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Messages - vpeewee

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thanks for the help, I was wondering about using the basket because it said the basket in the recipe book but with the chip it said just tip the rice in, so I'm wondering if i try without the basket it would be better.

i like the idea of pouring the hot water over the top too so that it wets the rice straight away and I think I only had it on about level/speed 1, so that might have been a problem too.

It was just plain white long grain rice.

I think I'll  have to buy a lot more rice and keep practicing, anything I can do with half cooked inedible rice? lol!

Ok folks I have had my TM5 for 3 days now, I'm a complete newbie and still learning, I've only done 3 things so far but I'm having a problem with rice.

I tried just the automatic rice recipe from the chip, followed the instructions and the rice was not cooked at all. The bottom was a bit mushy and the top was raw.

Points - the recipe told me to leave the measuring cup off so I did (although this did seem weird, how would it cook?).
~ the temperature only got to about 85 degrees, even though it was on auto.

when it wasn't done the first time, I put it on again for the same temperature and put the measuring cup in the lid for about another 10 minutes. The bottom was 1cm was cooked but the top was still raw.

So what am I doing wrong. Help a newbie out!

Introduce Yourself / Surprise Thermomix delivery
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:29:00 am »
Hi Folks,

My name is Vanessa and I'm from Western Australia. I got a surprise thermomix delivery 2 days ago as a present from my hubby! I had no idea, I wasn't expecting it (in fact he had arranged for a 'pest inspector' to come around at 3pm) and it turned out to be a thermomix consultant.

So I am the proud owner of a TMX5 and I have to admit it was a bit daunting. I had a demo over a year ago with the old model but I had never seen one of the new electronic ones. I have used it a few times over the weekend and I'm looking forward to starting some new recipes and seeing how it goes with my regular favourites.

I have 3 kids and we live in a very hot climate at the top of Western Australia. Looking forward to making sorbet, lol!

Nice to meet you all!

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