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Messages - hools003

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Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Carribean Carrot Cake
« on: August 30, 2010, 08:11:59 am »
I made this yummy cake the other day and it was a big hit with the whole family, especially with the cream cheese frosting!! I have a silicon ring tin and i used that.  It took about 1hour 40 mins, but i checked after an hour.
It is so moist and lasted quite a while as it was so big!!! :)


Introduce Yourself / Re: Perthie needs a!!
« on: August 24, 2010, 06:33:31 am »
Thanks JudyDawn, i only used half the salt in the veg stock, but it still didnt freeze properly.  Yes, i have lost my ice block trays for a while.
Cornish cream, i'm not sure if hubby is won over yet because i've only just started using it again.  My son has been in hospital for the past 2 weeks so i've been back and forth to the hospital and everyone else had to fend for themselves!! He's home now so its back to normal.
Ive made a soup today and the too easy choc cake (which really is so easy).  Im just going to have a look to see what i can make for dinner!
My Mum and Dad come home in just under 2 weeks and then they are moving house so i reckon i've still got another 3-4 weeks up my sleeve!!!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Perthie needs a!!
« on: August 03, 2010, 09:01:31 am »
Thanks for everyones replys. I decided not to double the recipe for spaghetti bolognaise as i didnt want to make a huge mess if it splattered everywhere, but because it didnt take long at all, i made chilli con carne as well. The chilli was brilliant!

Next i made a recipe from the forum i was penne pasta (cooked on the stove) with a cheese, bacon and chicken sauce, then put in the oven with cheese on the top. i served it with a salad and got lots of good comments from the boys.

Today i have made the vegetable stock concentrate and have frozen it in ice block trays and when they are frozen i'll put them into snap lock bags.

I am having a lot of fun with it, the next thing i want to tackle is things to put in the kids lunchboxes (that they will eat, not throw away) If anyone can enlighten me i will be eternally grateful.


Introduce Yourself / Re: Perthie needs a!!
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:09:41 am »
Does anyone know if you can double the bolognaise sauce recipe and add spaghetti In the Edc? I like to feed my family of 5 and have leftovers.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Perthie needs a!!
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:08:54 am »
Hi everyone,
exciting news..... i've got the use of my Mum and Dads Thermomix until September!!!
I am trying to impress my partner, by using it heaps! So far i have made, lemon custard, porridge, mushroom risotto, pad thai and tonight will be chicken curry!!
I did forget to pick up the butterfly, basket, varoma and the thermomservers, so i will have to go and get them before i make some of the other things.
The pad thai was fantastic!  Even my 10 year old loved it. I think i'll have to do a mango sorbet after dinner. Has anyone tried the spaghetti bolognaise?  I was thinking i might do that for the kids tonight and the curry for us.
By the way, the forum is brilliant for recipes and also for a few tweaks from the EDC.
Anyway i'd better go get started on impressing everyone! 

Julia x

Introduce Yourself / Re: Perthie needs a!!
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:28:20 am »
Hi again, and thanks for everyones welcome and encouragement.
It seems to be that i cant stop thinking about thermomix!! It's in my head and think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get a demo.
I've been thinking, :-)) and told the DH that because i've got some work coming up, that i can put that towards my new toy!  He said "oh i thought we would put that towards the new paving!!!" Yeah right, i don't think so. Then i started saying all the yummy things i could make and he just rolls his eyes, ha ha  :-))

Introduce Yourself / Perthie needs a!!
« on: April 14, 2010, 07:21:58 am »
Hi there everyone,  :)

I haven't got a thermomix yet, but desperately want and need one! My Mum has had hers for 3 years and since going to her demo, i have been sold.... its just convincing my partner! I'm sure that when i have a demo, he will be too.

I'm trying to work out how would be the best way to pay. Not sure whether we can afford to do the credit card, or to go with the payment for a year.

I keep looking on this forum, reading everyones raves and am so jealous because i know how much i will use it.  I have 3 hungry kids to feed (all boys) and im sure a thermomix would be a most welcome addition to my busy kitchen!

Anyway, just thought i'd say hi and hopefully soon i will be able to be one of you and tell you what i've been making!!



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