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Messages - Zan

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51 52
Also if you don't like the idea of steamed sausages use the darker coloured ones. First time we did this we used beef with tomato and basil ones (macro organic at woolworths) the second time the chicken ones - the first produced a much nicer gravy and were far more appealing - really looked fine, the chicken ones were a bit insipid looking. Though 2 mins in the fry pan afterwards would have browned them up fine.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Newbie from Surrey, UK
« on: August 19, 2010, 02:32:18 pm »
Welcome, I'm sure you will be going great guns with your attitude!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Newbie from Launceston, Tasmania
« on: August 19, 2010, 02:30:05 pm »
I'm sure you'll find loads of things! You'll love it.

Main Dishes / Re: Beef and Beer Casserole
« on: August 17, 2010, 12:42:23 pm »
Made this tonight absolutely yummy. Added carrots and served with rice.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Another newbie from Perth
« on: August 16, 2010, 11:31:22 am »
LOL I think all of mine would move out if I had to practice the mushroom risotto if I became a consultant.

Lemon cupcakes - yum - off to find recipe.

Main Dishes / Re: Honey Soy Stir Fry Chicken Winglets
« on: August 16, 2010, 10:17:49 am »
Made these today - super yummy!!
I didn't have time to marinade them for long as it was a last minute idea but I cooked them in the marinade and they were still delicious, so looking forward to trying them again done properly.

Pic here:

Think I need the Indian cookbook then.

Chit Chat / Re: Need inspiration
« on: August 13, 2010, 01:58:31 pm »
I imagine I'm fairly near you so if you want to have a meetup/chat/TMX session then let me know.

Babies and Kids / Re: LTM's (kids rice bubble snack bars)
« on: August 13, 2010, 11:08:41 am »
Made these today and they were a great hit! Hopefully with the cool weather they will also stand up to the lunch box next week.

Made this tonight and it was lovely. Added a couple of mushrooms (just button ones as that's what I had) at the beginning and used half bisto (english gravy granules) and cornflour for the thickening as had just used vegie concentrate stock. But it was all so full of flavour.
Kids loved it.
Used Woolworths Organic Beef with tomato and basil sausages - very tasty and a fav here.

Personally I would egg, mango and peanut free as they are allergies.
Then I would make sure there were a couple of vegan and lactose free options. (am assuming all adults??)
Diabetics - they will know how to balance their diet around what is available. Diabetes is about a balance and a lot to do with carbs rather than sugar as is assumed.
Things like carrot sticks and other crudites are great. Dips. everyone can have all of it except the vegan if it has dairy etc so then they can just eat the vegies.
Could do some vegie (vegan friendly) sausage rolls.
Nice bread/rolls.
Crisps etc
cheese - could do vegan to cover more than one base, lol (loses the lactose person but covers others).

If you could do a wheat/dairy free cake that would be really popular but I'm sure people would be fine if not (esp if you are talking adults, but if children I'm sure the parents would be happy to provide an alternative for their child.

Really just make sure there is something vegan friendly, wheat free and nothing allergy potential and everyone will be happy. They will all be glad you've made an effort.
I don't think you can make food to be everyone friendly and I don't think anyone expects it other than the anaphylactic sufferers and even they don't expect it, just appreciate it.

Maybe put little signs/flags (ie 70's style) saying what is vegan/dairy free/wheat free etc??

Chit Chat / Re: Thermomix on Masterchef again
« on: July 21, 2010, 03:51:52 am »
Was great to see it so much on the cake show and mentioned by name a couple of times.

CP63 - I'm sure they can use cookbooks because I've heard them mention looking through cookbooks overnight. Not sure about internet, though Jonathon was talking about downloading episodes of MC and taking them back into the house to watch so not sure how much tv/internet they had in the house.

There will be a celebrity masterchef I think in the near future, I'm sure I read it's been filmed.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: EDC Beef Stroganoff Review
« on: July 16, 2010, 11:06:33 am »
Good work with the blog Zan  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Thanks, hope I can keep it up as when I was looking to buy I really wanted to see a day to day of what the tmx was used for.

Chit Chat / Re: I give up on TMX mashed potato!
« on: July 16, 2010, 11:04:23 am »
The first thing I made was mash and I did the basket method and then milk and butter, no water, (same as when I do them in a pot) and had a great consistency, still like mash not packet stuff.

Introduce Yourself / Re: HI, should I really buy a Thermomix?
« on: July 16, 2010, 10:50:38 am »
I don't think you have to like cooking or be adventurous to really get worth out of it.
You can do some meat and 3 veg type meals, as well as some casserole type things - like the stroganoff - honestly this is so easy and full proof and takes 5 mins prep and 20 mins cooking. No need to like cooking, lol, just eating.
Also things like juices, custards, salads, sorbet.
Not sure if your boys eat much pasta but my girls do and although they are generally great with veg (though the 3 year old can be a bit hit and miss) I love the ease of adding some 'invisible' veg so easily to the sauces. (we did the creamy tomato and salami one last night and you wouldn't know there was also zucchini etc in there.) Types of veg they don't normally like can be easily incorporated.
I also love being able to make things like my own stock (I am in love with the vegie stock concentrate) so I know things don't have additives. I've only had my thermomix a week and I've used it loads (see if you want to see what I've been using it for). And we've still had our weekend steaks etc.

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