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Topics - Leicesters4

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Introduce Yourself / At last I can post to the Forum
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:26:31 am »
Hi my name is Helen, from Perth WA.  I have had my machine now for around a month after a couple of years of thinking about it.  I have used it almost every day and I can honestly say it has made me want to cook.  Previously I used to joke that I didn't cook, but reheated.  My food bills are lower after the initial investment on all the lovely spices that I now regularly use, Hadn't used them for a good ten years.  I am eating so much more fresh produce and instead of throwing out whats left at the end of the week, I just make a soup for my lunches.  There is one downside though, and that is the weight I have put on making all the lovely deserts.  So any body got any Weightwatches recipes they have converted.
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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