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Messages - Strawberries

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thanks for that insight droverjess... i'm a bit wary too. sorry you stuffed yout TMX.

 i like the 'use an old pan' thing though. i'd rather kill a pan i got at an op shop for $3 than a $2k machine!

thankyou. i might try this tomorrow... and be quick! i have some lemons to use up!

thankyou, i did read that while browsing then saw this recipe which is quite similar (except for rinse aid and coarse salt). and wonderered what the difference is that makes this one Ok and the other not ok.


HI Ladies, having some TMX waves of inspiration tonight and looking at cleaning products.

how is this recipe different from the "FATAL dishwasher" recipe from an old thread? sorry for the dumb question... just don't want to destroy thermie!

is it that it doesn't contain rinse aid, or is it the fine vs coarse salt? something else?


Chit Chat / Brown rice salad tweak/dressing/recipe help please!
« on: June 23, 2012, 04:51:59 am »
Hi ladies, I'm in need of a brown rice salad. I'm not too fussed on the one in edc, it's needs tweaking with a dressing or something. What is your yummy tweak?

I've got loads of oranges and lemons, feta, pomegranate, walnuts etc... So just need some help adding flavor.

Amy :)

this is my first recipe posted on here... please give me critical feedback and also test this recipe too.

i made this today, it is adapted from an old 'Diabetic  Association' pudding. I made it to be Egg free, but you could easily make it to be dairy and gluten free as well.

Steamed Chirstmas Pudding
grated rind of 1 lemon
120 g currants
100 g sultanas
100 g raisins
125g  orange juice
1 tsp Mixed Spice
½ tsp ground nutmeg
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
65g brandy

65g whole wheat or whole meal flour (or gluten free flour)
¼ tsp baking soda
2 tbsp butter, melted (or dairy free spread)
1 large carrot, roughly chopped
1 medium green apple, roughly chopped
2 medium bananas, roughly chopped
70g breadcrumbs (GF if needed)
1 egg, beaten (or replacer – I used 2 tsp of ground chia/linseeds soaked in 2tbsp water)
3 tbsp evaporated milk or cream (or coconut cream)

1. Grate the rind of one lemon, scraping the sides. 20secs speed 9
2. Measure out fruit, juice and spices
3. Cook for 8mins, 70oC Reverse speed Soft or until fruit is soft & plump
4. Let cool, add brandy and refrigerate overnight

5. The next day, grind wheat Speed 10 for 40seconds, add baking soda in last 5 seconds set aside
6. Melt 2 tbsp butter, set aside
7. Place carrot into bowl on closed lid potion, blitz with turbo button 2 pulses
8. Add apple to bowl and blitz 1-3 more times until finely grated
9. Add banana and mix speed 4 for 30 secs
10. Return sultana mix,  flour/soda to bowl, add egg or replacement, milk/cream and measure out breadcrumbs. Combine until combined, approx. speed 4 for 30-60secs scraping sides.
11. Divide the mix into silicone patty pans, fill to the top. Place into the two tiers of the Varoma. Makes about 12-16 individual puddings.
12. Add 700g water to bowl and cook for 35mins speed 3 Varoma temperature or until skewer comes out clean.
13. Let cool completely then turn out, if not eating hot.

Chit Chat / Re: Christmas Day Virgin... help!
« on: November 05, 2011, 10:53:03 pm »
Thanks for your reassurance ladies...

i don't have the festive cookbook (and apparently its out of print/stock ?) maybe they will do another reprint this year. I'm also heading to the christmas cooking class in a few weeks too.

LOVE the mini pud idea! and the shortbread, i've seen an idea with pistachio and cranberries maybe that's it!
I might slow cook some meat, and could put it outside to free up room in the kitchen. although i haven't used it since thermie came along!

I Agree, the KISS principle will be the key, and just combining recipes i already do frequently with a few new ones thrown in.

I'm hoping to make some little dukka, oil and bakers delight voucher packs with some preserves and biscuits for pressies ths year too, time permitting. I LOVE MY THERMIE!

keep the ideas coming though!

Chit Chat / Christmas Day Virgin... help!
« on: November 05, 2011, 10:03:34 pm »
HELP! I have offered to put on Christmas lunch this year, the first time EVER in my 31 year life. we normally do boxing day, but I don't have the pressure of having to do it traditionally (ie roast)

I want to use the Thermie as much as i can AND we can't have eggs (my toddler is anaphylactic).

I want to cook something special as its always been at my MIL and its the same roast as she'd cook on a sunday, meats are cooked the day before and reheated (yuck). its the same trifle done the same way every year, the same bon bons, same pickled onions, same same same... all about quantity and not about quality at all and honestly, i'm over it and its aweful. I suggested its time for me to do it so our children don't have to leave all their new toys all day and the offer was accepted!

What are you cooking for a traditional chrissy lunch???

I was thinking to start with some Lemonade, beillnis (berry ones?)...
caps and tom dip and basil dip (red and green theme!)
coconut, mango and mint sorbet (green) and berry sorbet (red) with coconut cream in lieu of eggs
dinner rolls
no idea for mains** - maybe 2 nice roast meats (lamb and glazed ham?), steamed baby carrots, caulie au gratin, colourful roast vegies with rocket and feta salad and beetroot salad??
then pudding for dessert - with custard? still trying to perfect egg free custard that doesn't set like jelly when cold.
orange shortbread and coffee for afters.

what have i forgotten? please give me any suggestions and tweaks!! Thanks...

Chit Chat / Re: Thermie goes to school
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:44:05 pm »
I took my Thermie to school on thursday to show Kinder and yr1 (who have been learning about where food comes from) to make bread.

i first showed them whole wheat then made flour... they were captivated (as was the other teacher) that that is how flour is made. then we weighed ingredients and mixed it up. i used the thermie to knead it, but then the kids got a go to do some more hand kneading to experience what its really like. we talked about yeast being alive and watched the bread rise, pushing the lid off the thermoserver after recess time.

i then made butter from cream while we were waiting for the bread to prove. some of these kids had no idea where their food comes from! everyone was suitably impressed!

good to share the thermie love!

I'm glad i read the replies regarding capacity. i didn't even think about that. 2 lots its is... or another recipe to use half a tin of condensed milk!

thank you all...

yummy, guess what i'm doing tomorrow?

Thanks for your help,
Amy :)

really yummy egg free biscuit recipe from

Could you please help me convert this recipe? I haven't converted any recipes before.

I've tweaked it to include 1C of almond meal instead of 1 of the cups of flour and it was yummy. would i grind the almonds first then set aside (i used pre done stuff before)? i also love to add heaps of choc chips (200g!)

500g butter or margarine
1 tin condensed milk
1 cup sugar
5 cups self-raising flour

Cream sugar and butter. Add condensed milk and flour. Roll into teaspoon sized balls and press down with a fork. Place on greased trays and bake in moderate oven until golden brown (approximately 10-15 minutes).

(i prefer to roll the dough onto a floured board and use cookie cutters.)


Babies and Kids / Re: a chicken nugget recipe please?
« on: August 13, 2011, 10:36:27 pm »
Thanks Ladies,
 i think i'll just have to experiment. maybe if i find a non-tmx recipe someone may be able to help me convert the recipe?!? I've not done that before, i'm a newbie!

 :) Amy

Babies and Kids / Re: a chicken nugget recipe please?
« on: August 13, 2011, 11:10:12 am »
thanks for that. they have egg in them though. will the still hold together do you think? and crumb ok? without egg

Babies and Kids / a chicken nugget recipe please?
« on: August 13, 2011, 10:24:21 am »
Hello, does anyone have a recipe for chicken nuggets my kids would approve of? I tried the EDC chicken hors derves, but they weren't very nice and my kids didn't like them.

they must be egg free.


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