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Messages - JaneeZee

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Chit Chat / Re: Thermomix hire Brisbane
« on: June 16, 2009, 03:44:15 am »
Highly unlikely you will be able to hire one - unless someone else up there is going overseas & not taking theirs while you are up there.

If you want to take it I would buy one of the carrying cases we consultants use & take it on as hand luggage.  You will have to pack the blades in the checked in baggage obviously!  Whole thing weighs under 7kg - I checked about taking mine to NZ & they said dimensions were fine for hand luggage.

Good luck with it!!  Hubby should be grateful you want to take it - think of the money you will save on eating out - suggest something HE really wants to do that you will be able to pay for with the savings!!! ;)

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Re: Yoghurt
« on: June 15, 2009, 03:07:04 am »
Thanks Squirrel (and welcome).  Great work with your descriptions.

we have difficulty sourcing unhomogenised milk in Vic, but I know from 30 plus years of making yoghurt that it worked better with the old milk.

I read your last sentance then had to go away to check.  I buy unhomogenised milk all the time from the supermarket.  The Parmalat Pure Organic Full Cream Milk by Pauls is unhomogenised.

Could it be you were confusing it with unpasturised which is very hard to source??

Special Diets / Re: Failsafe chicken risotto
« on: June 14, 2009, 05:32:10 pm »
I have always been advised to only add the chicken for the last 5 minutes of cooking a risotto.  When I have done that the chicken stays in distinct pieces & is beautifully cooked.

Chit Chat / Re: Nico Moretti 'Food for Friends' book
« on: June 14, 2009, 05:24:33 pm »
Caroine, I have the book.  It has 12 Starters/sides; 8 salads; 5 pasta/noodles; 11 meat/poultry; 8 seafood & 13 desserts & drinks recipes.  Of those 22 have at least partial conversions.  My favourite recipe from it so far is "Dragon-style" barbecue pork & soba noodle salad but there is no TM conversion for that.  Suspect you may feel a bit short-changed by this book if you are after something that concentrates on TM & as a "foodie" you are probably beyond it as an inspirational cookbook.  I think the booklet being referred to has the recipes from the cooking class he did last year on his Thermo-tour of Australia.

Hope that helps.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to Forum
« on: June 14, 2009, 05:05:29 pm »
Fortunatley my wife bought me one, otherwise I'd still be procrastinating, but now she regrets the time I spend with my Bimby and the Bimbettes here.

In the immortal words of Darryl Kerrigan Thermomixer "You're dreaming"!!! Bimbettes indeed.......(as she does a Miss Piggy toss of the hair & throws her snout in the air)

Welcome Gayle & Mandi - the animal reference is not due to the recent flu quasi pandemic but Thermomixers life away from the Bimby.....

You might want to also try the Canadian distributors who should be able to tell you the implications of using a European spec one compared to one for their electrical climate.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Recipe Book Tweaking and Reviews!
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:59:35 am »
I have only spent a week in WA but thought it was wonderful - including the food. ;D

Similarly JD, the time I have spent in SA was fantastic too.  I wasn't born here - I hail from close to where Caroline W is - & I am most appreciative of being able to live in this wonderful country.  Just wish we had a few more "real" mountains for skiing & the like. ;) Raclette after a long days skiing & hot chocolate on the slopes (lived in French Alps too!) aaahhhhh!

Now awaiting mean Pom retorts  :-))

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Recipe Book Tweaking and Reviews!
« on: June 11, 2009, 10:54:36 am »
She meant everyone in WA except you cookie1 (and the other Sandgroppers who have joined this forum !) 

JaneZee is really a very lovely, kind-hearted person who I have known for 10+ years through vet stuff - she would not mean to hurt you.

( need to find out who the little bird was .. )

He is so right........about not wanting to hurt you cookie1 - no slurs intended :-[

He's wrong evidenced by the bags under our eyes & the expanded waistlines I have known you more than 20 years JB......scary huh??

Ornithology is not my strong suit so I couldn't possibly identify the little bird...... :-X

baf65, I-L-B & Amanda are all on the I note our newest member is actually a GL!!

Hope I have soothed the ruffled feathers - I am not reknowned for "playing nice"!!

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Recipe Book Tweaking and Reviews!
« on: June 11, 2009, 06:04:36 am »
Grrrrrr - don't know how to partially quote you Thermomixer!!!! (Not that blog literate!)

Think you can pick your own consultant if you know one & you are not being serviced by your original one.  You wouldn't keep going back to the same veterinarian if you got better service from another one would you??!! ;)

As for submitting - I just don't want to always seem like the "political" consultant making a noise down here.  I think what is being done on the forum is fantastic & I keep coming back for inspiration.

Don't know about Rick sending's up to each consultant to run their own show within reason.  Be warned however, my cooking is definately not up to your level so my newsletters are pretty basic!!!!

If you would like to travel to Mornington for our soiree on June 24th you would be welcomed with open arms ;D ;D ;D ;D

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Recipe Book Tweaking and Reviews!
« on: June 11, 2009, 04:33:31 am »
I have the old Everyday cookbook and know that there have been changes made - but nobody has told me what the changes were.  >:( >:(  

You're not on your Pat Malone there Jeff!!  

I am waving my white flag now  ;)

I and I am sure other consultants, will keep pushing the barrow. It makes good business sense to listen to your customers after all.  I have set up a monthly email newsletter to my customers to do some of what we are doing here on the forum - give feedback on recipes.  We are looking at having an alternative type of cooking class on the Mornington Penninsula where customers come together to share recipes & hints & tips.........will let you know how it goes once it has happened.

I do have a list of corrections for the Varoma book but short of going through the EDC page by page I don't know what the changes are. :-\

As far as the TM Aus website is concerned I personally think it is sadly lacking.  Is it only in Australia that the recipe books don't always come up to scratch or are there complaints from other corners of the globe??

I guess I never thought to blame the recipes for things going wrong as I have had 30 odd years of blaming myself!!!!!

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Recipe Book Tweaking and Reviews!
« on: June 11, 2009, 03:29:01 am »
When you say Thermomix is not owned by Vorwerk, how can that be? ??? ???
Am very confused ???

Apologies for confusion.   :-[  Vorwerk manufacture the Thermomix but Thermomix Australia - the company - is not owned by Vorwek.  It took an individual, who was passionate about the machine, to persuade Vorwerk to allow her to distribute them over here.  So, Grace has a licence to distribute them in ANZ.  While they are sold throughout the world via home demonstration every market seems to do things slightly differently.  Grace does get support from Vorwerk but as ILB noted everyone here has different tastes let alone between different countries.  Thats why this forum is so great - we get to share tips & tricks without borders.  I just felt there was disproportionate criticism. I have no idea what the after-sales service is like in other countries - would be interested to find out.  I am happy to include "orphaned" owners in my band that I keep in contact with - especially Melbournians - just let me know. 

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Recipe Book Tweaking and Reviews!
« on: June 10, 2009, 06:49:57 am »
Me again!!!

One thing I didn't make clear is that Thermomix in Australia is not owned by Vorwerk so Grace Mazur has had to get the whole thing going herself............3 cheers for Grace!!!!!!

Chit Chat / Re: What did you name your TM?
« on: June 10, 2009, 06:30:31 am »
Mine is called Thelma.  I hoped to get a second by selling enough & that one would be Louise - the one I take on the road to demonstrations.  Think Louise will have to wait till next year now, assignments got in the way........ :(

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Recipe Book Tweaking and Reviews!
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:54:11 am »
Just want to put the recipe/test kitchen thing into perspective.  Please bear in mind that Grace has fought to be able to supply Thermomixs here in Australia.  It was all built by her on word of mouth & most of the early consultants had no background in sales, they simply loved their machines & told people about them.  In the past couple of years (as I gather, I have only had mine 12 months) the growth in ownership has been phenomenal & - as you would probably be aware - they have recently moved into much larger premises in Perth with more staff.  It is my understanding that a test kitchen will be built there.  At the risk of making a sweeping statement I don't know that the Western Australians are as pedantic about their food as those of us in the southern & eastern states are (something a little bird told me!) so, it could just be that we are fussier & really putting the TM through it's paces.  Personally I was a hopeless, unsophisticated & resentful cook before my TM.  My everyday cookbook lived in my handbag for the first month so I could plan what we would eat that night & have the ingredients.  Now I LOVE cooking & showing off with the help of "Thelma"  ;D
Having said all that, I agree that there is serious tweaking that needs doing with some recipes.  Why would anyone cook Bolognaise sauce without herbs in it??? ???  I too made the Tomato & Lentil Dahl;
Everyday Cookbook Pg 89 & Vegetarian Cookbook Pg 79
Start with milling cumin & mustard seed, chop carrot in with garlic, ginger & onion then saute. Add coriander in at the end by snipping with kitchen shears...too fiddly to chop this first & take it out.  I used hot chilli powder as it was all I had.  Flavour was wonderful.  Only gripe was that the tomatoes were a bit big & chunky for me - would aim to chop them much smaller - or use diced, canned variety.  Accompanied it with rice cooked in basket with vegies steamed over that.
Minestrone Soup with pasta
[b]Everyday cookbook Pg73
Used tiny pasta can't remember what type but 250g was WAY too much, it came out more like stodgy pasta veggie stew than soup; certainly nothing like the picture!!  Would only put around 50g in in future.  There was also a huge quantity which the dogs enjoyed on day 3 after we had added tuna to it on day 2 ;)

So, the message from this evangelist  ;D is keep on trying & sharing & lets be grateful to Grace Mazur that she had the vision & the guts to put her money where her heart is.  Remember life before TM? Who wants to go back there?????

Apologies for lengthy post............Jane  in Melbourne

Introduce Yourself / Re: excited!!
« on: May 21, 2009, 06:06:39 am »

Hi JZ - because tu parle francais bien - here is a lemon meringue pie from France -
Have you checked out their site? - Tres bien, aussi.

Zut alors, maintenant je n'aurais jamais du temps pour's been that long I have no idea whether what I just said made sense!!  But the site looks like it has some yummy stuff on it - the bergamot infused creme brule...........mmmmmm might have to risk translating that one.

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