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Messages - courton

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Soups / Re: Healthy leek and lentil soup
« on: February 14, 2010, 09:31:55 am »
LOL!  A lentil soup without the lentils! It really is delicious! If you want, you can add crisply fried bacon pieces just before serving... which is what we did tonight. Yum!~

First time I have converted one of our favourite recipes into TMX! Sorry about it!! ;) ;) ;)

Soups / Re: Healthy leek and lentil soup
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:24:45 am »
PS - got distracted by DH. I should add that before adding cream or milk, place MC on lid and blend for 10-20 sec working gradually to speed 9.

Soups / Healthy leek and lentil soup (Revised)
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:19:25 am »

Name of Recipe: Healthy leek, bacon and lentil soup
Number of People:[4-6]
1 oz butter
3 leeks
2 rashers bacon
2 sticks celery
1 cup red lentils
2 chicken stock cubes
1/2 cup cream or milk
1000 ml water
salt/pepper and parsley for garnishing

Chop celery, then leeks and bacon in TMX for 3-5 sec on speed 5.
Saute leeks, bacon and celery for 8 mins at 100c on speed 1.
Add red lentils, 1000 ml water and chicken stock cubes and cook for 25 min 100c on :-: ^^.
Blend for 10-20 seconds whilst turning the speed slowly to speed 9 until it is well mashed.
Add milk or cream to taste as well as salt and pepper. Garnish with parsley.

Recipe source unknown... recipe given to me.


Tips/Hints: You may want to reduce the amount of water if you want a really thick soup

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / EDC p 115 Buttermilk bread
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:10:08 am »
Since it is a miserable day here I decided to make the buttermilk bread from the EDC book and followed the recipe to the t.

It was very sticky and didn't come out of the bowl. Used oil on palm (as instructed) and tried to mould it but it was still too sticky. Finally gave up and used some bakers flour to get it going.

The bread is fine but very hard and crusty on top and soft inside.

Chit Chat / Re: new owner - where and how do I begin?
« on: February 13, 2010, 10:00:44 am »
You will find the EDC too full of fat and sugar! Certainly use it as a basis but really cut down the unnecessary fats and sugar. I have just bought the Taste of Vegetarian cookbook which seems full of healthy recipes... haven't tried anything from it as yet. I find the forum more useful than the EDC!

Introduce Yourself / Re: hi - needing some reassurance!
« on: February 12, 2010, 11:15:01 am »
i think it will be great if we could have a low carb section!!

Recipe Requests / Re: Biryani Recipe - Indian rice, with/without lamb.
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:50:02 am »
Yes, you are right. I am aware of the difference. But I just thought I should mention it since the beauty of the Thermomix is to cook everything in it. I thought the more adventurous members miight want to experiment trying it out! ;)

Recipe Requests / Re: Biryani Recipe - Indian rice, with/without lamb.
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:58:56 pm »
I just had a look at the recipe in the cold light of day.. it should say soak saffron threads in warm milk for 10min. Also, the boiled eggs for garnishing should be sliced! The other method of cooking biriyani is to cook the lamb mixture in the rice --- but we have not tried it with this recipe.

Recipe Requests / Re: Biryani Recipe - Indian rice, with lamb.
« on: February 11, 2010, 09:23:06 am »
Hi, here is our family biriyani recipe...
Rice - 2cups (basmati)
Lamb - 1 kg
ginger/garlic minced
2-4 chillies (to taste !)
4 med tomatoes+4 onions chopped
turmeric 1 pinch
3 teas chilli powder; 5 teas corainder powr and 2 teas salt

Seasoning for meat:
cinnamon stick 1
1 bayleaf
6 cloves 2 cardamons and 2 tab ghee

Fry the above seasoning for meat; add onions, chillies and ginger and garlic (minced) and fry until smell disappears. Add the meat, salt and spices and cook until done. Add 3 tab ground almonds or cashew to thicken the sauce and it is a moist mixture.

Cook rice separately with 2 1/2 - 3 cups water and cinnamon stick, 1 bayleaf, 4 clove, 2 crushed cardamon and 2 tablespoon ghee and leave to cool. Mix meat mixture with rice and 4 saffron threadS (which has been soaked in a bit of milk) and place in pre-heated oven (180c) in a heavy bottom dish with a lid  until all the flavours seep through. Add corainder leaves, mint, boiled eggs just before serving and as well as sliced lemons. ENJOY!
This is our recipe. Can some hero members convert it to TMX please?

Introduce Yourself / Re: hi - needing some reassurance!
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:36:14 am »

I would suggest you buy the gluten free, wheat free book as that has lots of low carb recipes and will help you learn how to convert your existing recipies.

Thermie helped me lots with my healthy lifestyle as she enables me to make just about anything from scratch, rather than the chemical laden, prepacked crud from the supermarket. For example I make my own butter, flours (from beans etc), sauces, curry pastes, dips, icecream and sorbets (sugar free!), soups (as oppsed to canned!), coconut milk and cream and many more things I previously would have bought in a packet.

Hi Bartonics, did you find the wheatfree cookbook recipes are tasty? I find the EDC very disappointing...too high in sugar and fats and very ordinary...

Bread / Re: Isi´s easy Portuguese Rolls
« on: February 06, 2010, 03:37:20 am »
   I have tried putting an extra 50g of flour into the bowl with the last 1 min. knead, helps.  You need to follow the recipe exactly because incorrect water will give you a sticky dough.   It should not stick to your hands.
When I make isi's rolls,  which should be fab., I put the flour in first,  then the 2 teasp. dried yeast, give it a zap ( to mix the yeast into the flour) add the honey to the warm water and stir with a spoon the tip it into the bowl.  Proceed as instructed.   I hope this helps,  please communicate , as this bread is very easy and very nice once you get it right

Thank you chookie. Followed your advice and it was yummy! I also left in the oven for an extra 10 mins. It worked. My dh reckons it is better than than the ones I buy. Teenage Ms Contrary, of course, piped that she preferred my doughy bread from last week. lol!

Cakes / Re: Cinnamon Cookies
« on: February 05, 2010, 11:35:48 pm »
Made this yesterday and DD had one and said she liked it because it tasted like doughnuts. Next time I might place a choc bit in the middle as a litte surprise and taste sensation.

Cakes / Re: Juicy Muffins
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:42:13 pm »
Looks yummy Isi! You must be a FABULOUS cook! Your family is very lucky.

Chit Chat / Indian cookbook out of stock!
« on: February 04, 2010, 08:08:26 am »
I just rang TMX to order the vegetarian and Indian cookbook and I was informed that the Indian cookbook has sold out ... they dont know when they will be getting fresh stock.  :'( :'( :'(

Bread / Re: Isi´s easy Portuguese Rolls
« on: February 01, 2010, 10:41:34 am »
Can't wait ISI!!! :) :) :) :)

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