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Messages - achookwoman

Pages: 1 ... 1447 1448 [1449] 1450 1451
« on: December 02, 2009, 12:49:41 pm »

Thanks for this fab. recipe Thermomixer.    Made it for visitors tonight,  fabulous.    Cooked it at 80 but otherwise made it exactly as stated.

CHRISTMAS / Re: Christmas Pudding with carrots - achookwoman
« on: December 02, 2009, 12:52:25 am »

 thanks Thermomixer.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: December 02, 2009, 12:49:07 am »

Nice to see so many welcomes , thank you.     Answers to ?'s.   BREAD-  Would like to do some posts on bread.  Both yeast and sour dough.    I'm experimenting with drying the sour dough culture.   If this works,  I would be prepared to post ( no charge ) to forum members who want to make sour dough bread but can't be bothered growing their own culture.

WHY - big question.  I love cooking, we entertain a lot, I have equipment to make life easier.  My 5 year GD says Ma likes to feed the world.!  I realized at the deomo. that I had things that would complement the T.M.       An Ice maker, an Icecream Machine and a vacuum sealing machine.  I vacuum seal many things and then freeze them.    Soup,  made in the T.M is enough for 4-6 serves,  we eat some and then I freeze the rest in 2 serve amounts.    I can rush in from the garden and have lunch on the table in a few minutes.

FRIDGES  and FREEZERS - CP63 I have a few !    A large bench one, that the kids call jurassic park, ( clean this out every 6 months ) cook up anything that  has escaped attention, and give to the chooks.  Also 2 upright ones organized into various  categories, with a card system so that I can quickly find whatever.   We live 20 mins. from the nearest shop,  and 30 mins, from a decent shopping center.   I can't resist a bargain,  if something is a good buy,  I must have it.   

This all sounds a bit over the top-  but we eat something from the garden every day,   Friends will bring fruit or vegies that they have too much of and we will have a cook up.    They go home with 1/2 of what we have made plus a loaf of bread.   I often make a loaf of bread to the 2nd proving stage ,and they cook it when they get home.   The T.M recipe (modified) is excellent for this as it can go in a cold oven.

CP63 you could point out to your mum,  that since I have had the T. M. our bottled gas bill has been cut in 1/2.

Introduce Yourself / Re: hello from another newbie
« on: December 01, 2009, 11:19:07 am »
Hi Pandateddy,  you are about to have the time of your life.    Could I make a couple of suggestions ? 
 1.   Take annual leave so you can spend lots of time playing with your T.M.
 2.   Stock up on eggs, lemons, and raw beetroot.
 3.   Buy some of those cheap stainless dishes from the $2 shop.( good for placing on top and weighing things.)

I'm only half joking.

Drinks / Re: Irish Cream [like Bailey's] - achookwoman
« on: December 01, 2009, 11:02:35 am »
JulieO,    thanks for the recipe for the Irish Cream.   I'll make it and invite some friends around and we will do a blind test.

Jams and Chutneys / Re: Anyone successfully made a nice jam?
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:38:23 am »
Love jam making.    Judydawn,  when you mentioned your Mum's tomato jam,I looked up my "trusty" little book called "Windfalls", to see what it said about tomato jam.    There is a recipe but not with   a ny cordial or such like.   Her recipe has tomatoes,apples ,and   lemons.   She also has one for Tomatoes and Rhubarb.  The author is Sue Ruchel,  and her recipes are simple     I have used it to make chutneys and they have been very good.   I've just notice a recipe for Hawthorne  berries , both jam and jelly.  Think I willhave a go in the T.M !

Jams and Chutneys / Re: Lemon and Carrot Marmalade
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:07:57 am »

I some times use this marmalade , heated and served as a sauce over that flourless orange cake.   Also use it under steamed puds .

Cakes / Re: Pineapple fruit cake - achookwoman
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:52:16 am »

marmee, just leave the nuts out.    They were not in original recipe.    Also,  with the Xmas pud. recipe leave the nuts out if they are an issue.   With the Xmas pud they don't add much to the flavor, just crunch.  I've put the pud recipe on my Blog and will see if my friend who is coming for tea tomorrow can show me how to transfer it over.    Unless Thermomixer would like to do it ?    Thermomixer, I looked the Pud article in the Age,  no it was not me.    My recipe has more than suggestion of carrot, it has quite a large amount and can be increased with no bad effect at all.

Chit Chat / Re: Where is JudyDawn?
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:37:35 am »
Just read post about Geoff.  Chin up, at least it is something that can be treated.   What you need, is to do a little T.M cooking.    Glad you are feeling a  lot better.     Best wishes to both of you.

Cakes / Re: Pineapple fruit cake - achookwoman
« on: December 01, 2009, 06:05:24 am »

The Xmas Pud recipe is a very long one, will try and put it on tonight.(need to spend the rest of today in the garden.)   I've been making this one for about 40 years.  The original was American, I think.

« on: December 01, 2009, 05:38:48 am »

Have just read the zab. recipe.   Visitors for tea tomorrow, so will try it out.   Thanks Thermomixer.    I usually make 2 desserts when we have visitors so will make Brazens Pav. with raspberries.   Thanks.

Desserts / Re: Desserts
« on: December 01, 2009, 05:21:07 am »
Thanks Thermomixer, please keep an eye on me.    This apple recipe is probably the most popular of all the recipes that I have shared over the years.   It is a terrific Autumn/Winter recipe.   We had for tea last night as I was converting it and wanted to make sure it was o.k.  Being a bit watchful of the power bill , I cooked it in the bottom of the oven while I was cooking my Sour dough.

Desserts / Novel Apple Pudding
« on: November 30, 2009, 11:26:51 am »
Number of People: 4 to 6

4 cooking apples
3/4 cup of sugar
2 Tblsp. S.R flour
1 Tblsp. Butter
1 cup of cold water


Peel and core apples.   Cut into thick slices with hole in center
Place in a pie dish
In TM bowl zap flour with sugar
Add butter and zap
Tip in cold water and mix speed 7 for 10 sec.  [ the mixture will look curdled, but this is o.k.]
Tip over the apple

Bake at 200oC ff about 30 mins.

I usually just peel the apples, cut into quarters , take out the core and cut in 1/2 again (1/8ths)

This recipe does not double successfully .    Best to make a second dish.



Starters and Snacks / Re: Chicken liver and pistachio pate
« on: November 30, 2009, 11:00:56 am »
Thanks for the Pate recipe Gertbysea.   I make Pate as Xmas presents.    The one they liked last year had orange zest in it.  Do you think I could add this ?

Introduce Yourself / Introduce yourself
« on: November 30, 2009, 10:46:05 am »
I am going to attempt to introduce myself.     Although I have been a member for a few days , I have't introduced myself because i didn't how.    I'm still not sure that this will end up where it should.   But ,here goes.   I am a Grandmother who lives in the country, in the Macedon Ranges, in Victoria.     i have been interested in cooking since I was a child [I could cook a roast dinner for the family when I was 12].   I have a vast range of cooking books - over 300.  I like going to cooking demonstrations.    I flew to Tassie to a cooking class last April.   This was a 70th. Birthday present.  I am passionate [ some might say obsessive] about bread making.  Sour dough is a real interest.    Since I've had my T.M I have worked at the basic recipe for bread in the EDC book. It is not good.   The ingredient list is o.k.,  but the process is poor.  
Having had a working life as an educator, it is not surprising that I teach friends how to make bread .  Today was good, I used the T.M to make sour dough.  I used the machine to do the  kneading  .  
My aim is to learn to use this computer, so that I can enjoy the sharing and contribute .[I also got this computer for my birthday].  and have made real progress with help from the most generous Thermomixer and Judydawn..  I would like to be able to post pictures of recipes i've converted.    Perhaps this is aiming a bit high.

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