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Topics - jsthermie

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Judy - I haven't written anything on here for ages so not quite sure where to stick this but hopefully you'll see it and shift it!

Recipe review - gingerbread twigs

These are gluten free and pretty darn healthy plus look gorgeous so I was keen to make them as gifts for my coeliac friend.
Flavour 10/10
Consistency ... I couldn't gift them as they didn't turn out :(   Followed the recipe exactly but at the 8 minute mark they were no where near cooked.  10 minute mark came and went - same thing. 15 minutes came and went and then I ended up getting them out of the oven as the recipe says 8-10 minutes until golden and fragrant do not overbake which I thought I must be doing. But they stayed soft and this morning they are even worse - they are floppy and taste like uncooked dough....   I'm hoping someone else makes these and can let me know how they get on - I really want them to work but don't want to experiment too much as they use 1/4kg of medjool dates and we use organic ones which are quite expensive. I'm guessing the fact that the recipe uses medjool dates would be where the problem comes from - depending on how they are stored and how long they are stored determines their moisture content - mine are relatively fresh and have always been sealed - never in an open box in the supermarket.

Linked JD

Chit Chat / How to not double up on recipes with book purchases
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:36:13 am »
It's been a while since I posted on here and this is now my second in a matter of moments!

I'm wanting to collect some additional recipe books and have a question - are there books which are just a collection of recipes from all the other books? For example, I was keen to buy the Cindi O'Meara book - but I have the vegetarian, gluten free, lunch box, raw and budget books as well as the EDC. I've come across some of her recipes in some of the books I have already - would I just be doubling up?

Also - as I've never had a consultant beyond the initial purchase (only discovered the other day about the thermoserver which I don't have and didn't know about, and the bread mat) I'm having trouble actually tracking down the books - I notice only some of them seem to be available through head office - is that correct?

If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great!


« on: December 28, 2011, 06:31:21 am »

Has anyone seen this before? I came across it searching ebay today. Nothing to add - just thought it was cute!

Recipe Requests / Easy cookie dough for using cookie cutters
« on: April 14, 2011, 09:38:22 am »
I'm looking for a biscuit recipe for use with cookie cutters. I need to supply dozens of cut out "hand" shaped cookies in a few weeks time and so something easy and economical would be great! The recipe doesn't need to be a particularly healthy one - it's a special occasion - but I will need to avoid nuts and sesame seeds (that I know of!)

So if you're able to share your favourite recipe with me that would be greatly appreciated!


I've recently got hold of some more thermomix recipe books/booklets and a couple of recipes for making smoothie bases call for straining through a nutmilk bag. Now I assume this is a type of cheesecloth? Can you make your own or do you really need to buy one and if so - where from?
Oh - and if you make coconut milk or almond milk etc., do you keep the "pulp" once strained and if so what do you use it for? Does it still have nutritional value or is mainly a filler with fibre? Thanks!

Introduce Yourself / Hi - I'm new to here!
« on: March 13, 2011, 04:26:22 am »
Hi - just introducing myself - I've had a thermomix (which my children affectionately named Thermie) for 2 years now and still love it passionately! Until recently I've only owned the cookbook that came with the machine and have used that as well as making up my own pasta sauces etc.. But with 1 child being a vegetarian and another coming off wheat I've now got hold of several more cookbooks and in the process, came across this website and wow it looks great!

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