Author Topic: Recipe Review - Blueberry Sauce & Jelly - Baby & Toddler Book p 188  (Read 2217 times)

Offline Tasty

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This can be quite an expensive sauce as 2 punnets of blueberries needed for this cost me $10 alone. It is a simple recipe though and we enjoyed this with greek vanilla yoghurt. It wasn't anything that great though. I will post that picture later.

I also used the leftover sauce to make jelly as suggested. The gelatine clumped up as I combined it with water. Not sure if this is normal but it seemed to work and it made jelly. I accidentally put the full amount of gelatine in when I should have reduced it so maybe that's why the end result was a little thicker than normal. The jelly itself was ok but I prefer more sweetness. My toddler enjoyed it though.

Here is a photo of how it set:

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« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 12:51:00 pm by Cornish Cream »