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Messages - NICKY 74

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I am making this tomorrow night for dinner, and was wondering why it couldn't be completed in the Thermomix. From reading the comments I guess it is because it would be too full, so if I reduce the quantity a bit, it  should work, has anyone tried this?
Thanks nicky

Vegetarian / Re: Sweet Potato Frittata
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:36:09 pm »
Thanks jd!  I ended up doing it in the oven, and was so delicious that I just made it again this arvo, love the lemon zest in it,, ready for a bunch of girlfriends coming over tomorrow night, along with the torte caprese, and orange shortbread...... And lets not forget the cocktails! Made a raspberry sorbet to go in a champagne cocktail,  and  piņa colada.

Vegetarian / Re: Sweet Potato Frittata
« on: May 19, 2013, 04:11:13 pm »
This recipe sounds lovely, do you think you could cook it in the varoma, I have made omelets before, but was wondering if the sweet potato would be cooked enough, I suppose I could steam that first while the rice is cooking! Think I may have answered my own question! Has anyone tried it in the varoma, thanks nicky

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Minted Orange Chicken - Meat on the Menu
« on: February 19, 2013, 01:18:11 pm »
I made this last night, and everyone loved it, me, mum and dad and my two kiddies aged 4 and 5
The only thing I did different was to use cumin seeds and mill them myself as I didn't have any powder, and I think that made it really tasty, also only added a few chilli flakes and no fresh chilli.
We gave this 5/5.
Served it with couscous and green beans and was a great combo. Nothing was dry at all, I did notice the chicken looked like it was getting cooked a bit too quickly, but I still gave it the full 12 mins, and it wasn't dry at all. It kind of shredded it quite a lot though.
Will def be making it again.

Chit Chat / Something weird is going on!
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:21:57 am »
Hi, I havnt been on here for ages, but just came back today and have noticed I have the same pic as cookie! How did this happen cos I don't even know who this baby is and I didn't put it there!
Any ideas, and I need to change my email
 Address that this is registered with, is this possible or do I need to open a new account?
Thanks for your help
Nicky x

Chit Chat / Re: WA Retreat Weekend
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:50:40 pm »
hi everyone, i have not been here for a while, but just seen this thread, managed to read the first 11 pages, and last 12 pages, sounds great, i live in busselton, so would love to meet up with you all at some stage during the retreat. hope that would be ok with you all. maybe come and join you for dinner or something. i must get to be now as it has taken so long to read this it is now ridiculous o'clock!
be in touch soon, nicky.  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Look what Target has ....
« on: March 12, 2012, 03:23:09 am »

judy, you are a legend!!!
i like the sound of the savoury pork particularly,
thanks nicky

has anybody else tried this one,with any other tweaks etc, as i had planned to make it tonight, just got pork steaks defrosting now, so thought i would check on here to see if it is worth making, and apears not! any other suggestions for my pork steaks?
thanks nicky

Cakes / Re: Choc Chip Cookies
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:25:29 pm »
yes, these are so grainy, i think adding anything else would be a waste too. the kids are actually eating them!

Cakes / Re: Choc Chip Cookies
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:53:57 am »
thanks judydawn, i was just using riceflour as that was what i had in cupboard, and as it was 8pm when i decided to make them there was no way of getting gluten free stuff (and my cornflour was wheaten)
 funny thing is, our morning tea got cancelled as the host went into hospital and had a baby!!!!! 2 weeks early. also, hosts husband is a chef, so dont think he would have been impressed at all!

Cakes / Re: Choc Chip Cookies
« on: January 08, 2012, 02:04:44 pm »
OMG!!! I just made these using rice flour, what a disaster, i tried googling to see if i could substitute rice flour for white flour, and the answer seemed to be a bit mixed, but one lady wrote that she just subbed it in choc chip cookies, so i thought i would give it a go, i added 2 tsp of baking powder also, well, i have one very flat mess!   :'(
it tastes pretty awful too, not sure if i milled the riceflour for long enough as it is a hard and grainy. does anyone have any tips, i was trying really hard to make something as i am going out for morning tea tomorrow, and there will be a little 5 year old there who is wheat free, so i thought i would make something that everybody could eat, (i dont think anyone will want to eat these!!!  :-[  )
now i dont know what to take tomorrow!

Chit Chat / Re: suggestions please to take a plate to kindy!
« on: December 07, 2011, 07:18:44 am »
well the gingerbread house did not work! (you can read full details in christmas tree thread if interested!)
cookie, i hope yours is much more successful than mine. have fun making it. we had fun even if it didnt work out, and it actually tasted nice.  :P

Chit Chat / Re: My Christmas Tree
« on: December 07, 2011, 07:12:11 am »
well, what a disaster that was!!!!! we had lots of fun decorating the gingerbread house, but i think the weight of a whole packet of freckles on the roof, was way too much for one poor little house, and collapsed before we could even take a photo, or finish decorating it! however, we did then lay it all flat and dd4, decorated the rest of it with smarties, she had fun, and it took me forever to clean up the mess! glad i didnt actually make the gingerbread in the first place, although i like the look of the mould from chefs toolbox maddy! also like the suggestion of doing shortbread in it.
so my image of my colour co-ordinated gingerbread house sitting next to my xmas tree is just not going to happen!   ;D
maybe next year! ;)

Chit Chat / Re: suggestions please to take a plate to kindy!
« on: December 07, 2011, 05:24:02 am »
thanks everyone, faffa, we dont have allergies to worry about in our class, even nuts are fine, as the food stays in the classroom and no-one in our room has an allergy.
i have some nice little cookie cutters, so i am thinking of making some cheesy bikkies in the shape of a snowman and sprading them with cream cheese and putting carrots, seeds or sultanas etc for eyes, nose etc

we are in the middle of decorating our ikea gingerbread house, and have taken a break for lunch while we wait for the glue to set, it looks a bit wonky, but hopefully it will stay put long enough to get the decs on!
my 4 year old is actually doing a great job of piping the icing along the edges. and licking the excess icing, think she will be sick before she gets to eat it! i got her to separate all the smarties into colours to keep her occupied while i was making the icing, and cant believe that she didnt even eat one!

will take pics of finished house, and kindy plate.

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