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Messages - Cuilidh

Pages: 1 ... 510 511 [512] 513 514 ... 516
Chit Chat / Re: Anyone famous here
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:18:29 pm »
... we were recently on one of the Coxy's Big Break programmes late last year (I stayed well in the background!)

Chit Chat / Leaving bread to rise
« on: February 01, 2011, 07:47:45 pm »
I love making bread in the TMX but am curious to know why some breads require only one rising, whilst others ask for two risings.  Can anyone tell me why this is so?  If a recipe calls for just one rising, does it do any harm to leave it to rise for a second time, and vice versa?

Chit Chat / Re: Take care FNQ people.
« on: February 01, 2011, 07:50:09 am »
Stay safe all of you.

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone famous here
« on: February 01, 2011, 01:58:50 am »
MM - would I be right in thinking that you started up this forum?  Did you ever envisage it becoming the huge success it is today?

Chit Chat / Re: Manuka Honey Question
« on: January 31, 2011, 07:36:43 pm »
I'm not sure that this is an answer to your question, but I have heard for a long time and read that certain Manuka honeys (which you will generally find in health food stores - I think they display a number to indicate their strength) are purported to have extra healing and beneficial properties over other honeys.  I believe that that is empirical knowledge (however it is known that the ancient Romans used honey to heal wounds), but I recently heard that there have been medical trials of honey impregnated dressings being used on non-healing wounds with great success.  I am sure if you Google Manuka honey you will get further information.

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone famous here
« on: January 31, 2011, 06:14:58 am »
Sorry MM, I didn't mean to digress from your initial posting.  I've got to agree, it really would be great to see if there are any big names  behind the various forum names.

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone famous here
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:56:09 am »
Oh, Nay-Nay, that was very good, I liked that pun very much!!! 

I reckon our stars are Judydawn, Nay-nay, Cookie1, CP63, Isi, Farfallina ... as well as all the other hero and senior members whom I haven't named here because there are so many of you out there - you are all so patient, giving and helpful ... you ARE the real stars of this forum.

Chit Chat / Re: Kindle has arrived!!!!!!, now what to do with it!!
« on: January 28, 2011, 08:07:03 pm »
CP63, I just finished Snow Flower and the Secret Fan last night - hope you enjoy it as much as I did, it is an amazing insight into the traditions of China in the past. 

Looking forward to starting the Millennium trilogy over the weekend and hope it's not toooo addictive as I really have to get some work done in our garden before the weeds (or perhaps I should call them triffids!) take over completely.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: January 27, 2011, 08:14:23 pm »
Yesterday I did a huge cook-a-thon, so today I'm resting.  I made

LSA meal
Capsicum and sun dried tomato dip
Quirky Jo's Vegetables and Cashews with Coconut Satay Sauce and Coconut Rice - using tofu instead of chicken
Huge pot of passata (conventional method)
Noodle and cheese slice (from JudyDawn)
Puff pastry (thanks Frozzie)
Cyndi O'Meara's sausage rolls
Naan bread (I think from Achookwoman)
Breakfast Hash (JudyDawn to the rescue again)

.... exhausted just thinking about it, but my freezer is nice and full now.

Chit Chat / Re: Kindle has arrived!!!!!!, now what to do with it!!
« on: January 27, 2011, 07:57:21 am »
Cookie, the cover with the light is fine.  As the light sits in one corner, the bottom line or two of the opposite corner is not as brightly lit as the top, but it is still perfectly legible and I'm not sure that a really bright light would be helpful anyway because this could disturb others if you are using it at night (which, of course, is the idea behind the light in the first place).  I should imagine it would drain the battery fairly quickly, but I don't know how fast (or slow) the drain would be.

I'm half way through Snow Flower and the Secret Fan at the moment (recommended by one of our readers on the forum), and it's very absorbing, especially as we spent some years in Hong Kong before handover; it has made me better understand some of the attitudes of my local Chinese friends.

I've got Stieg Larsson's Girl with the Golden Tattoo (I think that's the name, anyway the first of the Millennium Trilogy) waiting for me next.  CP63, your Delicious Love Story sounds good - perhaps that will get downloaded in the next day or two.

I also just purchased a $50 gift voucher (once again, following up a posting from someone on this forum) so that I'm not charging loads of small purchases onto my visa card, hope it works.

I made this with tofu yesterday and also made naan bread to go with it - the tofu version was gorgeous - thanks for the recipe.  I simply substituted tofu (I had a 350 g block of firm tofu) wherever chicken was mentioned.  I did marinate the tofu for a couple of hours at the beginning, though, and I think that helped.

Desserts / Re: Blueberry Pie
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:09:35 pm »
Kerryn, I'm not sure where in Melbourne you are, but I go to the Abbotsford Childrens Farm farmers market (2nd Saturday of the month) or the Abbotsford Convent slow food market (4th Saturday of the month) for my blueberries.  There is only one blueberry seller there so you can't go to the wrong stand by mistake - their name is Moondara (I think, but I'm not near my freezer at the moment to check).  They are also selling fresh blueberries at the moment as it is their picking season so you have the choice of fresh or frozen.  Other than that, I know there are other organic blueberries available at the organic stalls at Victoria market, but I have found the Moodara to be consistently the best.

I'm trying this with tofu tomorrow - will let you know how it goes.

Chit Chat / Re: Encouraging healthy choices -support thread
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:44:40 pm »
Exercise always has been - and always will be - my main stumbling block.  We live in Melbourne during the week so I tend to walk most places - but I use the term "walk" loosely.  I start out with good intentions, striding along the street, but then I forget I am meant to be getting some exercise and drop back into my usual 'stroll', which really does me no good at all.  Ah well, I'll keep at it.

Have you thought about timing your walks?   If you are doing the same walks regularly, then you could set yourself goals of trying to do it a bit faster each week - nothing too ambitious mind  ;D ;D

That's a brilliant idea, Katya, thanks, I'll give it a go.  I bought a pedometer a while ago, but it was so complicated to use I gave up on it but I think it has a 'stopwatch' on it somewhere so perhaps I'll drag it and the instruction book out again and see how it goes.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Another Newbie!
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:58:24 am »
I'm so excited for you - you're going to have a brilliant Australia Day on Wednesday.

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