Hi everyone
I'd like to share with you guys our "Plan B" breakfast today.
We usually prepare our breakfast the night before.. We often have Mixed Berry Overnight Oats for breakfast.
However, If, for some reason, we skipped preparing our breakfast the night before, our darling Thermomix comes in our aid and we prepare this smoothie in the morning.
It is a sweet and fresh way to start our day, mostly in summer.
I hope you enjoy it.

Ingredients (for 2):50 g oats
20 g flax seeds
10 g chia seeds
120 g frozen bananas
50 g pomegranate juice (100% fruit, sugar-free)
*50 g frozen or fresh blueberries
10 g raisins
10 g goji berries
20 g walnuts
1/2 tsp cinnamon
300 g organic sugar-free soy milk or almond milk
Topping:60 g frozen or fresh blueberries
* We use pomegranate juice ice cubes to be exact. We are lucky enough to have some friends around who have pomegranate trees in their gardens, we are given many when they are in season. We first juice them and then freeze pomegranate juice as ice cubes and store in the freezer for future use.
Preparation: Place oats, chia and flaxseeds in TM Bowl and pulverize for 10 seconds on Speed 10.
Add the remaining smoothie ingredients and blend until smooth for about 30 - 40 seconds, gradually increasing the speed to 9.
Transfer into bowls.
Decorate with blueberries and serve.
Photos: http://bitkiselcafe.blogspot.it/2017/02/oat-blueberry-breakfast-smoothie.html