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Messages - Kissmypixel

Pages: [1] 2 3
Chit Chat / Re: How to save recipes I like on the forum
« on: September 05, 2012, 10:28:46 am »
Oops, typo.. I meant to say Chris... Damn this auto correct:(.

Chit Chat / Re: How to save recipes I like on the forum
« on: September 05, 2012, 10:27:51 am »
Hi Christ, I have Evernote on my iPad and iPhone. I just copy and paste the recipe from this forum into Evernote and it syncs with my phone. Works brilliantly, if I'm out and need to buy anything I can look at the recipe on my phone. Hope this info helps :).

Cakes / Re: Passionfruit and coconut crumble cake (Dan Lepard)
« on: June 23, 2012, 09:04:53 am »
This will be my next cake to make, yum :>)

« on: June 17, 2012, 10:00:43 am »
Can you update on the electric pasta machine from Aldi, I was seriously contemplating it BUT the few things I have bought there have been sub standard, unfortunately :(. Would love to know how this machine goes:).

Main Dishes / Re: Mexican Bake
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:45:01 pm »
I made this tonight, a definite make again recipe for me. My DH scoffed it down and is impressed as he hasn't really like many of the recipes I've done as they are to saucy. This got the thumbs up:).

Thank you so much, you have a heart of gold:)).

I'm agreeing with you about the sales of books etc. I'm sure they must miss out on lots of sales if you can only buy them or get them for free after having a demo. I had enough trouble getting people to my first demo, not because they didn't like the Thermomix but because of the price of it. My friends are not in the same position as me to be able to afford the machine, so now I'm restricted to what I can buy. I am now upset to hear that you can't buy The Best of The Recipe Community cookbook. Disappointed that the people who support Thermomix and have bought a machine are basically been held to ransom... Have a party or miss out!!

The company has a phone number. I'm going to call them on Tuesday and get the low down. Will let you all know after the call 😊 I'm game enough to find out the nitty gritty.

Cakes / Re: Re: Guinness Chocolate Cake
« on: April 01, 2012, 06:42:29 am »
I made this today with left over stout. WOW it's a winner in this house. Took exactly 1.5 hrs to cook and it makes a big/enormous cake. Whenever I make the beef and guiness stew I will be making this. Thank you for sharing the recipe. PERFECT

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: March 31, 2012, 06:37:20 am »
Ohhh Chookie do u have the recipe for the pumpkin pie? I'm on a sugar free diet too, it's impossible to cook something yummy and pumpkin pie sounds yummo.

I had the same thing happen to me with Pay Pal.. The credit union I belong to refunded me the money as Pay Pal couldn't have cared less. The Credit Union then go after Pay Pal for the money. I will never deal with Pay Pal AGAIN.

The price also went up to $999 :(. I contacted my friends daughter as she has been using her mothers thermi and would absolutely love one. She was so excited and was going to check it out. If she buys one I'll keep you all updated.

I have just clicked on the link.. The deal is still on. I even navigated back to their home page, clicked on 'hot deals' and it is still on. I am in Sydney so I don't know if that makes any difference? 19 sold now.

Starters and Snacks / Re: Cheese & Herb biscuits
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:08:26 am »
This recipe is a must make for me as it has no sugar. Thanks Judy.
Into my file so I don't lose it 😃

I made this cake yesterday in a muffin tin. Made 9 muffin size cakes and my husband has devoured 7 of them in 24 hours. He said they are the BEST he has tasted in a long time. Thanks JD for posting the recipe.

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