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Messages - quirkycooking

Pages: 1 ... 90 91 [92] 93 94
Bread / Re: Fruit-Filled Brioche
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:50:33 pm »
I don't know - I've never used a pizza stone.   Is that for making sure the underneath browns nicely?

Bread / Fruit-Filled Brioche (with photos)
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:17:33 pm »
We love this fruit-filled bread!  Use whatever fruit you like (cooked and cooled a bit) - I was going to fill this one with the leftover cooked apples and cinnamon I had in the fridge, but when I went to get them, they were gone... (My kids love cooked apple - they eat it on toast.) So in the absence of anything else, I used a tin of peaches. It was still yummy!

This is an easy breakfast if you're an early riser - it took an hour and a half from beginning to end (but only about 10 minutes of actual work, so you can go for a jog while it rises, and have a shower while it cooks!  :D ). If you're not an early riser, have it for morning or afternoon tea!

1. Place in Thermomix bowl and mix for 10 seconds, speed 6:
- 400g unbleached plain spelt flour
- 2 tsp (or 1 sachet) instant dry yeast
- 60g honey
- 40g oil (or butter)
- 1 egg (optional)
- 1/2 tsp fine sea salt
- 150g rice/almond milk (or other milk) (approx. - check as you mix to see if you need more milk or more flour)

2. Mix on interval speed for 3 minutes, wrap in breadmat (or place in oiled bowl and cover), and rise in cold oven for 20 - 30 minutes with a shallow pan of boiling water in the bottom of the oven to create steam.

3. Remove from oven and roll dough into a circle, about 1 cm thick. Place dough on pizza tray lined with baking paper. Spoon cooked/tinned fruit onto centre of dough, and fold dough over it into the centre, leaving a hole so you can still see some of the fruit.

4. Place tray back in cold oven and turn it on to 180 degrees C (less if fan-forced). (Leave the pan of hot water in the oven.) Leave to rise and bake for about 25 minutes, checking towards the end and turning tray so it browns evenly. May need a little more time - lift brioche up a little to check if it's browned underneath.

5. Slip onto a large plate, slice like a pie, and serve hot!

News about Thermomix / Re: Vegan blog - vivacity
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:38:37 pm »
Hi Vivacity - your blog will be very interesting - can't wait to see all your great vegan recipes.  I have a customer whose son can't eat eggs, dairy, wheat, soy and peanuts, and I know she'll be interested in seeing your dairy and egg-free recipes!  How do you post comments on your site?  I couldn't figure it out.  That seitan looks interesting - is it a meat substitute? Jo.

News about Thermomix / Re: Chocolate Class - Melbourne
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:13:42 pm »
Oooooh - I'm so jealous!!!  Can we have the recipes?

I've just posted my latest chocoholic favourite - my version of the chocolate filled dumplings with cherry sauce... yum!

Chit Chat / Re: What do you all think of this idea?
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:47:33 am »
Sounds good!  Can we do versions of both risotto and rice pudding?  :D

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from North Queensland
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:02:08 am »
Welcome Molly!  Hope you get lots of great ideas and inspiration from this forum!  I know I do!

Chit Chat / Re: Meal Planning Thread
« on: August 20, 2009, 10:33:05 am »
Just checked out your blog Jo - loved the look of the 'fried' rice meal and the amount it makes.  Hope Kathryn has seen that for her brood of big eaters.  On my growing list of things to do.

Yes, that's a good one for big families!  My group leader Nancy taught me that one.  I just pack the Varoma full of veges so it makes heaps!  You can also leave the meat out, and stir tinned tuna in at the end instead - forgot to mention that.

I just made the Russian Salad from the Varoma cookbook - that makes heaps too, especially as you can almost double the recipe and it will all still fit in the Varoma!  (I used more veges and 5 eggs - got enough left over for tomorrow! Yay!)  Used nearly a whole batch of mayonnaise in it, as I like it nice and moist.  So that's another good one for big families.

Chit Chat / Re: What do you all think of this idea?
« on: August 20, 2009, 10:25:08 am »
So when's the first challenge?  We're moving soon, but I can always make time for cooking!  :)

Chit Chat / Re: What do you all think of this idea?
« on: August 20, 2009, 09:03:02 am »
Sounds like fun!  I'm in!  (Do you mind if I change the recipes to make them wheat free, dairy free and naturally sweetened?  Can't eat it otherwise!)  :P

Chit Chat / Re: Meal Planning Thread
« on: August 20, 2009, 09:01:03 am »
jo, twas only last night i was wondering about using cashews for satay and voila, there it was!~!! thank you so much! (you have no idea how many of your posts i have bookmarked in my blog reader LOL)

Thanks Brazen!

Chit Chat / Re: Meal Planning Thread
« on: August 20, 2009, 08:46:36 am »
Hi quirkycooking, are you able to provide the Green chicken cashew curry recipe?  I've had  a look on your blog and wasn't able to see it there either and it sounds like it would be lovely.

Here it is!  I changed the title, because this time it didn't turn out green - I didn't have enough herbs!!! :P  But you can make it as green as you like.  It is SOOO yummy!  (In the photo I mixed the stir-fried veges in with the sauce and chicken pieces - there's a few different variations.)
Wow, that is so technical!

I have a piece of paper I print out - it's a Word document with spaces for all the family's outings and commitments for the week written in to each space.  It looks a bit like this:
Food Prep (defrost something, buy something...?)
What's On

Dinner (main meal)
Cook (who's turn)
Night (what's on)

... and so on for all the days of the week, with Baking and Other Notes at the end.  It's 2 columns.

So I print off my piece of paper, write in our commitments, think about the food we've got at hand and start planning.  I write in easy meals for when we're home late, and more time-consuming ones for at-home days.  Once I've written in a few basics, I look up recipes which use up the ingredients we have.  I have a shopping list beside me to write down anything extra I need to buy.  Next to the meal, I write a code for where to find the recipe - F for folder, E for Everyday Cookbook, etc.  I also write the page number.

We swap meals, or if we miss one it's moved to early the next week (to use up the ingredients).

This method has worked for our family of 8 (plus visitors) for years.  I couldn't NOT menu plan, it's so vital to the way I shop and spend my day.  Having to choose a meal at the end of the day would just be too stressful around here!

I like your method, Bel!  Think I'll try it!  (This woman is an amazing organizer!)

I sometimes swap meals around, especially if the timings don't work out or I forget to thaw the meat out. Or, as today, I have too many leftovers and don't need to cook!  Yay!  Actually, I'm going to cook anyway, as I have a demo tomorrow and need to prepare tomorrow's lunch tonight.  (My DH is working night shift, so has a main meal at lunch.)  But at least I'm ahead because dinner's in the fridge for tonight!

Chit Chat / Re: Meal Planning Thread
« on: August 17, 2009, 08:34:16 am »
Here's our menu plan for the week - for more details, check my blog!

Monday: (lunch) leftovers; (dinner) Green Cashew Chicken Curry (TMX) on rice (making lots so I have leftovers).

Tuesday: (lunch) Vege & chickpea pasta sauce (TMX) on spelt fettucine; (dinner) leftovers/salad & spelt bread (home late).

Wednesday: (lunch) Crockpot Ragout; (dinner) Vege soup (TMX) and spelt rolls (TMX).

Thursday: (lunch) Free Form Vegetable Pie (made with my own spelt & lard rough puff pastry, TMX); (dinner) Fish strips with baked potatoes and salad.

Friday: (lunch) Tuna mornay (dairy free) (TMX) on rice & corn pasta (made ahead - I'll be out); (dinner) leftovers & salad.

Saturday: (lunch) Spaghetti bolognaise & salad & spelt rolls; (dinner) Lima bean stew & salad.

Sunday: (lunch) Beef pot roast (crockpot with veges); (dinner) Spelt rolls (TMX) and beef and vege soup (TMX) (made from leftovers).

Chit Chat / Re: Meal Planning Thread
« on: August 14, 2009, 11:23:19 am »
i don't think i've stuck to mine for a single meal so far this week  8)

Don't worry, I usually have a few changes during the week, like today I was late home for lunch, so instead of taco salad, I just made hamburger patties out of the mince, and chucked salad and bread on the table and we made our own hamburger sandwiches.  Menu planning is like everything else - you've got to reach for the stars... you might not get them, but you won't end up with a handful of mud either!  ;)   (How's that for poetic!)

Special Diets / Re: Quinoa recipes
« on: August 10, 2009, 06:11:17 am »
I love quinoa!  My husband is so addicted to it, he takes it to work for lunch and gets lots of comments about the odd things he eats!  We use it like rice, or warm in salads like a tabouli or a pasta salad.  But you really should soak it to remove the saponins on the outside - that's the natural bug deterrent, and will deter you too!  It's the highest protein grain there is, and very good for you.  Here's my recipe for Mexican Quinoa:

Chit Chat / Re: Meal Planning Thread
« on: August 10, 2009, 05:50:05 am »
I always plan my weekly menu, so veges don't rot in the fridge because I forget they're there! :P  I get an organic vege box on Fridays from a local community garden, buy meat bulk (local, chemical free), buy nuts, grains, seeds, dried fruit bulk a few times a year... so my freezer always needs checking before planning to make sure things are being used, and not forgotten.

I'm trying to work on having more protein at breakfast and lunch, and more carbohydrates at dinner, (as protein gives you energy and wakes you up, while carbohydrates make you sleepy - see Cyndi's book). I really notice this when homeschooling my kids - the last thing I want is sleepy, floppy kids  :-[ who can't concentrate on their work in the mornings, then wake up and go balistic at night  :o when you're trying to get them to bed! So for breakfast we've been having things like fruit or fruit & nut smoothies, and...

- mince (beef/turkey) in white sauce gravy (dairy free) on spelt toast;

- poached eggs and mince patties with toast;

- porridge with fruit and finely chopped nuts;

- boiled eggs chopped up in a white sauce (dairy free) on spelt scones;

- bean & vege patties;

- scrambled eggs on toast;

- wholegrain pancakes with pecans and apple sauce/pure maple syrup (I only have one or two with syrup - too sweet!) ...

This kind of breakfast keeps you going for a while, and gives you heaps more energy.  :D  (Note: I don't completely cut out protein at night or my husband would miss out on meat meals - I'm just cutting down on the meat and adding more carbs at night.)

Monday: (lunch) Meatball & bean & vegetable soup (TMX); (dinner) Vegetable curry (TMX) on brown rice.

Tuesday: (lunch) Stir Fry veges & beans (TMX) with quinoa (TMX); (dinner) Marinated chicken wings (crockpot) with basmati rice and leftover stir fry veges (for the family - I'll be at a TMX demo).

Wednesday: (lunch) Scalloped eggs with broccoli (TMX); (dinner) Salmon patties (TMX), mashed potatoes (sweet & regular) (TMX), lots of steamed veges (TMX).

Thursday: (lunch) Savoury lentils (TMX) on rice (TMX) with raw vege sticks; (dinner) Crumbed steak, baked potatoes, steamed veges (TMX).

Friday: (lunch) Chilli Taco Salad (dairy free version); (dinner) Creamy vegetable soup (TMX) (dairy free).

Saturday: out for lunch (demo, kids at G'mas); (dinner) Potato wedges, dairy-free 'sour cream', mackeral patties & veges.

Sunday: (lunch) Roast chicken & baked veges; (dinner) Soup (TMX) & spelt bread rolls (TMX).

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