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Messages - Marinya Cottage Kitchen

Pages: [1]
Desserts / Honey Sweetened Raw white Chocolate
« on: May 18, 2013, 06:42:30 am »
This is a delicious, creamy and healthy version of white chocolate from my blog. Enjoy :)

Honey sweetened Raw White Chocolate
125g Raw Cocao butter
1/3 cup (115g) Raw honey (If you prefer a less sweet chocolate only use 1/4 cup)
1 vanilla pod scraped or tsp vanilla extract

Roughly chop the raw cocao butter and place in the thermomix. Cook at 37 Degrees Celcius on speed 2  for 10 minutes or until melted. Pour in honey and vanilla and mix for 10 seconds on speed 5. Leave to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes, blending on speed 5 for 10 seconds every 15 minutes.  After 30 minutes and the third blend, the mixture should be thickening but will still be able to be poured. (This will vary depending on the temperature and may need an extra 15 minutes and an extra blend) Pour into chocolate or ice trays to make small chocolates or spread onto a tray to make chocolate bark. You could also dip fruits, truffles ect in this chocolate.

For more photo's check out

Special Diets / Re: FAILSAFE Mock Tomato Sauce
« on: May 14, 2013, 05:05:24 am »
Wow thank you!!! Looks great.

It's Allergy Aware Week this week so I thought it would be a good time to share this recipe from my blog.

Chocolate banana Mud Muffins
2 x 400g Cans of black beans or kidney beans strained and rinsed
2/3 cup of  mashed banana (approx 2)
4 tablespoons of coconut oil (substitute with other oil for coconut allergy)
3/4 cup of Carob powder
1 vanilla bean
3/4 cup of Rapadura sugar
1 1/2  teaspoon of allergy free baking powder

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line or grease muffin tray. Place beans in the food processor and puree.  Cut the vanilla bean and scrape seeds into the the bean mixture. Add the sifted cocoa/carob, baking powder,banana, coconut oil and rapadura sugar. Blend until well combined. Spoon mixture into muffin trays and bake in the oven for 25. Leave to cool in pan before gently removing. They will be crunchy on the outside and soft in the middle
Note: If you are making this for an allergy sufferer, please ensure that the cake is made using very clean utensils and that you cook and store it in an area away from the allergens.

Introduce Yourself / Hi from Marinya Cottage Kitchen
« on: May 11, 2013, 10:40:42 am »
Hi, So excited to have finally joined the community after having our thermomix for 6 months. I am a food blogger and most of my recipes are low allergy, whole food and thermomix friendly. I look forward to sharing recipes and joining in on the Forum.

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