Author Topic: Recipe Review - Berry & Peach Quinoa Porridge - Baby & Toddler Book p141  (Read 2502 times)

Offline Tasty

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Made this yesterday for my 10 month old. She loved it!

I forgot to follow the instructions to cook the quinoa in the bowl and just steamed it in the basket as I have done before but managed to redeem it. I added a nectarine instead of peach (as that's what I had and is one of the options) and only had blueberries instead of mixed berries.

Did not serve with wheatgerm or maple syrup as I forgot that step and little miss was getting hungry.

Reheated it today in the TMX and she enjoyed it once again. Just wondering how others reheat their baby's food .... frozen and from fridge?

Linked JD

« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 09:40:22 am by judydawn »