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Topics - TheOrganisedKitchen

Pages: [1]
Recipe Requests / salmon wellington recipe?
« on: November 29, 2013, 11:18:25 am »
Hi I'm researching out different options for Christmas and was wondering if anyone has a tried and tested salmon wellington recipe they've used?


Introduce Yourself / New Thermie lover in the UK
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:57:47 pm »
Hi All,
I just started in August using my fantabulous Thermomix and now I sell it, DREAM JOB!!! I also have set up a website to showcase all things kitchen that compliment the Thermomix. It's a work in progress but will hopefully come together as I continue my journey. Please like me on Facebook (The Organised Kitchen) and follow me on Twitter (@thermokitchen)! I have 2 young boys and a husband that keep me busy as well so looking forward to getting lots of amazing tips on here for family meals and entertaining. I am American so hoping one day to see Thermomix back in the USA so I can tell all my friends to buy one ;)


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