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Messages - Emma H

Pages: 1 [2]
Chit Chat / Re: Demo - people numbers issue
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:55:31 am »
salval thats really nice of you to do that for her!
i didnt end up calling the lady as i now have the numbers YAY they have said they are coming for sure, so fingers crossed!! im going to be so upset and annoyed (for the consultant mainly) if they dont rock up!

Chit Chat / Re: Demo - people numbers issue
« on: September 16, 2011, 12:22:09 am »
I now think I have 1 person coming and she's gonna ask some friends!
Fingers crossed!!

Chit Chat / Re: Demo - people numbers issue
« on: September 16, 2011, 12:00:13 am »
Were in our early 20's, and not the sort of peope to go meet the neighbors lol they are all older. Our daughter isn't in school yet and we haven't met any daycare mums, she only just started here!
I'm going through people at the moment to invite/chase up , hopefully a few will come!
Thankyou for the ideas

Chit Chat / Re: Demo - people numbers issue
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:50:00 pm »
It is hard because we moved an hour away from anyone we know (except my dad) :( and I know an hour isn't far but for them it is! :(
I'm trying to scrape together the people :(
Who would  of thought it would be so hard!
We don't know any of our neighbours.

Chit Chat / Re: Demo - people numbers issue
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:43:29 pm »
I was relying on my dad and his wife to come but now dads not sure they will come (if weather is good they need to keep going with building their house) IL's and my mum are to far away to come :(
We are new to the area( only been here 8 weeks) so don't know anyone really, I've even tried putting it on Facebook and no one has wanted to come! Im pretty :(

That the issue Cecelia , at the moment it's just me and hubby , and the other two households are a big maybe! I don't want to have to cancel

Chit Chat / Demo - people numbers issue
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:32:56 pm »
Well my demo is ment to be on sat and now I don't know of anyone who said they would is actually coming :(?
I had to cancel a demo a few months ago because of the same thing?
I really want the demo because I want to order within a few weeks (If I don't order at demo) but really want to see it and have hubby see it in action first ( I've only seen it in action on YouTube, never in person)
I'm going to call the consultant a bit later today (to early right now) and speak to her,
Do you think she will still come and do it for me?

Introduce Yourself / Re: hi everyone!
« on: September 13, 2011, 08:38:56 am »
sure do, we finally got a chest freezer after wanting one for ages, lots of space to fill.
im now hoping hubby can say i can order on sat, not in a few weeks,

Introduce Yourself / Re: hi everyone!
« on: September 13, 2011, 08:03:54 am »
it sure will be a busy start to the year with a new addition to the family :D
thats great the hubbys are the ones who want the thermomix, my 'job' is housewife so im sure the thermomix will make my 'job' a lot easier/funner :D and a larger variety of things coming out of the kitchen!

now off to search for a list of things i should have on hand when i get my TM, so i can start right away and not need to duck down the shops! even if i dont order for a week or two i plan to start stocking up on things, pluss using up whats already in the pantry

thankyou creampuff i will check out that list :D and pop over the the poll

Introduce Yourself / Re: hi everyone!
« on: September 13, 2011, 07:46:01 am »
yes i made sure hubby would be home for the demo, i want him to see it :D
hopefully i can order it asap (was thinking 1-2 weeks money wise) still not to long to wait. i hope hubby loves it after the demo

Introduce Yourself / Re: hi everyone!
« on: September 13, 2011, 07:22:54 am »
Hi thankyou :D
i am due on the 2nd of jan (lol so looks like hubby wont be going out for new years) and we have a 3.5yo daughter. one of the things that i used to talk hubby into letting me get one is be able to make the kids (and us) food without all the preservatives etc.

ive been looking all over the recipes posted on here and so many i cant wait to try!

Introduce Yourself / hi everyone!
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:53:01 am »
Hey everyone, im from southwest WA.
i have my thermomix demo on saturday i cant wait!! hopefully will order it 1-2 weeks afterwards i cant wait!!

i have my baby shower/BBQ planned for nov and im hoping to make heaps of stuff for it in my thermi :D
as well as things for christmas brunch. and general eveyr day use!
im looking forward to it so much i hope i dont get dissapointed lol!

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