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Topics - LA Mummy

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Declutter with Thermomix!
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:55:58 pm »
I'm almost 26 weeks pregnant with our third child and so preparations have started in earnest. Thanks to Thermomix, some major decluttering has taken place. Have despatched the breadmaker, stand mixer, milkshake thingy and food processor, along with numerous cooking magazines. I love doing an op-shop drop with the car packed to the gills. Such euphoria! :D


Chit Chat / Have you ever...
« on: January 01, 2010, 03:38:04 pm »
...been so swept up with TM enthusiasm that you forget to put the rubber seal on the blades? :-[ Then you melt butter to make DS2 a birthday cake and don't even notice that most of it is on the bench rather than in the bowl. So when you finally get the cake out of the oven and out of the ring tin, it resembles nothing more than a small, chocolate U.F.O. DS6 then decides that perhaps it could be an alien party.

I'm sure these things only happen to me :D


Introduce Yourself / Waiting for Hermes...
« on: December 14, 2009, 12:43:34 pm »
So endeth months of lurkdom since my TM demo back in August because Hermes arrives this week! Named for the Greek god of fast cooking and minimal washing up ;D we eagerly await his arrival. My enthusiasm can only be matched by that of DS6 who was smitten with sorbet at the demo.

                DH has been heard to grumble 'hope this is worth it ' and other equally encouraging things. Understandably, I'm feeling a bit stressed about not making a mistake and showing Hermes off to his full advantage. Sooo, yes, there is a point to all this, what should I make first? What was it that got you thinking, ' I need one of these! '

Thanks everyone,

Karen ( another one! )

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