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Topics - Intrepidtrier

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Chit Chat / Vanilla
« on: November 07, 2010, 02:20:03 am »
Hi Everyone. I seen somewhere on here how to make your own vanilla but can`t find it, can someone help me out with the recipe please, Thanks Sandy

Recipe Requests / Coconut Rice
« on: September 07, 2010, 01:27:42 am »
Would anyone know how to make coconut rice??? I am thinking that it would be along the same lines as the garlic rice but not sure just how to go about it. Thanks Sandy

Recipe Requests / Lime Pickles
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:22:04 am »
Hi All, Would anyone have the lime pickle recipe that they could post? Have a glut of limes at the moment and need some recipes to use them up. Thanks Sandy

Chit Chat / Kefir
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:42:37 am »
Hi All, I was just wondering if there was anyone out there making their own kefir and if there is do you make any sourdough bread with it. And would you have any recipes that you could share with me. I know this hasn`t got any thing to do with thermomix but just thought that I would ask. Thanks Sandy

Chit Chat / condensed milk
« on: May 31, 2010, 07:28:01 am »
Hi All, Somewhere on here I have found a recipe for cheap and easy biscuits and in it there was a recipe for condensed milk. But I am buggered if I can find it again, so if anyone knows the recipe for condensed milk I would appreciate it. I know that it had powdered milk, butter and sugar in it but  I don`t know in what quantities.  Thanks for your help. Sandy

Chit Chat / Changing Ovens
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:42:46 am »
I have just changed over to a gas stove from electric and the oven heat is nothing like the electric one. Has anyone else found that the gas oven hasn`t got the heat of the electric ones?  I tried cooking some bread rolls the other day and instead of cooking them for 30 min or so, I had to cook them for about an hour, with the oven as hot as it would go. Same when trying to cook a cake. Bloody heck. It looks like I made a big boo boo going for gas. Has anyone got any tips that they could share with me about using the oven. Thanks Sandy

Chit Chat / Different Custard
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:28:36 am »
The other day I was reading a recipe for coconut and lime pudding that I could make in the TMX  and at the end it said to make a custard a little bit thicker than normal and then add 250g of sour cream. Well I only had a 300ml carton so I put  the whole lot in and it was the best custard ever. I only made it with custard powder. It turned out really creamy with a slightly tart flavour  that went really well with the little puddings. Has anyone else ever tried doing this??

Chit Chat / Making caramel
« on: April 19, 2010, 07:33:12 am »
Has anyone tried making caramel using a can of condensed milk????  I was wondering if it would turn out the same as boiling it if you just put it into the bowl and cooked it for maybe 12 - 20  minutes with the mc off  and would you still add the butter and golden syrup like you would if you where just cooking it on the stove top. Thanks Sandy

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Thermie has died
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:07:45 am »
Could anyone help me???  My thermie has just died and I would like to know who do you send it to to get fixed. I was just trying to make some mango ice cream and all it did was spew grease or oil over the fruit that was in the bowl and it doesn`t do anything, just spins and doesn`t crunch anything up. Really made my day!!!!!  bloody thing,  Thanks Sandy

Chit Chat / Brownie lovers
« on: March 25, 2010, 05:27:59 am »
For all you brownie lovers out there have a look on "Catch of the Day". They have some brownie tins for sale for about $17.00. They are a new sort of tin that you can make individual brownies in so that nobody fights over the ones with the crunchy edges. Also they have those giant cupcake silicon trays. These come in three pieces and you can have a lot of fun with them. Alas they have not got those on today but keep your eye out because they come up regularly. Also they have on sometimes those cupcake stands that hold up to a dozen little cakes at once.

Bread / Hot Cross Buns
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:47:55 am »
Hi Everyone. I just bought some sweet flour for buns from the Basic Ingredients Homebread shop and there was no recipe on how to use it so I made it up like ordinary flour just adding some sultanas. They are sitting on the table trying to rise at the moment but not doing too good. Would anyone have any recipes that I could use it with?? I just looked up some of the bread recipes but there doesn`t seem to be any that I am looking for. Should I have used milk and eggs in it instead of yeast and oil. Will be anxiously waiting for someone to reply. Thanks again Sandy

Chit Chat / Making marscapone
« on: January 21, 2010, 10:33:02 pm »
Just wondering if anyone has made the mascapone in the EDC book?  I made it yesterday and they say to put it into a bowl with cheesecloth in it, did that but just used a chux doubled over, now was the idea of that to drain some of the liquid off or not? When I looked at mine it was half in the chux and half in the bowl, so all I did was mix it all together and put it into another container. Could someone let me know how thick it is supposed to be and will I  drain it again to make it thicker or not.  Thanks all. Sandy

Chit Chat / Mango ice-cream
« on: January 11, 2010, 02:16:47 am »
Hi All. Well I just tried making mango ice-cream the same way that the banana ice-cream is done by just freezing the mango and then just blitzing it and it turned out a little ripper. It turns out real creamy and smooth, better than making sorbet with it. Hope some of you try it and enjoy the great flavour of it. Sandy

Recipe Requests / Bottling Mangoes
« on: January 05, 2010, 01:15:11 am »
Hi Everyone, Well it is mango season here again and I am looking for a recipe for a sugar syrup that is tried and tested that I could use in the vacola system. Last year I tried it with a couple of different types [light  & medium] and all I ended up with was a heap of bottles sitting in the cupboard boiling. I don`t know what I did wrong but the longer they sat the more they boiled till I had to ditch them all. I made the syrup, them put the sliced mango in the bottles and poured the syrup over the top, sealed them and them put them into the vacola for ten minutes and let them cool for 24hours without moving them and them put them into a dark cupboard. Even the few that didn`t boil tasted terrible. So I am looking for a bit of help and anyone that has any mango recipes that they would like to share that would be nice too. Thanks Sandy.

Chit Chat / Sourdough Making
« on: December 10, 2009, 05:57:24 am »
HI All, Just wondering if anyone out there makes their own sourdough bread?  I have been trying to make some but just can`t get the hang of it, so if anyone can help me with any suggestions I would be very grateful [ although the steer won`t because it has been getting all the rejects ] I don`t know if your are supposed to use the starter as soon as it has doubled up or leave it overnight and now I am getting that much in the fridge I will have to start chucking out some food soon. Help someone please. Thanks Sandy.

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