL a kitchen robot Thermomix model TM5 with Chip RO, having a guarantee period of 2 years.
-       As of 3rd of January 2018 I realized that the robot did not start anymore, showing a message error C34.
-       I mention that I am the owner of a same brand robot Thermomix TM31, acquired from the same company as of 16.10.2013. I have successfully used Thermomix TM31 for 4 years, the robot is still functional, but I wanted the upgraded version.
-       Thermomix TM31 and Thermomix model TM5 have the same closing system, and I have used both robots in the same way.
-       I highlight the fact that I am the only user of the acquired robot: Thermomix model TM5, and I have 4 years of experience using this type of robot.
-       As of 11’h of January I have been announced by a Thermomix Romania technician, that I have wrongly used the robot, and there are liquids which have touched the motor of the robot, so the guarantee does not cover the reparation price.

-       Considering the fact that both models Thermomix TM31 and Thermomix model TM5 have the same closing system, they cannot be used in case they are not properly closed, and I have successfully used Thermomix TM31  for 4 years (the robot has never been broken), I used Thermomix TM5 in the same way as the previous model, without having any particular incident, I am absolutely convinced that the robot did not break because of me.

I am absolutely sure that I did not use wrongly the robot, so how can it be possible to have liquids in the motor? Have there been cases like mine?
Thanks for your answer.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 08:19:16 am by Ligia »

Offline judydawn

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Re: Thermomix broken
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 01:10:54 pm »
Hi Ligia. As we are not affiliated with the makers of the Thermomix we cannot give you any advice on your problem.  I would suggest you contact Vorwerk direct through this link if you are not getting any satisfaction from the service department in your country.
Good luck, it is a worry for you.
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline epicurus

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It is possible you have a faulty seal.

It is very easy to detect.

Remove the chopper arm, remove the seal and examine it carefully.

Make sure it is clean.

Reassemble, fill the pot with water.

Place a dry plate in the kitchen sink.

Place a paper towel on top of the plate.

Sit the pot on the paper towel, leave it for a few hours.

If the paper towel is wet, the seal is faulty.

If the paper towel is dry, the seal is perfect.