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Messages - abundanceatangas

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Chit Chat / chunky coleslaw? meringue/pavlova?
« on: December 18, 2010, 10:27:57 am »

Is there a trick to getting a more even consistency with the coleslaw?  I was left with big chunks of onion and carrot.  I was afraid to keep blending in case I turned it all to mush. 

Can someone please direct me to a post that has covered having success with getting egg whites to peak, please. 

Thanks for any help/advice.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: EDC Coleslaw
« on: December 18, 2010, 10:21:30 am »
I have made this tonight and I'm not sure about the texture of it.  It is a bit chunky with some of the vegies (some big chunks of onion and carrot).  Do others keep it blending for a bit longer than the 4 seconds (I think) or have another technique for more consistency?  Thanks

Chit Chat / Re: Cheap eating with intolerances?
« on: December 05, 2010, 08:14:42 am »
Thanks Merlin, it's good to know other families are thriving with thermomix and coeliacs. 

Drinks / Re: Magic Milk Shakes
« on: December 04, 2010, 11:35:02 am »
Oh, and we use whey powder instead of milk powder, wouldn't make much difference to taste though.

Drinks / Magic Milk Shakes
« on: December 04, 2010, 10:15:45 am »
My kids love these from Hillbilly Housewife - they call them "Fake Shakes"
They are super easy to make in the thermomix and have a nicer consistency,

We have changed the recipe slightly - we only add a tablespoon or two of sugar and we use ricebran oil and ricebran oil spray instead of the corn oil.  You could use any healthy oil that is not overpowering in taste.


Chit Chat / Cheap eating with intolerances?
« on: December 04, 2010, 09:58:12 am »
I'm a new TM owner.  I convinced myself it was a good investment because my son is gluten intolerant and we use rice milk (not because we are necessarily intolerant to dairy - more of preference).

I have made the cyndi o'meara gluten free bread, and even grinding the grains for flour, I estimate it cost me around $3 a loaf, cheaper than we can buy gluten free bread fresh, but I generally pick up gf bread reduced at supermarket for $2.50 and freeze straight away.  I am pleased that I'm not using preservatives, but we get through nearly a loaf a day.

I have made the basic rice milk and it was yuk!  Jo's rice milk is yummy, but one thing that sold me, was that my demonstrator told me the rice milk would cost me about 10c a litre - uh-uh, the basic one would be around 20c, which is great; but pretty inedible, Jo's would be around $1 a litre, which is great, but not quite the savings I was imagining.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my purchase, but I would love some ideas of how others may cook with restrictions and save money by using the thermomix.

I understand we all have different ideas on what would constitute expensive/inexpensive.  We are on a pretty tight budget and would like to get our weekly shopping at $150 for four of us.

Thanks for any advice.

Thankyou; that sounds wonderful.

I have heard that apricot kernal oil has the highest sunprotection of any oil; but couldn't say for sure - maybe that could be another option for the oil.

Non Food Recipes / Re: Coconut oil deodorant
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:08:18 pm »
I have heard that coconut oil is great on nappy rash, glad to hear you've found it so.  Yes, it is a lovely website.

I hope you have success with the deodorant, I have found it to be really good.

Non Food Recipes / Coconut oil deodorant
« on: December 01, 2010, 04:42:23 am »
This may have been posted before, but this is the deodorant I have used for a year and think it's great.

I love that the thermomix can whiz this up in a matter of seconds. 

When I  made a batch today I'd just finished making rice milk so there was still a bit of heat which I guess melted the coconut oil.  I will try it next time cold as I'd like to see how it goes because it's  quite difficult mixing it by hand when the oil is cold.

Chit Chat / Re: A few questions
« on: December 01, 2010, 12:30:21 am »
We have made: rice milk x 2, gluten free bread dough, shortbread dough, chocolate cake, stock concentrate, orange and lime sorbet, "fried" rice, crepe mix, ginger beer.  I have put some silverside in the fridge to cure (didn't need Tim for that), but will be cooking it in him tomorrow night.  I'm so excited to find a silverside recipe without all the nasties; can't wait to try it.

Chit Chat / Re: A few questions
« on: December 01, 2010, 12:06:56 am »
His name is Tim, the two thousand dollar man.  I luf him already.

Chit Chat / Re: A few questions
« on: November 29, 2010, 07:16:56 am »
I'm so excited; my themomix is being delivered tomorrow morning.  My demonstrator is going to help me cook "Fried Rice", orange and lime sorbet, and rice milk.  Mmmmm ....

Chit Chat / Re: A few questions
« on: November 22, 2010, 12:51:41 am »
Thanks, I love your blog Jo; seems like my kind of food :)  My computer is slow to load it and scroll through it though.

Thanks for your help; I just ordered my thermomixer (gulp!)

Chit Chat / Re: A few questions
« on: November 21, 2010, 05:04:27 am »
Thanks for your replies.   What type of grains do you grind, Quirky Cooking?  I think I will need to be able to grind wheat for bread.  I will be grinding rice and other gluten free grains as well.

Andiesenji, does it make a lot of wastage having to sift out the wheat before using?  Although, I guess you just said you use your nutrimill for grinding!

Chit Chat / A few questions
« on: November 20, 2010, 08:40:48 am »
Hi all,

I introduced myself a few weeks back after I'd had a demo - or was it before? 

I have the money together now to buy myself a thermomixer and have been looking through the forum.  It is such a great forum.  I've been learning heaps and I love it that there are such a lot of healthy ideas.  A couple questions though ...

The lady who demonstrated for me said to buy the "Full Steam Ahead" cookbook I need to have a varoma demo.  Do I need the "Full Steam Ahead" cookbook.  Surely there are recipes for the varoma in the main cookbook.  Will I be able to work out the varoma without a demo?

I read that it doesn't grind grains all that well.  Is that true?  That is one of the main reasons I would like a thermomixer.

I know I had other things I wanted to ask and now I'm drawing a blank!!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.


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