Author Topic: Cannellini bean puree  (Read 8510 times)

Offline Paul

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Cannellini bean puree
« on: November 07, 2009, 09:07:44 am »
Sorry I haven't been around much lately.  Work sucks.

Today we slow cooked a leg of lamb for 7 hours, with 5(!) garlic heads.  A delicious recipe from Paula Wolfert.  I'm serving it with a white bean puree, which is delicious and perfect for the thermomix.  You can soak dried beans overnight, but I forgot so I used a tin.  If you remember to soak the beans overnight, use 1 cup and simmer for 2 hours with 3 cups water and the tomato paste, but the tin method seems to work.  This is a modification of a Stephanie Alexander recipe.

400g tin white (cannellini) beans rinsed and drained
1 tbsp tomato paste
salt and pepper
1-2 garlic gloves
1 tsp fresh rosemary
200ml chicken stock
1/2 lemon juiced

Chop the garlic and rosemary finely.  Scrape down.  Add 2 tbsp EVOO and saute on Varoma temp 2 mins speed 1.  Add the beans, tomato paste and puree on 7-8.  Add stock, bit by bit, until you get the right consistency - I like it not too runny, like firm mashed potatoes.  Cook on speed 4 at 100 for 8 minutes.  Add lemon juice, more oil, salt and pepper and blend on 8 for a few seconds.

It's a great alternative to mashed potato or polenta, and looks very professional.  If anyone wants the lamb dish let me know, but it's not TMX.

Tomorrow I'm going to take out my work frustrations on making the Christmas cake and a loaf of bread for a friend.  I also need to order a turkey for Christmas.  Last year we ordered a 'free range' turkey, but when it arrived it had those holes in the skin which meant it had been injected with some hideous fake substances.  Gee I hate fake food!

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Re: Cannellini bean puree
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2009, 06:06:55 am »
Welcome back - work has been keeping me busy - double-edged sword.  We had white bean puree last night !!  Not with tomatoes so will have to try Stephanie's recipe.  I added some black truffle salsa and it was divine, it was a Donovam Cooke recipe from years ago and I just felt like something simple (and quick) afer work.
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Re: Cannellini bean puree
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2009, 08:40:08 am »
Welcome back - work has been keeping me busy - double-edged sword.  We had white bean puree last night !!  Not with tomatoes so will have to try Stephanie's recipe.  I added some black truffle salsa and it was divine, it was a Donovam Cooke recipe from years ago and I just felt like something simple (and quick) afer work.

I think I'm a bit over truffles. The oil/extracts are too intense for my liking, too overpowering.  A lot of restaurants seem to think they have hit culinary heights by overusing truffle oil.  I did once buy a tiny white truffle at the Florence markets.  It was 40 euro, and the size of a large pea.  I kept it in a bowl overnight with eggs, and we had beautifully scented scrambled eggs the next morning.  I shaved the rest into a fresh porcini pasta that night.  The next day I put the rind inside a chicken (which had a head and feet) and roasted it.  After this, I never wanted to see, smell or taste another truffle for a long time!

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Re: Cannellini bean puree
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 03:04:49 am »
The truffle oils can be a bit OTT - I have some black truffle salsa that i was given as a gift and I generally put oil over it and store it in the fridge and only need small amounts of the oil and some truffle to really flavour the dish.

I love truffles, but the first time that I had the real thing (fresh) was in a provincial 3-star French restaurant about 20 years ago.  Truffles were in just about every course - and generally lots.  I didn't mind, but my ex just loathed them after about the third dish.

You are very right about some restaurants and the oil - you can smell your dish before it leaves the kitchen.  A drop goes a long way.
Thermomixer in Australia - my blog - our joint blog in Oz - please feel free to join us.

Offline Paul

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Re: Cannellini bean puree
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 03:07:04 am »
The truffle oils can be a bit OTT - I have some black truffle salsa that i was given as a gift and I generally put oil over it and store it in the fridge and only need small amounts of the oil and some truffle to really flavour the dish.

I love truffles, but the first time that I had the real thing (fresh) was in a provincial 3-star French restaurant about 20 years ago.  Truffles were in just about every course - and generally lots.  I didn't mind, but my ex just loathed them after about the third dish.

You are very right about some restaurants and the oil - you can smell your dish before it leaves the kitchen.  A drop goes a long way.

I think they're at they're best flavouring some fresh good quality (but) bland ingredients like eggs and pasta