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Messages - ozzy-dj

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Chit Chat / Re: Buying whole grain for bread making
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:25:52 am »
Not sure about Melbourne but here in Perth there are lots of continental shops where they have dried beans and grains in sacks that you scoop out what you want. Pay by the kilo. I bought wheat and other dried beans from one. Ask your consultant who sold you the TMX


Chit Chat / Re: anyone with experience with chocolate or decorating iceing
« on: February 09, 2010, 05:25:49 am »
Megan, HI. I was hoping there might be some from here at the meeting but did not know how to find out. Hope to talk to you next time.

BTW does anyone know how to delete my double post. My web page said it had lost the connection so I thought it had not posted.  ???


Chit Chat / anyone with experience with chocolate or decorating iceing
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:52:06 am »
I have a potential client that would be looking for using the TMX in her cake decorating business. Would love to hear from anyone who may have comments on how it can be used for this specific function. I know she does lots of chocolate and iceing.


Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: My Way of Cooking International Edition 2
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:30:30 am »
I have been following this thread with close attention. I am a real newbie (got my TMX 6 days ago) and have signed up to be a consultant. I will be asking questions during my training but from what I have learned so far I think there may be different methods used in different areas.
One comment I noted was postage charged on the cook book. My documentation says no postage and the reason given for half price for a demo with no sale is to stop customers simply having a demo with the same guests and no intention to buy. I think I agree with the company that I would  not like to keep doing demos for the same group just so they get a fee lunch and a free cook book.
Someone mentioned that these ladies really want an advanced cooking class and I think that is the answer. Who organises it is another question. There seems to be a few of those available around Perth so maybe we do not have the same problem others do.
Is it an idea for you to hold your own advanced class? As the business is yours I see no reason for you not to be able to do that and if that is what the customers want they may also be willing to pay a bit to cover costs. I think the ones in Perth are $15.
You might even get some demo bookings from it.
Any way I will continue to follow this and I hope when my training is completed I can make a go of my business as so many others do. I really appreciate all the info I see on this site.

Cakes / Banana Bread II
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:49:57 am »
Another Banana bread. converted from my original recipe

place 160g sugar in bowl wiz at spee6 2 sec
add 113g butter I use cold from the fridg  wiz about 4 sec speed 6 I peek in the top to see if it looks like creamed sugar & butter
add 3 bananas (peeled)
add 2 eggs wizz about 6 sec speed 4-5
add 1 teasp. bicarb soda + 1/2 teasp. salt + 83g plain whole wheat flour + 80 g plain flour stir speed 4 about 6-7 sec

It can optionally have nuts such as walnuts but I do not as my family prefers it without.

put into greased and paper lined loaf pan cook 40 - 50 min at 180C

great with butter or cream cheese
I usually make a few loafs and freez some sliced for when guests arrie for mornin tea and nothing else is available.

members' comments

Zan - Thanks a really lovely light fluffy and yummy Banana Bread.

Mezza39 - Thanks ozzy. Had to use all plain flour as didn't have any whole wheat. Still delicious, and the kids loved it too.

85model - this banana bread is delish!!!

dede - What can I say but yum yum. Great recipe. I added walnuts to my mix.

Bubbles - I made this a few days ago and it was gone within 3 days! I am making it again today but will make two loaves so I can manage to get one in the freezer as per your suggestion ozzydj - thanks it is very easy and delicious!

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: My Way of Cooking International Edition 2
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:46:44 am »
To riv_mum and others regarding the credit card problem. I think you can open a paypal account then you would be able to process payments wth a credit card. I use that for my business because I have only a few customers who want to use cc and it is not worth the bank fees to set up a merchant account. Have a look at


Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from Perth, Western Australia
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:05:07 am »
Hi monipod, I too am from the Perth area (Chittering) no kids so that is not an excuse but I think I was a good cook BT ( before TMX).
I have just received my Bimby and am experimenting with doing my regular things with the TMX to see if it lives up to its name. So far very good. I hope to be adding a few converted recipies to the forum. I plan to be a consultant so one of my aims is to have an answer for every question I might get on if the TMX is as good as or better than some other appliance or for some function. I am being very critical but still it is coming out right up there and mostly ON TOP. I find that sometimes I need to do it different but that is the challenge as mostly it is faster. One thing it has no competition is cooking and stiring as needed for puddings, risotta and sauces.

As I am a newby too I am still finding out things it will do. Your situation is probably the best example of a real justification for having one.

Chit Chat / Re: Challenge #4 - Lunch box Challenge, all welcome!
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:38:00 am »
Not just for the lunch box.  I always have some roast meat left after 2 or 3 variations on the original. (sliced with gravy, cold sliced with salad) The last bit is sometimes a bit dry too so. Into the TMX, 1/2 onion in quarters wizz. the meat cut into 2-3cm cube, a dollup of mayonaise (home made of course) a dollup of tomato sauce or catchup, maybe a bit of garlic or a small pepper. Wizz the TMX check to see if it is the texture and tase you want then put it in a sealable container for great sandwitches.  I had a big batch once so I spread the mix on go-between freezer paper wrapped the stack and froze. used like meat slices to create sandwiches that stay cool for awhile.


Seafood and Fish / Re: Salmon with salmon mousse stuffing and mango sauce
« on: February 05, 2010, 11:05:36 am »
I tried this for dinner last night with good results. I did rice in the bowl during the first 15 minutes of cooking and added baby zuchini and cherry tomatoes to steam with the mushrooms.

Main Dishes / Re: Sloppy Joe (From Canadian Cookbook)
« on: February 04, 2010, 02:55:28 am »
Yum. I made as my first TMX Meal. soo easy. did add a jelepano pepper and garlic. It is the sort of thing you can add seasoning as you like.

Chit Chat / hooray! it arrived
« on: February 03, 2010, 07:37:16 am »
Just received my Bimby.   ;D   I made pumpkin soup under the watchful eye of the consultant and she advised me of all the features etc. Since she left I have made the stock and am just checking a recipe I plan to use for dinner to be sure I have everything. Now that I have my TMX I will start converting my recipes and will post as I do.


Condiments and Sauces / Re: Fajita Marinade for Chicken
« on: February 01, 2010, 09:42:49 am »
Thanks to Cathy and Judy. I will definitely be trying these recipes as soon as I get my THM. This Wednesday I hope.


Condiments and Sauces / Re: Fajita Marinade for Chicken
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:15:14 am »
I tried to get the recipe for tortillas but the link does not work. Can you post it or send a new link.


Introduce Yourself / Re: about to be a "user"
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:42:59 am »
I Know how you feel. I ordered my Bimby after an openday at Thermomix last Friday and am soooo waiting to receive it. I will be training as a consultant to and am really looking forward to meeting lots of new people who will, I hope become friends.


Introduce Yourself / Re: another new Thermmix user fromWA
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:11:07 am »
Hi and thanks to all for the great welcome. I have been haunting the site looking for those items I now make regularly with other equipment that I hope to use the TMX. Great luck so far. I am an avid cook and am really looking forward to converting some of my own specialties which I will post here once I test them.

Someone asked what part of WA. I am in Chittering.


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