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Messages - berpsie

Pages: [1] 2
Recipe Requests / Re: Boiled Orange Cake
« on: November 17, 2011, 04:55:39 am »
Thanks :) might have to try both of these! :P

Recipe Requests / Boiled Orange Cake
« on: November 16, 2011, 03:49:25 am »
I read a post about a boiled orange cake but can't find the recipe.  Does anybody know it?  I never thought I would go back to cooking cakes again but my thermomix has me sooooo enthused!  Plus  I have oranges to use!   :P :-))

Diet / Weight Watchers
« on: November 07, 2011, 01:05:12 am »
Hi  ;D
Just joined weight watchers online (again  :o) and was wondering if anybody else was doing the new points plus programme and had good thermomix recipes?  We all know the thermomix is wonderful for healthy cooking!


Bread / Re: Home-Made Bread Too Heavy
« on: September 12, 2011, 10:24:36 am »
I am having the same issues with my bread.  Its lovely fresh with butter but after that is too heavy and is only great toasted.  I will have to try the double rise system.  sometimes I am a little rushed!  can somebody give me a link to the No Fuss Bread and cob Loaf - found the olive oil roll recipe ...  is this ok as a loaf or only rolls?

 :o ??? :-))

Chit Chat / Re: OMG mashed spuds!!
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:37:52 am »
I make it with less liquid and usually half sweet potato and we love it!   Yes it is different from your classic mashed potatoes (which I have always loved) but I am loving it the Thermomix way and so does the family!  And when it is on Shepherds Pie it is divine!

Cakes / Re: Bimby Chocolate Cake
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:48:27 am »
With the apple sauce how much do you put in and how much sugar/fat do you miss out?  Keen to make it  :)

Chit Chat / Cyndi's Bread
« on: August 20, 2011, 03:50:18 am »
went to see Cyndi O'Meara in Devonport this week and was inspired!  Bought "Changing Habits, Changing Lives" and have made "Cyndi's bread" this morning.  I follwed the recipe but it seemed to watery and I had to double the amount of flour.  It has turned out beautifully I think but I was wondering if anybody had any ideas?

Bernadette  ;D

Thanks  :)

Used vinegar and water again and again and again and scraped the last bit off.  Will try the sugar as well!

I had a recipe fail tonight.  Got sidetracked in the middle of making the sauce for the sweet and sour pork and put the sugar etc in and cooked it (stopped before the whole 30 min thank goodness) and now I have burnt sugar caked onto the base of my jug.  How the hell do you get it off short off scraping it and cleaning it for hours on end?  Does anybody have any ideas?  I have boiled it with vinegar in it and then salt but so far no good.  I read somewhere that cola will eat it away from stainless steal but I was worried about that.  Help please  :'(

Bread / Re: Yeast
« on: June 16, 2011, 11:11:30 pm »
Thanks  :) I gathered I had put a bit much in but it tasted ok.  Strangely enough I made another loaf last night with the right amount of yeast and it rose even more!

Bread / Yeast
« on: June 16, 2011, 01:34:40 am »
I am a little confused.  I have bought a packet of dry yeast and have been measuring 20 gm of that into my bread.  I found that I had sachets of yeast and so I put one in instead and it didn't weigh anything really, 2 weighed about 5 gm.  So, the bread I made using 20 gm of dry yeast was fine and then the bread I made using 2 sachets or yeast was fine too.  Should I really only be using 1 sachet? and then the dried yeast I already have how to I measure that?  Is it 1 teaspoon in a sachet?  All my bread has been good but I don't want to be using more yeast than is necessary  :-))

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to Theremomix
« on: June 15, 2011, 11:40:33 am »
Well, my oven is only new and should be cooking on the right temp but I may have not cooked them enough.  I am really happy with most things but I found that if you forget to put the heat on when cooking potatoes it isn't very successful  :-))  I am using it every day which is amazing for me!  The carrot cake is amazing which made me happy.  The only meal I have made so far is risotto and soup.  I will get a bit more adventurous this weekend  :)

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to Theremomix
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:08:32 pm »
Thanks everybody :)

Will try Judy's chocolate cake recipe.  I have persisted though.  I made the Banana and Date loaf recipe and that was a little stodgy in the middle too but very nice.  Have just made the carrot one and not hopeful that it hasn't sunk as well but should still taste nice.  Am desperate to make a cake that doesn't flatten out! Made the porridge once and wasn't impressed with that either so no doubt will have to fiddle.  I am having a lot of fun trying though and the bread rolls have gone down a treat with the family.

Special Diets / Re: Gluten Free Bread - Cyndi O'Meara
« on: June 11, 2011, 12:32:52 am »
Thanks  :)
That would make sense!  Silly me!  Will make some today

Special Diets / Re: Gluten Free Bread - Cyndi O'Meara
« on: June 11, 2011, 12:18:58 am »
I am very new and want to make wheat free bread for my daughter.  Can you just tell me, when it says "knead" is that by hand or if not what is function I need to use?
Berpsie  :)

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