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Topics - spinderella

Pages: [1]
Recipe Requests / Cherry ripe icecream
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:52:22 am »
I am planning on making a cherry ripe icecream for Christmas.  Would this work?  Any hints, tips, ideas, etc very welcome!

frozen cream
frozen coconut cream
frozen coconut milk
frozen cherries

If I chunk up the chocolate first, take it out, then whizz all the frozen white stuff together, then add the cherries & give it a light chop then throw the chocolate back in & mix it all up, would that work?  Is there a better way to do this?  Open to all ideas!

What times, speeds, etc would be best?

Festive Seasons / Gingerbread house 'glue'
« on: December 14, 2010, 03:41:11 am »
We're making gingerbread houses for the grandparents this year.  Can anyone suggest the best 'glue' to use to stick the walls & roof together please?

Introduce Yourself / Me & my Spinderella
« on: December 14, 2010, 12:58:09 am »
Hello!  I am the proud owner (aren't we all?) of a new Thermomix.  We have named her Spinderella.  I am her lovely step-mother & her two little step-sisters love throwing stuff in her & watching her work her magic in the kitchen.  If only she could sweep... 

We are located in Adelaide.  I don't love cooking, but I have a fantastic husband who does.  However I think Spinderella may change my feelings about cooking and so may all of you because I've been browsing the recipes here & wow! I want to cook!  Thanks for the inspiration so far.  Looking forward to more.  ;)

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