Author Topic: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup  (Read 11915 times)

Offline bellesy

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Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:39:25 pm »
For anyone eliminating sucrose from their diet, you can try this.  It's from David Gillespie's Sweet Poison Quit Plan book (, and it uses dextrose (which is glucose) instead of sugar.  Dextrose is available at places like KMart and BigW in the brewing section.  It's about the same price as sugar.

a. 1 red onion, peeled and quartered
b. 1/4 fennel bulb (no more or it's overpowering)
c. 1 stick celery, chopped into rough chunks
d. Small piece of ginger
e. 2 cloves garlic
f. 1/2 red chilli
g. bunch of basil, leaves picked and stalks retained
h. 1 teaspoon whole coriander seeds
i. 2 cloves
j. olive oil
k. salt
l. pepper
m. 3 x 400g tins chopped tomatoes with no added sugar
n. 200 ml red wine vinegar
o. 1/4 cup dextrose

Put ingredients a) to f) in TMX, plus the stalks of the basil, and chop for a few seconds on sp 7 until it's all fairly finely chopped.
Add coriander seeds and cloves. Add a good dash of olive oil and cook at 80 degrees, soft stir, for 15 minutes.

Add tomato tins and also one tin of cold water.

Bring to the boil to 100 degrees, sp 1 (takes about 8 mins or a bit less).

At this point you need to simmer it for up to 2 hours to get it to reduce by half (2 litres down to 1 litre).  I tried this in the TMX with the MC off, but after an hour it had hardly reduced at all, so maybe the opening of the lid is not enough surface area for letting the steam out, so I transferred it to an open saucepan, and simmered it there to reduce it.

Transfer back to the TMX, add the basil leaves and puree on speed 9 or 10 for 20-40 seconds until it's really smooth.

Add red wine vinegar and dextrose and simmer in the TMX (or a saucepan) until it reaches tomato-sauce consistency.  Taste and add salt & pepper as required.

Pour into sterilised bottles and store in the fridge.  It keeps for 6 months.

Offline Thermomixer

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2010, 01:18:57 pm »
Thanks bellesy. That does sound good. 

I am not sure why glucose/dextrose is beter than sucrose?  Need to buy the book?
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Offline bellesy

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2010, 01:47:42 pm »
Yes, the book explains it way better than I could!  Essentially, sucrose is half fructose and half glucose.  The glucose part is ok, but too much of the fructose is not.  Fructose is processed by the liver, and if you have too much, it will be turned into fats that get released into the blood stream.  Sugar is also addictive and interferes with the body's natural appetite control.  I'm sugar free now and seem to need much less food than I used to.  I also have also noticed a heightened sense of taste.  But because sugar is hidden in everything, you have to make a lot of things from scratch.  Which is where the Thermomix comes in really handy. 

The book is really good, and there is also a recent news article re: a study done by the American Heart Foundation on sugar here that's quite interesting:

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2010, 01:53:09 pm »
Thanks for that - I have some fructose sugar in the cupboard that I bought for some experiment?  Being a fruit sugar I thought it was good - live and learn (or don't live if you don't learn!)
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Offline bellesy

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2010, 02:01:05 pm »
Thanks for that - I have some fructose sugar in the cupboard that I bought for some experiment?  Being a fruit sugar I thought it was good - live and learn (or don't live if you don't learn!)

 :o Sounds scary! 

Offline lucyloo

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2010, 01:17:47 pm »
Thanks for posting this recipe I have just made it through my 3rd sugar free day.  but will make this on the weekend.  my hubby is busy putting new holes in his belt after being sugar free for 6 months.

Offline bellesy

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2010, 02:00:04 am »
Thanks for posting this recipe I have just made it through my 3rd sugar free day.  but will make this on the weekend.  my hubby is busy putting new holes in his belt after being sugar free for 6 months.

Yay!  Hope it's going well.   After about a week of being sugar free, I wasn't tempted by sweet things anymore, and have stuck to it without any setbacks for a few months now (and don't have any plans to turn back).

This sauce is an acquired taste and isn't identical to the bought variety, but the family seem to really enjoy it.

Offline pinkscrapbooker

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2011, 12:11:09 am »
I am giving this sauce a bash today, I am several weeks sugar free now, but still have the desire to eat chocolate! I have been blogging about my sugar withdrawal and how useful the TM is here if anyone is interested. :)

Offline Jad

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Re: Sugar free tomato sauce/ketchup
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2011, 12:33:46 pm »
Thanks for the recipe this sounds really good.

I finished reading 'Sweat Poison' a few weeks back and it scared the living daylights out of me. I am a major sweet-tooth as you will notice from the recipes I've shared. I thought of this forum while reading the book and wondered if anyone else in here had read the book at had some good ideas. A quick search led to this page!

I really do recommend this book to everyone as it's a real eye opener. Even to the point where I'd seriously consider taking my super sweet recipes off this forum so as not to cause any harm to anyone. As all this is new to me does anyone else know any really good sugar free websites?

Just to clarify sucrose (sugar) is made up of 53% glucose and 47% fructose. Like fuel is for a car, glucose is our energy for the body. All our body does for the most part is convert everything to glucose in order to make use of it. The fructose is the bad stuff. The less of that the better. It's basically hidden fat. If you can avoid it as much as possible and still live your normal eating habits other than this, you'll start dropping weight like nobody's business.

There is so much sugar in our diet now and this I believe is the main reason we in the western world are getting fatter and fatter. It's not from the fat, its the darn sugar lol. Who'd of thought?!?

Here is something that helped me think about this, which I got from the book...

Our body is really good at telling us we are full when it comes to fatty foods. It is terrible when it comes to fructose induced foods though. Apples have fructose in them but they also have some really good stuff in them that tells us when we are feeling full. Not many of you could stomach more than four large apples in one sitting. Thats cos our body knows when to say stop. The problem though is that four large apples is equivalent to 250ml of apple juice. We can all drink way more fruit juice in one sitting than we can full apples. This is where we are going wrong.

That's just natural fruit. It gets worse when we look at all the other stuff found on the supermarkets shelves. One shocker would BBQ sauce, an Aussie favourite. It's like 60% sugar or something! I could go on as this book really shocked me. I'm not overweight, I have a very physical job that keeps me fit. But I did eat like a trooper when it came to sweet stuff. I would skip meals just to get a larger helping of dessert. After reading this book I stopped all of that cold turkey.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Please take a serious look at it.

So we need

« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 12:58:37 pm by Jad »
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