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Topics - TM_Ted

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Scones for DW - Thermomixer's Nay-Nay recipe
« on: May 11, 2011, 12:19:16 am »
Just to be nice, seeing how she has been unwell for a week or so, I decided to make DW a batch of scones from a recipe I found a few days ago on this forum.

A win - we had all the ingredients. TM31 did everything that it was expected to do.

A loss - set the oven temperature to 220 but forgot to hit the heat button. Wondered why the oven was cold when I went to put the scones in the oven.

Another loss - they did rise but didn't taste too good. Found SRF had a use by date of Aug 2003. There was a newer bag in the container, that was dated Aug 2005. They have both made their way into the big green bin.

A win - for Gemma the dog, I will feed them to her over the next few days.

Drinks / Great Cappuccino
« on: May 04, 2011, 01:42:17 am »
One of the thoughts I have had about why I am unable to get great tasting Cappuccino from DW's TM31 is contamination of the Jug.

We are meticulous with our wash after we have finished a cooking session. This morning I boiled some eggs in the basket. If there was contamination the 13 minutes at Varoma temperature should have cleaned out the jug. The jug smells clear. The lid and seal, now that is another matter. The plastic still has contamination smell residue from past cooking sessions. Garlic, Onions, Tomatoes, is is a complete mixture with no predominant odour coming through.

On every occasion we remove the seal from the lid for the main wash. We also remove the cutter from the bowl for the final clean up as well. As I am the house husband in this home I will put the Lid & Seal (separately) in the dishwasher to see it that does a better job that hot soapy water in the sink.

Both DW and I smelled the lid, after I had boiled the eggs this morning, and it was not smelly clean.

Introduce Yourself / New Person
« on: May 01, 2011, 11:49:51 pm »
Hi everyone,
I have been logging in under my darling wifes login for some months, but have decided I should come out from under her skirt. No I am not gay. I have just been hiding as I do not see too many blokes participating in this forum.
We first saw TM31 on 11 Aug 2010 and I let her make the decision not to buy but I was very excited. Our Mixmaster is 1965ish with very bent blades and our Kitchen Wizz has broken plastic where the thing tells the motor "I am locked in place, you can start me now". Both still work but I was thinking it was time for something new. I also wanted something that would allow me to make shaved ice for cocktails. I had used a bullet blender and in Nov 2009 bought an Avalanche but this machine did not seem to want to shave the ice that we had made.
At the Varoma demo on 30 Sept 2010, darling wife decided we should have one. It arrived on 12 Oct.
I want to thank all of you for all the recipes, hints and tips I have got from this forum. TM31 is an invaluable appliance that we would not be without. Darling wife controls what happens in the kitchen in this house, after I have done the research etc. We have only made one mistake with our TM31 - trying to make cappuccino. Somewhere in this forum is someone who will unlock that secret for me, I just have not found the correct posting.
Thanks again, Ted

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