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Messages - TraceTrace

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Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:53:03 am »
Going to try Tenina's Beef & Ale Pie from FFS tonight. Can't wait!

Bread / Re: All About Sour Dough .
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:21:09 am »
Ooh I've just been outside to give my starter a stir and I've got bubbles!! I'll leave it outside for another day and then I'll bring it in :) Yay!!

Bread / Re: All About Sour Dough .
« on: November 07, 2012, 01:54:52 pm »
I've just put my first flour/water combination outside yesterday, so fingers crossed something happens soon. All the flour in my starter seems to keep settling and the water is sitting on top of it so I just keep stirring it back together - is that the right thing to do?

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: November 07, 2012, 01:49:53 pm »
That's good to hear Halex!

While DS is slowly getting better, he's now passed his virus onto me! I now feel like death warmed up.. Who would have thought that germs from such a little bub could be so potent. Thank goodness for my mum as I can barely pull myself out of bed, let alone care for a baby (hubby is away on a work trip). Seems like a severe flu - I'm just dosing myself up good as I don't want this virus bouncing around from me back to bub!

I had all my ingredients lined up for a big cooking week too! Was going to make some Umami Paste yesterday but all the simple steps was just mush in my head so I started a Sour Dough culture instead - let's hope I read Chookie's instructions correctly!

I've actually been dreaming that I'm using my TM! Is that strange or are my meds too strong? :)

Suggestions and Complaints / Re: Disappointed
« on: November 04, 2012, 03:31:28 am »
Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear about your initial disasters! Like Jamberie, I always come on here to check reviews and look for tips on the EDC recipes before I start. I'm only a new TM owner myself (I've only had my TM a week) but have had luck with the Chilli Con Carne and Focaccia from the EDC (plus some tips that I checked out here first).

Here is the link to all the recipe reviews from the EDC:

I am sure everyone has had their fair share of disasters - I tried to convert a family favourite Shepherds Pie recipe the other night (how hard could it be, I thought!) and it was an absolute failure - think Shepherds soup! I have also thought of myself as a pretty reasonable cook but it really is a different way of cooking. I love that I can make so many things from scratch.

There are so many tried and tested recipes on here so have a look around, pick something you'd like to try and give it a go :)

Good luck!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Another newbie
« on: November 03, 2012, 06:58:18 am »
Welcome to the forum! I've only had my TM for a week and love it! It's great on the forum as well, so many great people sharing loads of great recipes and tips.

Hope you feel better soon!

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: November 03, 2012, 06:43:12 am »
Thanks everyone - he's actually been really good considering how much discomfort he must be in. He doesn't even mind the sound of the TM, even when it's chopping at speed 7 (he just stares at the bowl, I guess waiting for it to do something interesting) :)

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: November 03, 2012, 06:33:04 am »
While I've been nursing DS, I've just been looking around the forum and making a mental list of all the amazing things I want to cook. And then I discovered achookwoman's blog.. Oh my goodness! :) My list has just exploded.. Not to mention that I've also just bought "For Food's Sake" as well! Need DS to get better soon so Mummy can get back to cooking in my TM! (He's being super clingy and sooky and won't let me put him down)

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:46:13 pm »
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone!! DS has finally fallen asleep so fingers crossed for a smooth night.

Kimmyh, that cake looks amazing!!

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:52:26 am »
Unfortunately my DS hasn't been well - so off to the doctors we went today. I know they couldn't give him anything as he is only 4.5 months old but at least I've had a doctor check him over and it's nothing sinister. He's been feverish and has the sniffles and is coughing lots (he's choking on all the yucky stuff running down the back of his throat from his sniffles), so has been absolutely miserable the poor thing!! Doctor thinks it might be a virus, only things I can give him for it is baby Panadol and Vicks Baby Balsam.

Needless to say there's been not much sleep going on here!

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but thought it might be a useful thread for those trying to find Dulse Sea Vegetable Flakes to make Tenina's Umami Paste. Perhaps others can post below where you've found yours so it could help someone else out :)

For those in Perth (SOR) I've just bought a 200g bag (she didn't have the small one!) for $20.65 at the health food shop in the Stammers Shopping Centre in Palmyra (corner Canning Highway and Petra Street, Palmyra). I had tried the health food shop at Cockburn Gateways Shopping Centre before that but they don't carry it.

Hope that helps!

News about Thermomix / Re: The forum is on TWITTER -- YIPEE!!!
« on: November 02, 2012, 04:48:04 am »
Fantastic! Have just followed :)

Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:19:51 am »
Trace Trace can you post the Malaysian Chicken Curry PLEASE

Oil for frying (just enough to fry your onion/garlic, etc. - I don't use a lot here as the curry paste below is quite oily in itself)
1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes, or more to taste
1 cinnamon quill (if you don't have a cinnamon quill I just add a dash of powdered cinnamon)
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
185g Malaysian curry paste (I use Ayam brand "Nonya Malaysian Curry Paste" if I haven't had time to make my own)
800g skinless chicken thigh fillets, cut in half (or smaller if you prefer)
2 tbsp coconut milk (add more if you prefer it less spicy - I usually use a whole little little tin just so none is wasted - I think it's about 170g?)
2 potatoes, diced
1 tsp sugar

TO SERVE: Steamed rice, naan/roti, boiled eggs (optional)

1. Heat oil in a deep frying pan or wok over medium-high heat. Add cinnamon, onion, garlic and chilli flakes to pan and cook, stirring frequently until onion is soft (approx 3-5 minutes).
2. Add curry paste and stir until fragrant (approx 2 minutes).
3. Add chicken and stir until well coated (approx 3 minutes).
4. Add 125ml (1/2 cup) water, coconut milk, potatoes and sugar. Season with salt and stir to combine. Bring to the boil and then simmer uncovered for 30 minutes or until potatoes and chicken are cooked.
4. Serve and enjoy!

As I was cooking this last night I thought that it'd be pretty easy to convert into a TMX recipe but as I am very new to this I might need some help! Can anyone please help?

Chit Chat / Re: Whats your next cookbook?
« on: October 29, 2012, 01:30:34 pm »
Was really hoping to make Tenina's book signing at Garden City on Saturday but that was the only time I had available all week to get my TMX delivered!! I figured that it was more useful to me as I wouldn't be able to cook anything out of Tenina's book without my TMX :)

Did anyone from here get to go?

« on: October 29, 2012, 01:27:14 pm »
Halex - is Molto Batali related to the other celebrity chef Mario Batali from Iron Chef America? I'm assuming so as it cannot be such a coincidence with the occupation and uncommon surname?

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