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Messages - Nighteyes_fitz

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Bread / Re: What do you do with your Brioche dough?
« on: October 20, 2012, 12:06:43 pm »
yup :)

Bread / Re: What do you do with your Brioche dough?
« on: October 20, 2012, 12:01:35 pm »
Oh Judy you have GOT to try it! easy! I have been using the back of my warmed car let my dough rise as it has been quite cold here in Perth! I'm just about to ice my plait and then put sprinkles on. Hubby has take the kids across the road to the out door movies that they have on the Oval provided by our local Council and we are just waiting on the brioche and the gluten free goodies.

Bread / What do you do with your Brioche dough?
« on: October 20, 2012, 11:44:23 am »
Just wondering what everyone does with their Brioche dough? I made a sweet plaited loaf with raisins and cinnamon. Just wondering what else can be done with it? What is your fave thing to do with it? It is so easy to make I am quite taken with it!

Cakes / Re: Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Scrolls
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:22:46 am » don't add more butter, sugar, cinnamon to the dough before rolling up...doesn't work so well! but they still taste delicious...sticky..but delicious! Going to make some more tomorrow but not be so greedy!

Cakes / Re: Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Scrolls
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:13:52 am »
In the oven now  ;D Just have to work out a way to do Gluten free and I will be in luuurve!

Cakes / Re: Bill Granger's Cinnamon Snail Rolls - with photos
« on: July 04, 2012, 11:37:02 am »
I'm going to make these tomorrow. My Dad lives in Ladysmith BC. They are famous for their cinnamon scrolls and all the different flavours! Can't wait to experiment!

I've just made this. I must have done something wrong. It didn't go fluffy. It went like a paste instead. Maybe I over worked it or didn't work it enough. Not sure  ???

Bread / Re: Bacon & cheese rolls
« on: June 07, 2012, 05:36:37 am »
Thanks so much Maddy! Dough is proving at the moment. Just made a gluten free version from another recipe. So much quicker! but probably not as good!

Bread / Re: Bacon & cheese rolls
« on: June 07, 2012, 12:45:57 am »
Cheers, Fundj! :-*

Bread / Re: Bacon & cheese rolls
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:12:47 pm »
When I buy normal ( non gluten free ) flour I usually just buy Coles brand. Can I just use that flour? Or do I have to use strong bakers flour?

Chit Chat / Re: Help! I'm really struggling :(
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:27:48 am »
I read a tip about taking the bowl out and cooling it down then grinding again. I was so worried about burning out the engine or over working my machine! Maybe I just need to not be so cautious and scared?
Luckily I was told straight away that gluten free things even dough is a batter so that was a good heads up for me.

Chit Chat / Re: Help! I'm really struggling :(
« on: April 26, 2012, 02:04:43 am »
 :D Meagan you have been so busy I didn't want to disturb you! I think I definitely need to do the Varoma demo. I think not really knowing how to use that effectively is like me missing half my machine. Although I have tried some things in it!

The kids are a bit iffy on the quinoa. I made a pastry that had quinoa in it and it was rejected from everyone!

I'm thinking I might start doing a few non gluten free things.

I'm off work and confined to bed due to the flu ( those swabs are naaaasty!!!) and looking like a pin cushion plus kids have just gone back to school today....longest 3 weeks of my life! So I have a few hours to peruse the forum.

Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it. It's hard asking for help but when you do it really is easy! You guys make it easy to ask!  :-*

Chit Chat / Re: Help! I'm really struggling :(
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:45:31 am »
the good thing is I KNOW it has potential to make my life so much easier..I just have to find it!  ;D I'm stubborn...I don't give up easily haha

Cecilia I will have to get a copy of that book. Thanks for all your help ladies  :-*

Chit Chat / Re: Help! I'm really struggling :(
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:14:40 am »
Thanks Celilia. I really enjoy Jo's blog. She uses alot of non gluten free stuff like spelt and oats and when I convert it doesn't really work out. This is hard for me to be honest. I used to be such a great cook. This gluten free bizzo has knocked me around!

I think I might end up living on here racking everyone's brains! I have heaps of gluten free cook books i just don't know how to convert to thermomix.

Chit Chat / Help! I'm really struggling :(
« on: April 25, 2012, 10:52:33 am »
I've lost my Thermie mojo  :'(

I want to use it to it's potential but I just haven't. I have one family member who is Gluten Free and I struggle with trying to make gluten free stuff. I don't know if I am doing things wrong but I find my thermie doesn't live up to my expectations in the area of grinding grains ect. Not sure if I am doing it wrong? But it doesn't turn them into the flours that I was lead to believe it would  :(

Anyone have any tips?

What are your fave things to do in the thermie? What gives you your inspiration? I really need to get out of this slump because right now my thermie is just a very expensive paper weight sitting on my bench :(

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