Author Topic: Australian Thermomix in the USA  (Read 22589 times)

Offline MrsArianaStill

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Australian Thermomix in the USA
« on: August 16, 2014, 09:15:51 pm »
Hi everyone, has anyone successfully used their Australian TM in the USA?

I recently married an American Naval Officer and moved over to Hawaii where he is stationed.
I left my poor Thermo in Perth, Australia and I am missing her terribly as I am sure you can imagine!!!!

I know there is a variety of differences in electrics between the two countries and have seen MANY posts about this without a definitive answer or follow-up as to whether their Thermo worked once they got it to the USA and bought the required converters etc.

I am looking for the advice of anyone who has SUCCESSFULLY done this and know EXACTLY how.

On a lot of posts I see people speculating as to what I migh' need or just to contact head office, so please spare me that.

I am just looking for first hand information from people who had done this and it has worked.

Hope someone can help!!!  :)

Offline Nicci

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Re: Australian Thermomix in the USA
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 07:36:31 am »
I am assuming Australia has 220-230V like we do here in Europe. Since the outlets in the USA give 110V you will need a "step up converter" that takes the 110 and gives out 220. I have used European 220-230V appliances in the US that way.

You must make sure the booster can handle the Thermomix Wattage (W) i.e. can handle the max need of 1500W

I have packed away my booster, but can check when I get home.

Ps: this page has useful info:
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 07:52:50 am by Nicci »

Offline MrsArianaStill

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Re: Australian Thermomix in the USA
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 02:32:14 am »
Thank you! That would be great!
I am just scared because the TM is so expensive i don't want to risk it. Hopefully someone has successfully tried! :)

Offline Absolut

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Re: Australian Thermomix in the USA
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 12:14:55 pm » are purchased from Canada...most of Thermomix in USA comes from the border! Let me know if you are interested and I'll get the contact for you!