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Messages - peppersmum

Pages: [1]
Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Recipe Review - Pea and Ham Soup - EDC
« on: June 21, 2012, 03:05:42 am »
I looked for a review of this before I cooked it as I know the EDC is very hit and miss with recipes (I've had some great ones and some major fails) but I couldn't find one in the EDC Review thread so went ahead and made it after having some lovely Pea and Ham Soup at my friend's house the other day (her own recipe, not thermomix).

Anyway I have to be honest, the recipe is HORRIBLE ... no one would touch it in my family even my soup crazy 3 year old who loves heaps of different soups.  I have no idea if you could even tweak it, wouldn't know where to start.  I did see some other recipes for Pea and Ham soup in the soup section, so might have to try some of those or see if I can adapt my friend's recipe for the thermy :)

Thanks everyone, fantastic!

I am wondering if you can use sea salt in the vegetable rock concentrate rather than rock salt?  I made the first one with rock salt but this time I am making it with sea salt and wondered if it will preserve it the same or whether it will change it at all ... anyone know?

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Choc Chip Cookies - EDC
« on: May 06, 2012, 02:33:59 am »
I made these the other day and the only thing I found was that my thermy didn't want to mix the final mix on the speed it recommended so I turned it up a few speeds.  Might try the wheat setting like suggested for next time.  The recipe made HEAPS of biscuits and was YUMMO, much easier than my traditional choc chip biscuit recipe!

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Pumpkin Soup-EDC
« on: May 06, 2012, 02:30:16 am »
I have made this twice now and found like others it tasted 'raw' the first time ... the second time I cooked it for 5 minutes longer and it was PERFECT!!  YUMMO!

Bread / Has anyone got a recipe for wholegrain spelt bread?
« on: April 20, 2012, 05:59:36 am »
I am keen to make some spelt bread in the thermomix but don't want to use a mix of spelt and bakers flour as in the EDC (spelt rolls).  I want to use spelt grains so it would be a wholegrain spelt with fresh yeast and natural ingredients.

Has anyone got a tried and tested recipe that will work?  I am new to bread so not confident to muck around .....

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from a 'large family'
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:56:57 am »
Hi Peppersmum, welcome to the forum.

There are many people here to help you cooking large quantities of food. As far as the grainy soup is concerned I cook mine until the vegies are very soft and blend them twice. I have had my TM for nearly 3 years now and with experience I learned that one doesn't have to follow everything that the recipe says but rather use them (recipes) as a guide. Enjoy your TM.

Thanks, my husband often laughs at me as I am such a square when it comes to following recipes.  He is a better solo cook than me, but I am learning slowly that I can do things differently if a recipe is not working ;)

Faffa  Wow 3 bowls, amazing!!! 

Is there somewhere on this forum that updates which gifts are going each month for demo's?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from a 'large family'
« on: April 17, 2012, 11:37:08 am »
I cooked with butternut and peeled it so sounds like I need to try cooking it longer :)

Thanks everyone!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from a 'large family'
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:53:42 am »
Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum. Yes I also have a family of 7 and sometimes I think 3 TM wouldn't be enough to feed them all. Lol.
I tend to prepare the main part of the meal before hand (like a casserole, etc) and use the TM to do all my veggies. I cook my potatoes in the basket and fill the varoma full of veggies. (plenty for us)
I don't make many all in one recipes as they are not enough to feed all of us.
I cook heaps and heaps of food for school/work. I'm finding I'm spending more and more time cooking for them all now as they grow and eat more.
I would hate to put all the food they eat in a week in one pile ;D

Thanks dede, good to know what other large families are doing!  I haven't used the varoma yet, my next thing to try (need to have a demo too soon), so it's probably an extra bit of it I can use to do parts of a meal!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from a 'large family'
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:52:01 am »
Welcome peppersmum.  What do you mean by 'grainy'?  Perhaps we can help.

Well I have cooked the pumpkin soup from the EDC and converted my mum's Brocolli Soup and both taste great but it's like it's not cooked completely.  When I do them traditionally it's completely soft, but these tasted like I would imagine a raw 'warm' soup to taste or something.  I had a read on the problems forum bit and found a few other posts saying the same.  Is it just a matter of cooking it for longer than the recipe says maybe?

Introduce Yourself / Hello from a 'large family'
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:05:57 am »
Hi All,

I purchased a thermomix a few weeks ago and have been having fun with it for the last week.  We are a family of 7, 4 kids of our own and an exchange student staying with us for the rest of this year.  I am looking for some good recipes for a larger family and tips from other large families of how you make enough in your thermomix for everyone!

I have had some success and some not so great success this week (my soups seem to be too grainy), so looking forward to seeing what information is on offer here to tweak some of my cooking!



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