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Messages - Bubbles

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Introduce Yourself / Re: To buy or not to buy!!
« on: May 02, 2012, 06:49:30 am »
Once you have the TM bug it's really hard to shake it away. I used all my savings as well to buy mine 15 months ago, but I have found that the TM has paid for it self in that time with savings from buying pre prepared foods, takeaways, packaged foods etc. I cook all my family's foods for school/work which on its own would save me around $60 a week (family of 7) that's about a $3000 savings in a year on its own. I make pizzas which we would probably have brought once a month costing around $50, making my own would save us around $300 a year, my Grocerie bill is down around $100 a f/night.
It's a big decision spending so much in one item but we all need food to survive and it's a big part of our life. I couldn't bare being without my TM now. The whole family eat much healthier and I know what is going in their mouth (lots of nasties in pre prepared foods)
Good luck with your decision
And welcome to the forum.

Keep asking questions until you have come to a decision your happy with :)

Dede, can I ask what sorts of things do you make for lunches that saves you $60 wk? They are fantastic savings and I'm so impressed with $100 f/night grocery bill!

I have only started using my TMX in the past couple of weeks and am still definitely in the stocking up the cupboard stage, but we have our own business and things are quite slow at the moment, so I'm reluctant to spend more than I would usually at the moment (especially after the $2K outlay!) so am looking for tips/ideas on the most noticeable ways people saved money on meals? Once our business picks up again, then I will definitely start buying more ingredients for things I have never cooked before, but in the meantime, does anyone have any tips on the easiest/quickest way for saving money? I guess bread will be a big one, I haven't taken the plunge and attempted that, but in our family of 4, we only buy Bakers delight/brumbies wholemeal bread and spend a lot on that per week.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi from a pregnant mother of 2
« on: May 01, 2012, 12:59:02 pm »
Oh I didn't even think of the steam sterilising mcmich! It just gets better and better! And yes, I can't wait to see how long it takes me to cook and puree fruit, compared to previously using my saucepan and mouli, that will be worth the $s investment just in itself I think!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi from a pregnant mother of 2
« on: April 30, 2012, 12:57:11 pm »
Wow thank you all for your lovely welcoming messages! I've never joined a forum before (although read many) and am so glad to have joined such a friendly helpful group of people! Also, I don't know anybody else personally who has a TMX (apart from my consultant) so I am excited to be able to chat with people about it, and already I am getting some great advice!
Thank you Judydawn for the Babies and Kids section recommendation, I hadn't looked at that yet, and now have so many inspirations for healthy snacks! I thought I was just going to get healthy dinners at this stage, but a lot of those lunchbox ideas look super easy :)
Also thank you Frozzie for the link to cream puff's list of favourites, I can't wait to have a good look through all of those as well.
I agree Brumington that it is mind boggling! My kids (4 & 2) both enjoyed the two risottos I have made, and you can put in any veggies that you want, and I added chicken as well, it is in the Everyday Cooking book and is super easy. I have NEVER had success with risotto before, always feeling too exhausted to eat it after standing at the stove for what felt like 3 hours stirring!!! When I made the Tuna Mornay my DD4 actually said it was 'too tasty' which is quite embarrassing really, -obviously she is just used to the bland packet stuff I have been serving her up for the past 4 years lol! But the second time she liked it, so I can recommend that at this early stage Brumington & grapesy83 (I am just going for simple quick nutritious meals for the whole family at the moment).
Thanks everyone for the sympathy re the morning sickness, it is nice to actually be able to enjoy the aromas coming from the TMX, rather than running from them straight to the bathroom!

Introduce Yourself / Hi from a pregnant mother of 2
« on: April 28, 2012, 11:44:29 pm »
Hi everyone,
I have had my TMX for about 3 months now, after 4-5 months of discussions with my DH. The day we purchased it I discovered I was pregnant and things went rapidly down hill from there! I have been extremely sick with no energy and my poor brand new TMX has sat on the bench collecting dust! Thankfully I am coming through the worst of it now, and feel as excited and enthusiastic as I should have when we first got it! I work 3 days, and have a DD4, and DS2, so am mainly at this stage looking for easy quick recipes that feed the whole family, with any kind of veggies and meat in it. So far I have cooked Tuna Mornay, Chilli Con Carne, Chow Mien & Mushroom Risotto, all delicious!
I'm excited to be part of this forum.
Regards, Bubbles.

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