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Topic: New to Forum/Thermomix! (Read 7662 times)
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New to Forum/Thermomix!
May 30, 2018, 05:29:34 pm »
Hello everyone,
while searching around the internet to learn what I can about my new kitchen appliance (Thermomix) I came across this forum, and thought it would be helpful in learning how to use the Thermomix to its full capacity. I have the website with recipes and the actual book, but I feel limited with what I can make; especially as someone who does not like to follow an exact recipe. I love how easy it is to cook with the Thermomix, maybe just not how limited I feel. Does anyone have any suggestions where to find more recipes, or how they use the Thermomix with a broader since rather than just how it feels in the beginning?
Happy to have found the forum, nice to meet everyone!
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Re: New to Forum/Thermomix!
Reply #1 on:
May 30, 2018, 09:20:13 pm »
Hi Samantha, thanks for your lovely words and welcome to the forum.
When I first got my TMX I knew no one else who had one but luckily I came across this forum and I haven't looked back since! There are hundreds of recipes on this site so grab a cup of tea - or coffee - relax and have a good fossick around, it won't take you long to get hooked on so many of them. Perhaps you could start with
suggestions from Cream Puff and go on from there.
Marina from Melbourne and Guildford
I can resist everything except temptation - Oscar Wilde.
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Re: New to Forum/Thermomix!
Reply #2 on:
May 31, 2018, 12:52:04 am »
Hi Samantha, many of us are long time users of the Thermomix and back when we received our machines there were only the books that came with the machine. However these days there are blogs and websites aplenty so I suggest, after having a good look at our recipes, you spread your wings and go global. All you need to do is search for something and mention the word thermomix and you will find everything you need.
Eg put ‘beef stroganoff thermomix’ into your search engine and you will have plenty to choose from.
Thanks for joining us, enjoy your new machine and our friendly forum. Cuildh’s link is highly recommended.
Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 12:55:58 am by judydawn
Judy from North Haven, South Australia
Make the most of every day, you never know what is around the corner.
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Re: New to Forum/Thermomix!
Reply #3 on:
May 31, 2018, 01:08:51 am »
Hi Samantha. The two posts above have great advice. Like them I knew very little about the thermomix when I bought mine and there was little information available. I stumbled upon this site too.
By becoming involved on this forum, and asking questions I now use my thermomix for many, many things that friends don’t. They often ask “how did you learn that?” And I can honestly say on this forum.
I now have a lovely reputation with my bread making. It was all learned on here. Once you become confident you can use any recipe, anywhere.
My suggestion is, decide what you would like to make, and then check out the recipes on here. Eg a main meal that is all made in the thermomix. Baf’s Chicken is a lovely one with lots of variations.
The recipes on here are divided up so it will make your searching easier. Would you believe we even have a recipe for a brilliant cleaning product?
May all dairy items in your fridge be of questionable vintage.
Hero Member
Posts: 17054
Re: New to Forum/Thermomix!
Reply #4 on:
June 06, 2018, 02:24:41 am »
Hi and welcome to the forum. plenty of help here, just ask.
My Thermomix, Kitchen Aid, Pizza oven, Nu Wave 5 in 1, Spatulas, all brings love, laughter, happiness, and great food to my kitchen.
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