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Messages - Zada

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
Chit Chat / Re: Dehydrator help please!
« on: October 28, 2012, 09:35:35 am »
Yep seems good, nice and quiet too :)

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:13:40 am »
The first one, I used tasty cheese instead of gruyere, omitted the pancetta and used 100g cooked shredded chicken and 100g corn kernels

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: October 28, 2012, 01:55:03 am »
Here's the quiche, first one I've really made!

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: October 28, 2012, 01:47:19 am »
Muesli bars, pizza scrolls and chicken & corn quiche

Chit Chat / Re: Dehydrator help please!
« on: October 27, 2012, 09:14:47 am »
Ok, did some banana & apple this arvo. Took 5 hrs to dry these. DD who is 2.5 LOVES them!

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:49:52 am »
Here's my monte Carlos :)

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:06:38 am »
Have a 5 seed loaf rising, monte Carlos in the oven and will make some muesli soon

Chit Chat / Re: What is for Breakfast
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:09:43 pm »
I just had muesli & yoghurt :)

Chit Chat / Re: Dehydrator help please!
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:40:15 am »
Mine arrived today! Can't wait to use it later :)

Chit Chat / Dehydrator help please!
« on: October 23, 2012, 09:43:46 am »

Babies and Kids / Re: What are the Kids doing Today
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:23:53 am »
2 at school and 1 at daycare! Nice quiet day :)

Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: October 19, 2012, 06:38:30 am »
Chicken Parma and veg here tonight

Babies and Kids / Re: What are the Kids doing Today
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:59:24 pm »
2 at school, 1 laying on the couch playing the Nintendo DS

Is anyone in melbournes eastern suburbs interested in going halves in a bulk pack?

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: October 16, 2012, 03:34:54 am »
I brought no added sugar yoghurt buds and just melted them as you would chocolate.
They are from :)

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