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Messages - Katiej

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Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: May 15, 2022, 01:11:05 am »
Chookie I’m glad Ral will be able to come home from hospital soon.  It’s great you have family and friends around, for support and assistance. 

Sounds like you are doing a great job of culling.  I too had hundreds of cookbooks (not sure I had 500, but it might have been close) as well as a dozen or so boxes of foodie magazines I’d collected over many many years.  Last year I gave all the magazines and most of the cookbooks away on a local giveaway Facebook page.  Richard and I have also given away so much other stuff from our house and shed. I still have some cookbooks, but nowhere near as many as I had. 

I was reluctant to give them away (even the magazines, which were in boxes and never looked at).  But I’ve not missed them one bit.  As you continue the down-sizing and culling, you will keep what’s important and not give a second thought to the things you give away.

Richard and I are sending our love and support to you, Ral and your family xx

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: December 06, 2021, 08:50:39 am »
Thanks everyone  :)

Katie lovely to hear from you. Glad you and Richard are ok. Ral sends his regards. Glad your guests enjoyed the Tarts. I now roll several sheets of pastry into rolls and freeze them, ready to be cut into rings.  I also make the custard a day or two ahead.

Chookie - Richard says hello!  Please pass on our regards to Ral. 
I made the custard on Friday, then made the tarts on Saturday, and as we were so full we didn’t eat them until Sunday - they were still perfect on Sunday.  I’ll definitely be making them again  :)

Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« on: December 05, 2021, 06:15:44 am »
Hi everyone.  Just thought I’d pop in and say hello  :)

I hope everyone is well and staying safe.  Richard and I are both well.  I bought a TM6 a month or so ago (when they had the second bowl deal).  I still have my TM5 and my TM31.  Richard tells me I don’t need 3 Thermomixers and whilst I 100% agree with him, I don’t think I can part with any of them. I’m enjoying the TM6.  Haven’t had the time or inclination to try and put my own recipe on as yet. I tried making honeycomb and it was so hard I thought I was going to break my teeth on it (not sure what I did there).

Yesterday we had our neighbours from both sides over for a pre-Xmas drinks and nibbles.  I had made Chookie’s Portuguese custard tarts for dessert.  Everyone was too full for dessert (I still can’t stop over catering!) so they took the custard tarts home with them.  I’ve had text messages from both neighbours today telling me there were utterly delicious!  Thanks Chookie! 

Recipes from the forum are still my favourite TMX recipes  :D

Starters and Snacks / Re: Sweet & Spicy Carrot Hummus
« on: January 28, 2018, 08:24:17 am »
Thanks for trying it Cookie. I’m glad you liked it.
Your crackers look wonderful  :)

Starters and Snacks / Re: Sweet & Spicy Carrot Hummus
« on: January 21, 2018, 09:53:36 am »
Yes it is spicy Judy. The first time I made it I was a bit scared about the amount of sriracha in the recipe and I only put a tiny bit in. Then I tasted it and added more, tasted it and added more, until I was happy with the level of heat and spice. Perhaps do that, just in case you do think it’s too spicy.

Richard’s 13 year old nephew loved it and it wasn’t too spicy for him.  You might like to add a touch more maple syrup if you’d like it a bit sweeter. Richard complains when savoury food is sweet, so I held back on the sweetness.

Starters and Snacks / Sweet & Spicy Carrot Hummus
« on: January 21, 2018, 01:00:21 am »
This has been my go-to dip lately.  Everyone I have offered it to loves it.
I adapted the recipe from a recipe on a blog called "Bowl of Delicious" and converted it to TMX.
Its nice as a dip, or in wraps with chicken and salad etc.

Sriracha is a popular spicy chilli sauce that can be purchased from most supermarkets.

Sweet & Spicy Carrot Hummus

2 small to medium carrots (approx 150g), roughly chopped
1 clove garlic
1 x 400g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
30mls olive oil
20mls lemon
10mls maple syrup, or more to taste
25mls Sriracha hot sauce, or more or less to taste
1 teaspoon cumin powder
Pinch of salt and pepper

Add carrots and garlic to TMX bowl, chop 5 seconds speed 6
Scrape down sides of bowl
Add all other ingredients except water
Blend 10 seconds speed 8
Scrape down sides of bowl
Add ½ to 1 tablespoon of water
Blend 10 seconds speed 8
Scrape down sides of bowl
Taste and adjust if necessary (add whatever you think is needed - more cumin, lemon juice, Sriracha, salt & pepper etc)
Add a tiny bit more water if the consistency is too thick
Blend 10 seconds speed 8
Garnish with sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and a drizzle of Sriracha

Chit Chat / Re: Anything goes for Uni
« on: December 24, 2017, 08:27:30 am »
Hello everyone!

It’s nice to see you all still here cooking and posting away.
Popped in to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas from myself and Richard.  Eat, Drink and be Merry! Hope Santa brings you what you wish for.

It’s been a busy year, with work, life in general and moving Mum into a nursing home. Lucky for me I was able to get Mum into Wesley, which is a great nursing home and it means I get to catch up with Judy quite a lot.

I’m still cooking heaps and using my Thermie’s.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow forum friends 😀❤️ xx

Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« on: December 24, 2017, 08:21:30 am »
Tonight we are having some home made bread rolls from the freezer with some Xmas leg ham. Picked up the ham today from a local butcher, looking forward to trying it.

Chit Chat / Re: Anything goes for Uni
« on: June 15, 2017, 06:29:04 am »
Hi everyone  :)
I haven’t posted for ages, as life is keeping me quite busy.  I still enjoy reading what everyone is up to.

On 1st May Mum went into a nursing home for 28 days respite.  Mum’s age and her Parkinson’s disease, meant her living at home alone wasn’t really an ongoing option.  She hated the nursing home at first, but after a while settled in ok.  The nursing home was close to me, but the room she had was very noisy (stuck right between the kitchen and a storeroom) and she had a shared bathroom.  After the 28 days respite, she could have become a permanent resident, but I made the decision to extend her respite, in the hope the nursing home could find her a better room.

It turned out to be a good decision, as a better room did become available, but not in that nursing home – but in Wesley House (where Judy’s Mum and Geoff are).  Mum moved in last Thursday.  Her room is so much nicer and Wesley House is just wonderful, a lot better than the previous nursing home.  Mum’s in a different wing than Judy’s Mum and Geoff, but Judy has been going out of her way to help me and to help Mum settle in.  Thanks Judy  :D

Just need to sort out Mum’s house now, and then hopefully I can return to cooking!  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Anything goes for Uni
« on: March 28, 2017, 01:45:21 am »
Sounds nasty Astarra.  Hopefully everyone will be ok again soon.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: March 28, 2017, 01:44:31 am »
Luckily I didn't burn myself.  I always stand well back from the pressure cooker and use a long wooden spoon to move the value to release the pressure. 
The soup was mainly up the wall, on the bench top, floor and some on my clothes.

I'm scared of the stove top pressure cookers and I don't think I could use one of those.
Mine is an electric pressure cooker and it's very safe if used correctly.  It was user error for sure that saw the soup fly everywhere.

Cakes / Re: Macadamia Biscuits....alamost healthy!
« on: March 26, 2017, 05:37:02 am »
Looks like a nice recipe to try Cookie, thanks for posting it  :D

Desserts / Re: Lime Tart (FODMAP Friendly)
« on: March 26, 2017, 05:35:40 am »
That looks great Jamberie  :D

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: March 26, 2017, 05:34:47 am »
This morning I made pea & ham soup in my pressure cooker using the ham bone I froze after Xmas.

I had a bit of a disaster, I must have over-filled the pressure cooker a wee bit and once it finished cooking I released the pressure straight away instead of leaving it awhile to reduce pressure on it's on.  I ended up with soup everywhere, including on me and right up the wall.  Took me ages to clean up.  I shouldn't be so inpatient!  :-))

A big thank you to TMX HO for supplying the prizes and a big thank you to Judy for organising the competition and for paying for the postage.
Magic Bean Cake is a favourite recipe of mine.  My MIL is gluten free and magic bean cake is a quick and easy chocolate cake I can whip up for her.  Best thing is everyone seems to enjoy this cake, not just those who eat a gluten free diet.

I've made this recipe for many occasions, including my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary party.  They had a normal celebration cake ordered from a bakery and I supplied the GF alternative, making a huge square cake decorated with fresh cream and strawberries.

My photo is my MIL birthday cake from a few years ago - I think I need to remember less is more when it comes to cake decorating!

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