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Messages - past94x

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Chit Chat / Got my baby back
« on: May 13, 2016, 06:33:20 pm »
Got my TM5 back today. It has apparently had a new processor unit fitted. I don't know this for sure because there was no paperwork enclosed, but the lady on the telephone told me, when I asked when I'd get it back.
Anyway, I have missed it sooooooooooooo much and tonight, to celebrate it's return, made a lovely cheese souffle from the built in cookbook. It was delicious and so very simple. Good old TM5. Welcome home.

I'm sure you've done this, but have you checked the fuse in the plug??
Just a thought.
What a disappointment for you. Hope it gets sorted very soon.
Take heart. It's a wonderful machine.
Mine is away for repair at the moment- I've only had it for 3 months, so I am looking forward to getting it back so much.
I miss it dreadfully and forgive it for going wrong so soon.
You will love yours, I'm certain.

Chit Chat / Re: TM5 Playing Up?
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:15:46 pm »
It's gone and I miss it already. They even sent a box for me to pack it up in.
The next week or so is going to be a very long one without my precious baby.
I've sent along a list of all the weird things it's done, but they are all so random and sometimes weeks apart, I'm not holding out much hope.
Will let you all know what the outcome is.
Thanks so much for the moral support.

Chit Chat / Re: TM5 Playing Up?
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:23:24 pm »
My TM5 is being picked up tomorrow to go back to Thermomix.
I can't imagine how they are going to spot what's wrong, because it works beautifully for 98% of the time and then has a weird hiccough.
The one that scared me most was when the screen started flashing light and dark very quickly. I thought it was going to go "bang" but I  switched it off, waited  and then on again and all was well.
I shall miss my baby for the next week or so but will report back here when it is returned.
I'm glad you all agree that something is not right.

Chit Chat / Re: TM5 Playing Up?
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:56:41 pm »
Yes, you're right. I'll contact them tomorrow and see what transpires. I'm going to hate being without my baby !

Chit Chat / TM5 Playing Up?
« on: May 01, 2016, 08:13:31 pm »
I've had my TM5 since January. I really love it and had the TM31 for a coupe of years beforehand.
Since I've had the TM5 (I got it in January this year), I have noticed a few strange things happening and was wondering if this is cause for sending it back to be looked at.
Luckily, as strange things happened, i wrote them down.

The first weird thing was that I got a flashing message saying that "Reverse" was engaged, when it wasn't.

Then , some weeks later I couldn't get rid of the scales page, I think I turned the machine off in the end, to get rid of it.

Then, whilst making buttercream, the machine started to heat when I obviously hadn't asked it to. The buttercream was melted and ruined.
Then tonight, I was cooking rice, which was in my Favourites, and all I had to do was set the speed, as you do with the built in cookbook recipe. Luckily, after about 5 minutes, I checked the machine and found that no heat had been applied. I turned the machine off and started again and all was ok.

Am I being silly to speak to Thermomix about these things? Does anyone else have these spasmodic problems? I am dreading being without it, but feel something is not right, even if I can't put my finger on what it is. I'd welcome your comments. Thanks so much.

Chit Chat / TM31
« on: April 27, 2016, 06:37:22 pm »
When I bought my TM5 recently, I gave my brother, who loves to cook, my TM31.
He's only had it about three weeks and he's already saying that he wouldn't want to be without it.
What a brilliant piece of kit the Thermomix is? I love mine sooooooooooo much.

Chit Chat / Re: Tenina's Insider's Club
« on: April 26, 2016, 02:25:43 pm »
Thanks Cookie1. Found it. Cant wait to sign up.

Chit Chat / Re: Tenina's Insider's Club
« on: April 25, 2016, 05:00:59 pm »
I think that's great value for money. Presume it's open to us in the UK?? I'd love to join.

Chit Chat / Re: Your Favourite Tm Soup?
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:57:03 pm »
Thanks so much.

Chit Chat / Re: Your Favourite Tm Soup?
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:41:54 am »
Where can I find the Chicken & Sweetcorn soup recipe please? It sounds right up my street, as they say.

Chit Chat / Your Favourite Tm Soup?
« on: March 19, 2016, 12:10:34 pm »
We love soup for lunch. Nutritious, tasty and quick.
My favourite, so far, is the Mulligatawny Soup in The British Isles On A Plate book.
We absolutely love this and I've made it many times, usually eaten with cheese scones (TM recipe, of course)
Anyone else got a favourite TM soup?

Soups / Re: Creamy Vegetable ( chicken ) soup. Low Carb.
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:49:15 am »
Thank you. Can't wait to try.
Chicken soup is supposed to be so good for you.

Soups / Re: "Make and Go" Soup
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:45:42 am »
Wow, that sounds good.
You can never have too many quick, tasty soup recipes.
Thank you.

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Re: Pizza?
« on: March 10, 2016, 07:27:01 pm »
Thanks so much everyone.

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