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Messages - Catherine

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Special Diets / Re: Another Tm take off machine...
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:29:36 am »
Yep you've summed it up well thermoheaven and I agree entirely - becomes a very expensive exercise to buy a TC and then discover that you prefer the TMX... much better to buy a TMX in the first place IMO...

thanks, faffs.

to be honest, i think the TC people will end up still wanting a TM at the end of the day. i know i'm lucky i didn't have to make a choice, but i'm more inclined to save up for something i really want than make do with something not quite what i want because i know i'll still want the first thing (made the mistake too many times, so only go for the best these days, or go without). TC is definitely expensive for what it does.

Special Diets / Re: Another Tm take off machine...
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:26:45 am »
try here thermoheaven. 

And here's another link to the Choice Thermomix review...


is there a link, catherine?

my friend is well and truly over her TC, and if i didn't know better, it is a strain on our relationship. i can't say a thing about what i've done with the TM, because as you could imagine, she's all daggers! personally, while the TM costs more than the TC, i still don't think the TC is cheap - it's still a lot of money, so whoever spends it has to get it right. i don't care that they may replace the butterfly or whatever - i couldn't be bothered by an inconvenience like that. but in the end it's an individual choice.

Special Diets / Re: TMX Dukan Recipes - Low Fat, Low Carb, High Protein
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:20:55 am »
Timtam congratulations on your 20kg loss - thats such an achievement and so encouraging.  And you are so right - it is about flipping the switch in your head.  I've lost over 6 kgs since late last year on Dukan - so its slow but steady - and I genuinely beleive after I've lost all my weight I might have a show of keeping it off this time.

I'll try Chelsea's meatballs as well - they sound yum!

Thermoheaven yes I think that recipe has turned out well - after you make it would you post and tell me what you think of it?

I'll start a new thread for each Dukan conversion recipe and put Dukan in the subject line so it should easily come up on search.

Special Diets / Re: TMX Dukan Recipes - Low Fat, Low Carb, High Protein
« on: January 28, 2012, 05:06:30 am »
Thanks Judy - yes it is simple - and even for people not on these sorts of diets i think they are great recipes and help to return to more unprocessed foods.  I read somewhere recently that in 1950 the average Australian cosumed 12 kgs of sugar in their diet per year.  We now aparently consume 52 kgs - food for thought I think.  So Thermie is ideal for a much more unprocessed diet - as we all know! :)

 I'm discovering that simplicity is the nice thing about Dukan recipes - without fail so far they have been simple and full of flavour.   I'll post some more as I convert them...

Special Diets / Re: Another Tm take off machine...
« on: January 28, 2012, 03:21:08 am »
And a recent Choice assessment preferred TMX over Thermochef despite TMX being twice the price... the quality of TMX was a stand-out... :)

Special Diets / TMX Dukan Recipes - Low Fat, Low Carb, High Protein
« on: January 28, 2012, 03:12:23 am »
Hi All,

I've started to experiment with converting Dukan Diet recipes for use in the TMX... here's my first attempt - and I think its absolutely delicious - and completely guilt free!

Thyme Chicken with Herb Sauce (adapted from the Dukan Diet Recipe, Book, 2010, p62)

Serves 2


1/2 bunch of thyme
2 shallots
500g chicken thigh fillets, cut into 2 cm pieces)
Salt and pepper (I used freshly ground for both)
200g tub fat-free natural yoghurt
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/3 bunch of parsley
A few mint leaves
1 garlic clove
veggies to steam - evenly chopped into smallish pieces (I used carrots and broccolini for colour)


1. Place the thyme and peeled shallots in the TMX bowl and chop finely 5-10 seconds on speed 7
2. Place this mixture into a bowl and mix through the chicken - use a few drops of water if the mixture looks a bit dry and doesn't stick.
3. Marinade in the fridge for around 30 minutes

Herb Sauce:

4. Place the lemon juice, parsley, mint leaves and garlic in the TMX and chop finely 5-10 seconds on speed 7
5. Add the yoghurt, salt and pepper and mix on reverse speed 1.
6. Remove and store in the fridge

Thyme Chicken:

7. Set up the varoma using 500g water
8. Place the marinaded thyme chicken in the varoma bowl and veggies in the varoma tray (I used carrot and broccoli)
9. Cook on varoma temperature for 15-25 minutes.

Serve chicken with the herb sauce and steamed veggies .  :)   

Thanks Lisa - have just sent you a pm.  And thanks for the varoma reminder. I must admit I've only used it once or twice so must start learning to use it properly as that's probably part of the answer.

Thanks again,


 Hi all,

Ive started the Dukan Diet which is low fat, low carb and high protein and for the first time in many years the scales are going the right way  :)

But would love to use my TMX more.  So does anyone have any favourite TMX recipes which fit the low fat, low carb, high protein criteria?

Thanks every one very much. :)

Recipe Requests / Re: Semolina Porridge recipe anyone?
« on: April 26, 2011, 01:43:37 pm »
Aahh!  Thanks JD - didn't think to look there - yes thats a good start to experiment on...  will have a go at 'adultising' it and let you know how I get on...

Recipe Requests / Semolina Porridge recipe anyone?
« on: April 26, 2011, 01:16:01 pm »
With winter coming on, porridge season approaches - but growing up in the tropics means I never developed a taste for tradtional porridge - but I recently discovered the joys of semolina porridge...

Anyone have a TMX recipe... one with cinnamon? ;D

TIA :)

Chit Chat / Re: What is your favourite flavour of rissotto?
« on: April 26, 2011, 12:31:52 pm »
OK will do CC and faffa70.

BTW does anyone else still marvel at their TMXs?  I looked at the first time bechamel sauce tonight as I was putting in the ingredients and thought this will never work... and bingo!  Out pops the most perfect bechaemel sauce!  I still marvel at my beloved Thermie! :-))

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: April 26, 2011, 12:20:16 pm »
You guys are amazing - I really need to lift my game!

Tonight I just wanted comfort food with little in the pantry - so I made the cheese bechamel sauce (with more cheese!) and then added some tuna and corn.  In making the bechamel sauce I added some of the 'juice' from the can of corn and the can of tuna then topped the liquid up to 500g as it said in the recipe - and it was wonderful.  Just right for the night before going back to work. :)

Chit Chat / Re: What is your favourite flavour of rissotto?
« on: April 26, 2011, 11:59:41 am »
I have two favs of rissotto

One sort of healthier - sun died tomato and leek

One decadent - gorgonzola - absolutely wickedly delish!  But the waistline can only tolerate it occasionally!

And yes I've made both in my beloved TMX

If there's any interest I'll post both recipes in the mains section later this week.

Special Diets / Re: BARF Diet, anyone tried it? (for fur-kids)
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:57:20 am »
Hi Carrie,

Yep I got my kelp powder and flaxseed oil from the health food shop.  Some bigger/better supermarkets also stock them. 

Carrie not sure where you are, but a great website for these sorts of things is - they have kelp liquid and a number of vitamin powders listed, including the B.  Their prices are good and Trent who runs the site is excellent.

Hope that helps.

Special Diets / Re: BARF Diet, anyone tried it? (for fur-kids)
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:23:02 pm »
Meganjane I've been feeding barf for years - and it really suits my westie who are very prone to the itchies and problem skin.  They are really healthy and even the 11 year old jumps around like a puppy!  (Although he is snoring on the lounge at the moment. :-)))

I recently posted a recipe for home made barf dog food based on Dr Billinghurst's recipe in the Receipe Request thread but will repeat it here.  My guys absolutely love this and they are thriving on it.  Although I don't feed this recipe exclusively - they also get RMBs, 'fish casserole' (frozen mixed veggies and canned fish) when I've forgotten to get something out of the freezer, and commercial barf patties although I think they are pretty expensive for big dog appetites.

Personally, I don't feed commercial dog food (dry. canned or anything else) as I think the ingredients are terrible - I'm even concerned about the contents of some of the premium foods.  So if we are concerned enough about our health to buy a TMX then I for one want to make sure my dogs benefit too.  Anyway hope it helps...

This is a TMX variation on Dr Billinghurst's raw barf patty recipe and works very well with the TMX.  It is based on a half kilo of raw crushed vegetables and a half kilo of raw minced meat.  All ingredients should be human grade.  This amount makes about 12 half cup servings for a small dog.  Its a marvellous mix for dogs needing to lose weight!


1/2 kg vegetables (carrots, celery, spinach, cauli, broccoli etc), roughly chopped
1/2kg lean meat or mince (beef, chicken, lamb, pork, kangaroo etc).  ('Roo and pork are good for dogs with allergies).
1/8 lambs fry (or similar amount of other offal), roughly chopped
1/4 small tub plain, low fat yogurt
1-2 free range eggs (I use 2)
2 cloves garlic
1.5 dspns flax seed oil
1/2 tspn of vitamin B powder
Up to 2 tspns kelp powder (I use 2)
Any other healthy food scraps eg small amounts of cooked veggies, rice, pasta cottage cheese etc.


If mincing your own meat, mince it first for 8-15 seconds on speed 7 and set aside.

Chop veggies, garlic and offal in TMX for 6-8 seconds on speed 4 or until it looks like fine coleslaw.  Veggie mix should be well chopped, fine enough to make into patties, but not mush.

Add mince and all other ingredients and mix on reverse + soft speed for 8 - 10 seconds until well combined.

Shape into patties and freeze or freeze in serving size portions in plastic bags.  Thaw as required.

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