Author Topic: Food labelling laws - want to know if there are preservatives, GM or nanoparticl  (Read 3647 times)

Offline Sundari

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by the 20th Nov 2009
This is an email about it from Additive alert.

You may be aware that our food regulator, FSANZ, have recently announced a comprehensive review of our current food labelling law and policy.

The review is being undertaken by The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council (Ministerial Council) and their first round of public consultation closes this Friday 20 November.

This is a very important review ( they are few and far between) and has the scope to improve our labelling laws for food additives, genetically modified foods and nanotechnology. The way things stand at the moment there is no requirement for food labels to tell us about GM content or if products contain nanoparticles, despite the widespread concern about the long term safety of these ingredients.

Many of you may have already sent your comments in but, if you have not, then I urge you please to take 5 minutes to have your say. Just copy and paste the following paragraphs ( edit to add your own words if you want to) and send it to the Review Panel at no later than this Friday 20 November.
( Dont forget to add in your name and contact details at the end or else it will not be valid!!)

Thanks for your help!!

Best Regards


I wish to register my concerns about food labelling in Australia and request that proposed changes to the food labelling provisions in this country be amended to include the following changes:


Declare all food additives.

There currently exists a 5% loophole in our food standards code in relation to food additives, whereby if an ingredient comprises less than 5% of a food product then the food additives in that ingredient do not have to be declared on the label. Many consumers wish to avoid certain food additives which are often not disclosed on the labels under this loophole. I request that the food labelling review ensure that this 5% loophole is removed and that the new legislation requires manufacturers to declare the presence of ALL food additives in products, no matter how small the quantity, to enable consumers to exercise informed choice.

Warning labels for harmful colours:

As a result of the 2007 Southampton study into the effect of some food colours on children’s behaviour, the EU has introduced legislation ,effective July 2010, requiring any products which continue to use the artificial colours 102, 110, 122, 124 129 to carry a warning label. To ensure that Australian consumers enjoy the same level of protection as EU consumers , I request the food labelling review to ensure that Australian products using the above 6 colours be required to carry a warning label advising consumers that these additives may have an adverse effect on attention and behaviour in some children.

Genetically modified content

I request that the food labelling review also ensure that all genetically modified content is clearly disclosed on labels to enable consumers to exercise informed choice.


I request that products with ANY nanotechnology component be fully disclosed on the labelling also to ensure consumers can exercise informed choice.

Yours sincerely


Birth Worker
Mum to one DD 6yrs
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Offline meganjane

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Thanks. We already have this in another post "Four weeks to change labelling laws" by Nay-Nay.
A great cook is one who can rustle up a fabulous family meal with some freezer burnt chops, wilted carrots, sprouting potatoes and cabbage that's gone brown on the cut edges.
The Bush Gourmand

Offline Sundari

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Sorry didn't see that before I posted.
Birth Worker
Mum to one DD 6yrs
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Offline meganjane

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Not a worry, the more the merrier. Hopefully people put in the submissions! ;)
A great cook is one who can rustle up a fabulous family meal with some freezer burnt chops, wilted carrots, sprouting potatoes and cabbage that's gone brown on the cut edges.
The Bush Gourmand

Offline Nay-nay

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;) :D ;D Great to see others are interested - I think it is very important to have a say in this.